EPP Cinderella Chapter 3: The Ball

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At the ball, Kirishima, Prince Charming, was dancing with the females from the kingdom. After some time, he approached Bakugo and Jiro and started dancing with them. First, he danced with Jiro, who pretended to be interest in him, following the story line. Bakugo was the next to go. He gritted his teeth as he started dancing with his friend. Luckily, the prince understood the other's discomfort and ended the dance quickly. With that, he had danced with everyone in the room. Iida, playing the prince's attendant, asked, "My prince, have you found anyone who has caught your interest?" Kirishima groaned, "No. Everyone here is just interested in my status as a prince and they don't care about me at all." Iida frowned, "Well, you must find someone to be your partner. For the sake of the kingdom." The prince rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Izuku, Cinderella, was being driven to the ball in the pumpkin carriage. It was a quick trip that lasted only a few minutes. Once he arrived at the castle, he started walking up the stairs and made his way into the ballroom. Izuku looked around the ballroom and saw that Bakugo and Jiro talking to each other, saying that they had caught the attention of the prince. Unbeknownst to them, Kirishima was looking around and spotted Izuku in the corner of the room.  The prince quickly got up and started making his way to the newcomer. Izuku was shocked to see the prince in front of him. Kirishima held out a hand and asked, "Hello. May I have this dance?" Izuku blushed deeply and took the prince's hand, "Yes, of course." The two of them began dancing in the middle of the ballroom. The other guests stopped speaking to each other, all of their attention now on the couple dancing. Several started asking who the person dancing with the prince was. Bakugo and Jiro looked at Izuku. They narrowed their eyes, feeling as though they had seen the stranger somewhere before.

 Izuku and Kirishima looked deeply into each other's eyes as they continued to dance. What was supposed to be one dance soon become two, then four. The two didn't even seem to notice how much time had passed since they had started dancing. However, the clock in the ballroom started ringing to inform the guests that midnight was fast approaching. Izuku stared at the clock in shock. He had completely forgotten what his fairy godmother had told him about being home by midnight. Izuku broke away from the prince and panicked, "Sorry. I must go now." Kirishima was stunned for a moment before he started chasing the other. Izuku hurriedly ran down the steps and one of his shoes fell off. He was about to go get it back, but the clock rang again. He was running out of time. Izuku decided to leave the shoe and ran to the carriage, yelling at the horses to started running towards home. The horses obeyed. Kirishima called out to him in hopes of stopping him. He let out a disappointed sigh before noticing the beautiful shoe that was on the steps. He picked it up and took it with him back inside. 

Izuku was growing worried as the clocks in the town started ringing loudly, informing that it was midnight. With that, the horses and carriage turned back to normal. Izuku fell on the ground as his fancy clothes returned to their normal rags. He grabbed the mice and pumpkin and ran back to his home. After hiding the mice and putting the pumpkin in the trash, Izuku ran back up to his room and changed into his sleeping clothes. He hid the dirty clothes and went back to bed. He curled in bed and went to sleep, dreaming of how he danced with the prince. Izuku went to sleep with a smile on his face.

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