EPP Sleeping Beauty Chapter 2: First Play

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The students of class 1-A continued to practice and rehearse the lines for Sleeping Beauty. They practiced whenever they had the chance, even when they were preparing for their hero training. After several days of practicing, the students were finally ready to put on the play for Eri. Iida asked, "Is everything prepared for the play?" Momo nodded, "Yes. Everyone has managed to learn and memorize their lines, the props are all set up, the special effects are ready, the costumes are all made and free of any rips or tears, and the song list is set up. We are all ready to put on a play." Iida smiled, "Excellent. I shall go and inform Mr. Aizawa that we are prepared to put on the play for Eri. If it is possible, we should put on the play tomorrow night." Iida ran off to talk to Mr. Aizawa. The other students were setting up for the play. Aoyama and Izuku were going over their scripts. Aoyama asked, "Are you nervous about the play tomorrow?" Izuku looked at him, "No. Why do you ask?" Aoyama smiled, "Well, you are going to have to kiss Kirishima tomorrow. You know, as part of the play. You never did practice it." Izuku began to blush madly, "Well, that's because there was never any point in practicing. It's pretty hard to mess up a kiss. I mean, unless someone was really bad at it, which I'm sure Kirishima isn't." Aoyama said, "Well, at least you get to enjoy a kiss with your crush." Izuku looked away and whispered, "Yeah."

Aizawa and Eri walked to the class 1-A dorms after school. They were accompanied by Midnight, All Might, and Present Mic, all of whom wanted to see their student's play. Midnight licked her lips, "Ah, a child's play put on by teenagers with hormones. Now that's bound to be interesting." All Might said, "Midnight, please remember that this play is for Eri. Don't ruin it with your mature talk." Midnight winked, "No promises." Aizawa sighed as they entered the dorm rooms. They walked to the common room, where the play was being shown. There was a curtain in front of the couch, which had been moved further to give the students more space. Iida came out from behind the curtain, "Thank you all for coming to our featured presentation. The play will begin shortly." Iida went back behind the curtain. After a few minutes, the curtain rose to reveal a castle background.

Hagakure narrated, "Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a great king and queen. One day, the king and queen gave birth to a beautiful princess." Shoji and Momo appeared on stage with a crib nearby. Eri looked at the crib, "But that baby is a boy." Hagakure said, "The baby was born transgender. Now don't think too much about it." She cleared her throat, "In celebration of the princess's birth, the king and queen threw a huge party and invited all the people in the kingdom. There were three fairies that came to the party with gifts to give to the princess. Iida, Sato, and Ashido rushed onto the stage wearing their fairy outfits. Ashido said, "We shall each bless the child with a single gift each. No more, no less. (Ashido turns to the baby) Little child, my gift shall be the gift of beauty." Ashido waved her fake wand and moved back to join the other two. Sato went next, "Tiny baby, my gift shall be the gift of song." He waved his wand and went back to the others. Iida walked up, "Very well, listen tiny child. My gift shall be..." Just as Iida was about to announce his gift, smoke began to fill the stage. As the purple smoke dissipated, Bakugo appeared in a Maleficent costume. Ashido yelled out, "It's Maleficent!" Iida asked, "What do they want?" Sato shushed them. Bakugo grinned evilly, "Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and, how quaint, even the rebel.  I feel quite distressed for not having received an invitation." Iida said, "Well, you were not invited. So please, leave the premises as soon as possible." Bakugo gasped, "No wa...? Oh my, what an awkward situation. I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight. Well, in that event, I'd best be on my way." Momo asked, "And you're not offended, your excellency?" Bakugo said, "No, of course not. In fact, I shall give the princess a gift as well. Listen well, when the sun sets on the princess's sixteenth birthday, they shall prick their finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!!" The crowd gasped in complete shock. Shouji yelled, "Grab that creature." Maleficent laughed maniacally before disappearing in smoke. Ashido said, "Don't despair your majesties. Merryweather still has her gift to give." Shouji asked, "Can you undo the curse?" Iida shook his head, "Unfortunately no. My power is not strong enough. But I can save the child. My gift shall be that when the princess pricks their finger on the spinning wheel, they will fall into a deep sleep, from which they can only be awoken by true love's first kiss." Iida waved his wand and went off the stage. 

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