The Pussycats Find Izuku's Mate Chapter 6: Round 4: Surprise Round

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Izuku sighed. He was still upset over the entire competition. He just wanted it to be all over. He turned to head back to the gym. By the time he had gotten there, everyone else was already seated in anticipation for the fourth round. There were only two rounds left before they found out who Izuku's mate would be. Many of them were excited to see the conclusion to the drama that had caught the attention of the entire school. After a few more minutes, the Pussycats and Principal Nezu returned. The three remaining contestants were standing on the stage, each of them eager to start the mysterious round that had troubled their minds for the past few hours. Nezu stood up on the stage, "Hello and welcome back. We have some unfortunate news. The trial that Ragdoll had chosen is not legal. So we have to decide a new challenge." Many of the audience groaned. They were obviously upset that the round they had been wondering about had been canceled. After a few more seconds, Nezu continued, "Instead, we will have the students fight each other. They will continue to fight for ten minutes. This will be a test of their skills. Now contestants, go get changed into your PE uniforms." The three students did as they were told. Meanwhile, Ragdoll got onto the stage, "Sorry everyone. Didn't know that it was so illegal to do my round. But at least we get to see them fight. Now tell me. Who are you voting for? What is your ship?" "Momodeku." yelled a student. "Tetsudeku!" yelled another. "Kirideku." this time it was a teacher. There were many more shouts against others that went this way. Then Ashido spoke, "Momodekushima? Tetsudekushima? Tetsudekumomo?" Everyone looked at her and said, "No! Stop!" For a few seconds, there was absolute silence. Then, Ashido spoke again with, "Momotetsukirideku?" Everyone groaned in annoyance. The pink girl said, "You can't hope to stop me. Why you ask? Because fuck you, that's why! Fight me scrubs!" Everyone groaned and turned away from her as the students returned in their uniforms. Ragdoll said, "Okay. The contestants have returned so we can start. No more fighting over ships."

The three students stood facing each other. Each one of them seemed ready to face the other two. Ragdoll was ready to announce the beginning of the fight. She waited for just enough suspense to be built so that the crowd would be thoroughly entertained. After a few minutes, she said, "And begin!" As soon as she said that, Tetsutetsu and Kirishima hardened both of their bodies and went after one another. However, before they could reach each other, they were trapped in wrapping. They turned to see Yaoyorozu with her shirt open. She was holding a lighter and scarves that resembled Aizawa's capture weapon. Todoroki said, "That's the same method she used in the end of term practical battle. She made a copy of Mr. Aizawa's capture weapon, but using a material that regained its original shape once it's heated up. Clever." The two boys continued to struggle. Eventually they managed to break through the tough material, but now they only had two minutes to fight. They both charged at Yaoyorozu. Unfortunately for them, she had already made a plan to deal with them. She had a catapult that launched nets. She used this to tie up their legs. However, Kirishima managed to break out of the rope nets by going into his unbreakable form. He launched a punch against Yaoyorozu, but she quickly made a small shield to block it. Tetsutetsu managed to escape the net and attacked Kirishima from behind. He narrowly dodged, but reared up to throw a punch back at him. However, Ragdoll announced, "And that's time. It is over." The three contestants sighed and went back to their positions. They waited for the judges to make their decision. Ragdoll spoke, "Well, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is... you'll have to face each other again in round five. The good news is the same as the bad news, you all made it through this round. No elimination." The contestants each let out a sigh of relief. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were especially pleased since they had  expected one or both of them to be eliminated since they had spent so much time getting captured by Yaoyorozu. As the three students went back stage, Principal Nezu stood up on the stage, "Okay. In a little while, we will have the fifth and final round. It will be all about hero facts. Good luck to all of our contestants." With that, the audience left the gym to take care of anything that needed to be done before the final round. Izuku was about to leave when he heard someone call out to him. he turned to see the principal, "We need you for something special."

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