EPP Cinderella Chapter 1: Step Family

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Eri and Aizawa were heading to the class 1-A dorms for another play. Eri was skipping in excitement, "What play do you think we'll see tonight?" Aizawa said, "Not sure. Those kids probably had trouble deciding." As the two of them arrived at the dorms, they found Midnight and Present Mic already sitting down on the coach. Aizawa asked, "What are you two doing here?" Midnight said, "Well, why wouldn't we come see our precious student's play." Hagakure walked in, "Silence please. The play is about to begin. Aizawa and Eri took their seats as the curtain rose. Hagakure announced, "The story tonight is about Cinderella." Izuku was on stage, playing the part of Cinderella. Hagakure narrated, "Long ago, there was a beautiful child named Cinderella. Cinderella was beloved by her parents, but her mother passed at an early age. Her father then remarried to a woman with two daughter. Unfortunately, the father fell ill and passed away as well. Cinderella was left at the mercy of their two step-sisters and her wicked stepmother. They were forced to clean and do all the chores in the house." Izuku was shown to be forced to work on the orders of the step-sisters, played by Bakugo and Jiro. Izuku continued to clean and complete the chores given to him. Once he was done, he went to the attic to speak with the mice, which were being controlled by Koda's quirk.

Hagakure narrated, "Meanwhile, at the castle, the king was telling his only son that he needed to find a wife." On stage, Iida was playing the part of the king while Kirishima played the part of the prince. Iida yelled, "My son, you must find a wife. The two of you must then have a child so that the kingdom has an heir." Kirishima said, "I'm eighteen. Are you planning on me dying when I'm twenty or something?" Iida said, "You never know. I hear that there are all sorts of diseases and plagues going around." Kirishima said, "Cause we're in the Middle Ages." Iida asked, "How do you know that?" Kirishima said, "Because there's a monarchy that wants to have the prince married when he's a teen." Iida thought for a moment, "I suppose you're right." Aizawa thought, 'Huh, so they decided to put their own twists to making the story more exciting for them to act out. Smart.' Iida said, "But it does not matter. At this rate, you'll good looks will fade away and no woman will want you. Just look at what happened to me. Once I lost my looks, your mother left me." Kirishima stood up, "You told me she died!" Iida paused for a moment, "Yes, because she had an unattractive husband, so she died of embarrassment. Anyways, I'm sending invitations to the entire kingdom and demanding that every unmarried woman attend a ball to chose your wife." Kirishima reached out to grab Iida's arm when the curtain fell and opened to reveal the scene. The teachers in the audience were shocked to see Principal Nezu on stage, playing the part of the stepmother. Nezu opened the letter, "Oh, it seems that the king is having a ball for his son to chose a wife at the castle. All the women in the kingdom are invited. Interesting. My daughters, this is the chance of a lifetime. Do not ruin it, like your father ruined our marriage." Bakugo and Jiro bowed politely, "Yes mother." Izuku was humming happily. Nezu glared at him, "Cinderella, why are you humming?" Izuku turned to his stepmother, "Why, I'm just excited about the ball this evening." Bakugo scoffed, "There's no way someone like you would be able to marry the prince." Jiro said, "You don't even have a dress to wear." Izuku said, "But, the invitation said that all the women in the kingdom must attend." Nezu silenced them all, "Silence. Alright Cinderella. If you manage to complete all the chores and make a suitable dress to wear before we leave for the ball, you may also attend." Bakugo and Jiro gasped. Izuku jumped up in joy, "Do you really mean it? I can go?" Nezu said, "But only if you manage to complete all the chores and make a dress." Izuku nodded in understanding and ran to get started on the chores. Bakugo asked, "Mother, is that really okay?" Jiro said, "They'll be an embarrassment to us if we're seen with them." Nezu chuckled softly, "Do not worry. The chores will take all day to finish. That means that they won't have a chance to make a dress to wear." Izuku had rushed to the attic and told the mice what had occurred. As they went to start the chores, the mice decided to rummage through the step-sister's personal belongings to make a dress for Cinderella. As the day came to an end, Izuku walked up the stairs to the attic slowly. They had managed to complete the chores, but were left with no time to make a dress. When they opened the door, they were shocked to see the dress. They immediately put it on and rushed downstairs to show it off. Bakugo gasped as he looked at the dress, "Hey, that's my scarf!" Jiro yelled, "And my pearls." The two of them began tearing the dress apart to reclaim their stolen items, leaving Izuku in rags. Nezu stared down at them, "Well, it seems that you'll be staying home Cinderella. Please, take care of this mess you made." Nezu, Bakugo, and Jiro walked out the door, leaving a crying Izuku in the rags of their dress.

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