EPP Sleeping Beauty Chapter 1: Preparing

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After they left the teachers' lounge, the students of class 1-A gathered around in the common room. Iida asked, "Well then, does anyone have any ideas as to how we can entertain Eri? Remember, we cannot do anything too extravagant, since it would cost resources to repeat. Any suggestions." Jiro raised her hand, "Well, we can try singing some of the princess songs to her. I mean, it'll be short, but it might work." Iida thought for a moment, "Perhaps, but we may not have the correct musicians for the necessary instruments. Not to mention that learning the songs could take time out of our studying. Anyone else?" Mineta said, "Let's put on some plays like class 1-B did for the cultural festival. We can base them on princess movies. I mean, it's been done before by high schools." The students thought about the suggested and began to agree, "Yeah, he's right." "If a normal school can do it, so can we." "Another totally normal school thing in our free time." "I bet I can make the clothes with my quirk. It could double as training." "Koda can make the animals act the way they do in the movies, so it might actually end up being better than the plays other schools put on." "This could be fun!" Iida spoke up, "Then it's settled. We shall put on a play for Eri. Now, which story should we do first?" Izuku said, "Oh, the book Eri showed me was Sleeping Beauty. Why don't we do that?" Iida said, "Very well. Now, we must decide the roles." Kaminari chimed in, "Bakugo should be Aurora because he likes to sleep so much." Bakugo growled, "What the hell did you say you sparky bastard?! I'll blow you up!" Uraraka said, "Bakugo should be Maleficent and Deku should be Aurora." Bakugo turned to her and nodded in agreement. Izuku asked, "What? Why me?" Uraraka said, "Well, Jiro doesn't have the hips for it." Sero said, "Then, Uraraka, you should be the prince." Uraraka glared at Sero, "Um, excuse me. Did you just assume my sexual orientation?" Sero took a step back, "Uh, no. I just thought that Midoriya would be more comfortable with you, since the two of you are so close." Mineta said, "Well, I think that Kirishima should be the prince, since he is so manly and all that, like a prince should be." Kirishima grinned, "Sure, no problem. I'll be the prince of the play." Kaminari whispered to Mineta, "Where'd you get the idea to have Kirishima play the prince?" Mineta whispered with a smug look, "It's been obvious since the work studies that those two are very close. I then observed them for a period of time and concluded that they liked each other. This gives them the chance to let their true feelings run wild. I guess I'm just that nice a guy." Kaminari stared at Mineta, who continued, "Plus, if those two start dating, that means two of the class's nicest men are no longer competition for me, meaning that I have a higher chance with the girls." Kaminari sighed, "Dude, you're cold, using love like that." Mineta turned to him, "Love is the cruelest weapon there is." After that, the rest of the roles were assigned.

Shoji- Aurora's father

Momo- Aurora's mother

Deku- Aurora

Iida- Blue fairy

Sato- Green fairy

Ashido- Red Fairy

Bakugo- Maleficent

Kirishima- Prince















As the class finished the list of each person's jobs, they lied down in the common room. Ashido joked, "It was so funny when Uraraka glared at Sero for assuming her sexuality." Uraraka frowned, "Hey, does anyone else feel like a spy whenever someone thinks that you're straight?" The class turned to Uraraka, who now just realized that she had come out. Izuku noticed this and said, "Secret gay-gent." Kirishima said, "Bi-spy." Iida said, "Pan with a plan." Tsu said, "Lesbian-age." Bakugo said, "Ace on the case." The class stopped and laughed loudly at how the others coming out right after Uraraka. They then went to sleep to prepare for the play that they would have to organize.

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