13 Unlucky Days Until Christmas Chapter 14: Day 13: Christmas Confession

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Kirishima stood in front of Izuku. His other friends had already confessed to their crushes and now it was his turn to do the same. Kirishima looked at Izuku and said, "I...I...I...." Before Kirishima could even finish his confession, he threw up all over Izuku's clothing. Many students gasped, some groaned in annoyance, and some some yelled, "Oh, come on!" Kirishima looked at Izuku and wanted to die. Izuku said, "Wait here, Kirishima. I'll grab a quick change of clothes and take you to Recovery Girl." Kirishima stood still as Izuku went to his room to get changed. He came down in clean clothes to take Kirishima to get checked out. Kirishima nearly had a nose bleed when he saw Izuku.

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, "It was a git from my dad

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Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, "It was a git from my dad." Kirishima gave him a small smile before they went to Recovery Girl. 

Recovery Girl was obviously unhappy to have been bothered on Christmas, but she gave Kirishima a full check up anyway. Kirishima and Izuku were both waiting for the results. After a few minutes, she said, "Well, it looks like Kirishima just ate too many cookies. He should be fine now that he threw them all up. I won't give you a candy now to keep your stomach from getting full again. Now, go. Enjoy the day. Merry Christmas." The two boys got up and left, "Merry Christmas, Recovery Girl." The two walked back to the dorm rooms in awkward silence. Kirishima said, "Midoriya. Sorry for throwing up on you." Izuku smiled, "It's okay, Kirishima." Kirishima said, "No, it's not okay. I've been cursed for the past two weeks and because of that my hair went crazy, I got a bunch of rashes, my pants kept falling down, I spilled a lot of stuff on you, I broke your limited edition All Might figurine, I messed up your special jacket, I couldn't sleep, I caused a chemical accident causing you to get hurt, I said some pretty mean things to you when I got amnesia, I hurt you in hero training, I ruined the movie we were watching, I got embarrassed by your father, and I threw up on you. All because of the curse UA has on people who want to confess on Christmas. And that's what I wanted. To confess. To you. And all I did was make things difficult for you." When Kirishima finished, he realized what he had said. He turned to see Izuku blushing madly. Kirishima tried to cover up his accidental confession, "Um, here. I got you this. Well, only one is for you. The other is for me." Kirishima gave Izuku the wrapped present. Izuku unwrapped it and opened the box, gasping when he saw what was inside.

 Izuku unwrapped it and opened the box, gasping when he saw what was inside

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Izuku smiled, "Kirishima, I love it." Kirishima smiled, "I'm so glad." For a moment, there was silence until Izuku suddenly kisses Kirishima. He separates from the red head and says, "I love you, too." The two of them giggle and go to Izuku's room while the other students celebrate in the common room.

Midnight was talking to the other teachers about the past few classes. They were drinking to celebrate Christmas. Midnight had just finished telling them about the funny things that Kirishima had to go through the past weeks. Just then, Recovery Girl walked in. Aizawa asked, "What happened?" Recovery Girl said, "Well, Kirishima ate too many cookies and threw up on Midoriya. But he seems fine now. And Midoriya doesn't seem too angry." Aizawa said, "Threw up on him, huh? Well, I guess that should be the last curse. And we all know what happens when someone goes through the curse." Midnight gasped, "Oh, that's right. I completely forgot to tell Kirishima that once someone goes through the 13 Unlucky Days Until Christmas, they end having sex with their crush." Vlad King looked at her, "You forgot to mention that the two of them would have sex?!" All Might said, "Seems like a pretty important thing to forget." Midnight just shrugged her shoulders. Recovery Girl sighed, "Well, now I regret not teaching sexual education. Well, let's hope this turns out all right."

Several hours later, Kirishima and Izuku wake up in bed together. They kiss each other good morning. They walk to the kitchen and find many of their classmates passed out on the common room floor. The two laugh at their friends. Suddenly, Bakugo comes in while carrying Kaminari bridal style. The two of them had bed head, but the most noticeable thing about them was all the hickey marks on their bodies. Kirishima said, "Um, you wanna cover those marks up?" Bakugo said, "You wanna cover yours?" Kirishima and Izuku looked down to see that they did indeed have hickey marks on their body. Kaminari said, "By the way, mistletoe." The two looked up to see that they were under a mistletoe. They smiled and shared another kiss under the mistletoe. 

Thanks to everyone who read the story, voted and even gave suggestions for it

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Thanks to everyone who read the story, voted and even gave suggestions for it. I wish you all Happy Holidays. The next story shall be a New Years Special. Have a Merry Christmas.

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