EPP: Prologue

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Aizawa said to all his students, "After school today, make sure that every single one of you comes to the teachers lounge. There's something incredibly important that I need to discuss with all of you." With that, the pro hero walked out of the room, leaving his students to wonder what he needed them for. Kirishima asked, "What do you think that was about?" Ashido said, "Not sure, but it must be something super important if Aizawa is asking for all of us to help." Izuku said, "Well, we should help regardless of what he needs us to do." Kirishima smiled at him, "That's the spirit Midoriya!" Izuku blushed at the small comment from the red head student. Bakugo scoffed, "It better not turn out to be a waste of my time." Kaminari said, "Come on Bakugo. Be nice. After all, that's what a hero does." Bakugo merely scoffed.

After school ended, the students went to their dorms to change into their casual clothes and began walking to the teachers lounge as they were instructed by Aizawa. When they got there, they were all shocked to find the room littered with different princess toys. Aizzawa saw them and waved them to him, "Good. You all made it here." Uraraka asked, "Mr. Aizawa, why are there so many princess toys on the ground?" Aizawa sighed as he pointed to Eri, who was sitting in one of the corners of the room, reading a princess book. The entire class made sounds of understanding. Aizawa walked over to Eri and took the book from her, "Eri, say hello to the students. They came to visit you." Eri looked at the UA students. Then she ran to a bookshelf, grabbed a book and ran towards the students. She smiled, "Hello. Deku, look at this book. It's about a princess who got turned into a frog." Izuku smiled at her, "Oh, that's nice Eri." He then turned to Aizawa, "Mr. Aizawa, what exactly was it that you called us all here for?" Aizawa said, "Well, as you call all see, Eri here has entered what one might consider a princess phase." Yaoyorozu said, "Well, that's no surprise. I remember when I had a princess phase when I was younger. My parents even had a small castle constructed. It could only hold about fifty people, so it wasn't much like the thing of fairy tales." Uraraka fainted, "What is you life?" Yaoyorozu smiled, "Well, I would like to give it to Eri, but it was destroyed in an incident when I was practicing my quirk when I was in my hero phase." Aizawa sighed, "Well, going back to the task at hand. I can't keep buying Eri all these princess toys. And it keeps getting worse with the season getting closer to Christmas, meaning that even more princess toys are being made. As a result, my account balance is dangerously low. So, I need all of you to do something to divert Eri's princess attention away from toys and books for a while, until I can procure more money or until her princess phase ends, or at least calms down a little." Bakugo yelled, "What?!!??!? You bought us all here for that!!!" Kaminari said, "Mr. Aizawa. You know we love Eri, but that has absolutely nothing to do with us!!" Ida said, "I believe that you are beginning to abuse your authority as our teacher too far." Izuku said, "Hey, come on guys. We should help him out. He's done so much for us. This is the least we can do." Kirishima wrapped an arm around Izuku, "He's right. it wouldn't be manly of us to just ignore Aizawa's request." Izuku blushed at the comment and having Kirishima's arm around him. Aizawa said, "Of course, I don't expect you to do it unawarded. Any student who participates in helping me will receive a few points of extra credit." The students yelled out, "All right." "That sounds good." "I'll do it for some extra credit." "Yeah, let's do it." Izuku sighed, "Man, they only agreed to help when they were told that they would receive extra credit." Kirishima said, "Don't worry about it Midoriya. You and I still wanted to help regardless." Izuku nodded and turned to Eri, "Hey, Eri. How about we put on some plays for you? We can all act out some of your favorite princess stories." Eri grinned widely, "That sounds great Deku!" The other students looked gloominly at Izuku for what he said. many of them were obviously displeased with this idea, but they had already chosen to participate. Aizawa smiled, "Wise idea Midoriya. You definitely deserve extra credit."

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