New Years Special

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It was New Years Eve, just a few short hours from the new year. The students of class 1-A were all getting ready to celebrate the new year with each other by decorating the common room. Ashido and Hagakure were giggling as they finished hanging up streamers around the room. Meanwhile, Bakugo and Kaminari were on the couch, snuggling with each other while sharing a pair of earbuds to listen to a song on Kaminari's phone.  As the other students finished setting up the decorations that were needed, Kirishima and Izuku were in the kitchen baking cookies for the entire class. Kirishima giggled as he watched his boyfriend working hard on the design of the cookie and making sure that they followed the instructions exactly. The two of them giggled at each other as they continued to get flour on themselves, making them look like ghosts. After a few minutes, it was time to take out the first batch of cookies that they had put in the oven. Izuku put on the oven mitts and opened the oven to remove the cookies. He had made some All Might shaped cookies that looked almost exactly like him. Izuku closed the oven and took them to be set aside, "Kiri, I finished the first batch. You can put in your cookies." Kirishima smiled at him, "Thanks Izuku. I'll put them in right now. I just need to get my mitts." Kirishima put on his own mitts and grabbed the tray that his cookies were on. He went to put them in the oven just as Izuku as coming by to put the All Might cookies in the container. However, just as Izuku was beside him, Kirishima tripped. His own cookies, which he had made to look like Crimson Riot, landed safely on the floor. However, he had slapped Izuku's tray and ended up landing on it. Once he saw what he did, he got up to see that he had crushed all the All Might cookies. Kirishima looked at Izuku, who was surprised. Kirishima quickly got up and dusted himself off, "I'm so sorry Izuku. I didn't mean to do it. I just tripped. I have no idea why. Sorry." Izuku said, "It's okay Kiri. I understand. You just tripped on accident. It's not like you did it on purpose." Kirishima sighed, "Damn. I thought that after that stupid Christmas curse, I would be okay, but I still keep making a mess of things. Sorry Izuku." Izuku kissed his cheek, "It's okay Kiri. I already told you. None of this is your fault. Come on. Your cookies are still good. Put them in the oven while I go work on the other cookies. If we have enough time, I can make more All Might cookies, so relax." Kirishima smiled at his beloved boyfriend and did as he suggested. After that batch of cookies were put in the oven, the two began on the next batch. Izuku had suggested that thy make more cookies that looked like their UA teachers and them in their hero costumes. It was difficult to make the cookies based off their friends in the costumes, but it was made simpler thanks to Izuku having drawings of everyone in his analysis notebook. In the end, the two had enough time to make another batch of All Might cookies. 

There a few minutes until midnight left. The entirety of class 1-A was in the common room, getting ready to greet the new year together. Everyone was enjoying themselves to the cookies that Kirishima and Izuku had made for everyone. Mineta especially liked the ones that looked like Yaoyorozu. Tsu ended up complimenting Izuku and Kirishima over how accurate the appearances of the cookies were. Izuku and Kirishima blushed as they held hands. Meanwhile, Kaminari was busy feeding Bakugo the cookies that he said were okay. Ida was the only one who was not truly enjoying the cookies. Jiro asked, "Hey, Ida. Aren't you gonna eat the cookies? They're really good. You should hurry before they're all gone." Ida said, "Well, I do admit that they look delicious, I feel a bit odd about eating a cookie that looks like me or my colleagues." Uraraka then shoved a cookie into his mouth, "Come on Ida. Loosen up a little. It's okay." Yaoyorozu said, "Everyone, the countdown is starting!" The students ran to the computer screen that was counting down. The joined the countdown, "!!!! Happy New Year!!!" The students yelled in excitement and a few popped their poppers. The couples kissed each other to welcome the New Year. Kirishima and Izuku were also kissing while embracing each other. As they separated, Kirishima said, "I swear that this new year with you will be amazing. I love you." Izuku smiled, "I love you too, Eijiro." 

Happy New Year!!! Thanks to all the readers. I hope that you will continue to read my works in this new year and that you have a good time. Thanks to yasir9202 for the cookie disaster idea. Thanks again for reading. Happy New Year!!!

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