The Pussycats Find Izuku's Mate Chapter 5: Round 3: Quirks

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The students of 1-A met up around the snack area to discuss the next round of the competition. They were discussing who they believed still had a chance to get with Izuku. Ashido and Sero were on the sidelines comforting Kaminari. He was depressed, but still talked, "I may have lost, but at least all the girls here got to check me out." "Young Kaminari." The students turned to see the principal approach. Kaminari responded, "Yes Principal Nezu?" Nezu said, "I have received a number of complaints regarding you. Apparently all the girls in the school signed a petition to make sure that they never have to see you without clothes on. In other words, they don't want you." Kaminari just moved to a corner to feel depressed as the principal walked away. The rest of the class laughed at his misery. Izuku still sulked at the reminder that he was going to be married at the end of the competition. They were already reaching the midway point. He sulked as he went back to the gym to join the rest of the crowd. By then, the judges were back at their table.

Pixie-Bob stood on the stage to announce the beginning of the third round, "Alright everyone. For this next round we'll be observing each of our contestants quirks. This won't take long to go over. For this round, we'll be considering the contestant's quirk, how they can be used, how they go with Midoriya's quirk, and the benefits of a fusion between quirks." The crowd was confused. If they were considering the combined quirks, that meant that only Yaoyorozu could be judged in that category. Nezu spoke up, "For those of you who don't think that two men can have a child, you are wrong. Due to advancements in insemination and genetic removal, it is now possible for men to have children that is composed entirely of their own DNA. They would only need a woman's womb to have the baby grow. So every one of the contestants shall be judged on all categories. Keep in mind that Midoriya's quirk boost natural abilities, such as quirks themselves, so any quirk that is mixed with his will grow many times more powerful than it could have been if it was separate. Well, anyway. Let's get on with the contest." The crowd was silent. They had known that Izuku's quirk increased his physical power, but they were unaware that it could boost the power of other quirks. At that moment, Monoma said, "Well class 1-A. Looks like our classmate's child is going to end up being more powerful than any of your children. Haha." Kendo knocked him out and apologized for the disturbance. Pixie-Bob said, "All the students will now demonstrate their quirks. We had them write down the ways that they use their quirks as part of the application. Don't want to let people with bad quirks get into the contest. Separate the wheat from the chafe, you know?" As  she finished, the curtain rose up to reveal the four contestants in their gym clothes. They were stretching out except for Yaoyorozu, who was eating a plate of food she had procured during the break. That was when her classmates remembered that the more she had in her body, the more she produced. Sero said, "Oh yeah. Her quirk works like poop." He did not even have time to breathe again as Ashido knocked him out for saying that Yaoyorozu's quirk acted like poop for a second time. Luckily, Yaoyorozu was too far away to hear him and be distracted. As they finished preparing, Pixie-Bob said, "Alright students. Show us your quirks." And so they did. Tetsutetsu and Kirishima both hardened their bodies and started to exchange punches. Bakugo released explosions of different sizes and showed off their power and flashiness. Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu began to produce All Might merchandise. None of it was actual merchandise that was sold, as Yaoyorozu was against using her quirk to 'ruin the economy' as she said. Izuku gasped at the All Might merchandise as it was made with starry eyes. Uraraka saw this and said, "Well, looks like Yaoyorozu will be winning this round. She can produce all types of merchandise for Deku if he wants. Her quirk wouldn't really get that powerful if mixed with his though." All Might came up and said, "Actually Uraraka, it would become more powerful. If the two quirks were to mix, their child would be able to create more while wasting less materials." Uraraka made a sound of understanding as she turned back to face the contestants. By then, the stage was in chaos. Each of the boys was trying to show off their power by fighting one another. Yaoyorozu, however, merely sat in a corner as she produced more hero merchandise. After a few more minutes of the chaos, Pixie Bob whistled in order to get everyone's attention, "All right. We've decided. Contestants, please line up so that we can tell you which one of you is kicked out." The four students got into a line as they anticipated the results. Pixie-Bob stood up and said, "OK. It's not easy for me to say this, but... Bakugo, you're out." For a moment, everything was silent. Then immense yelling followed by extreme cursing. He lunged forward to attack the judges, but was stopped by Aizawa. Pixie-Bob continued, "Your quirk is powerful enough as it is. However, it doesn't go with Midoriya's quirk. And you have a bad relationship with him. Sorry." He was removed from the stage as the remaining contestants were led backstage to prepare for round four. Once Bakugo was gone. Ragdoll stepped on stage and said, "Now it's time for the mystery event where the competitors will face their inner demons, slay them to overcome their mortality and emerge bathed anew in the blood of their past selves. But first, a break. We'll reconvene in twenty minutes. Take that time to freshen up, collect any bets you may have made, etc. And good luck to our three remaining contestants." She stepped down from the stage. The crowd exited, still curious and startled by what event Ragdoll may have in mind.

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