13 Unlucky Days Until Christmas Chapter 8: Day 7: Seeking Sleep

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Kirishima woke up suddenly. He still felt tired and wanted to go back to sleep. He checked his digital clock on the table to make sure that he had enough time to go back to sleep. The clock read 12:01 AM. That meant that it had just barely turned December 19. He sighed as he covered himself up with his blankets and decided that he had more than enough time to go back to sleep and dream of Izuku wearing a white gown, coming down the alter for their wedding. However, after half an hour, Kirishima found that he could not fall asleep. He got up and decided to do whatever he could to fall asleep. The first thing he tried was punching his punching bag. Kirishima then realized that if he continued to do any exercise, he would end up sweaty and would need to take a shower later, which would only make him more awake than he already was. The next thing he tried to do was watch something on his phone. However, the moment his phone's light turned on, it blinded Kirishima. It was most likely caused by the fact that the phone was brighter than the light that Kirishima had on in his room. Kirishima sighed as he put his phone away. He then thought of a sure fire way to get him to sleep. He took out his textbooks and notebooks and began to study. Studying was super boring for Kirishima, so it was bound to make him fall asleep at some point if he didn't have anyone with him to entertain him. However, despite his clever idea, Kirishima did not fall asleep when studying. All he did was read, yet it wasn't enough to lull him to sleep.

The students of class 1-A were sitting in class, waiting for their teacher to arrive and begin the day. Izuku asked, "Hey, where's Kirishima?" Ashido said, "I don't know. I haven't seen him all day. I wonder if he's sick." Just then, the door opened to reveal Kirishima looking extremely tired with bags under his eyes. The whole class cringed at the sight in front of them. Kaminari asked, "Wow, dude. What happened to you?" Kirishima replied, "Oh, I just woke up (yawn) at 12:01 AM and couldn't go (yawn) back to sleep so now I'm (yawn) really sleepy. Don't (yawn) worry about (yawn) me." As Kirishima finished talking, Aizawa walked into the room. Aizawa steps back in surprise when he sees Kirishima's face. He instantly understands that it's the curse and says, "Go back to the dorms, Kirishima. You're of no use in class if you haven't even gotten enough sleep to look halfway decent." Bakugo mumbled, "Well, you're one to talk. You never looked like you've slept." Kirishima sighs and does as Aizawa told him. He walked back, all the time thinking of how much he hated the curse and everything that it was doing to him. 

Once he was back in his dorm, Kirishima simply laid down in his bed. He was still hoping for sleep to come, but it didn't, like the bitch it was. Kirishima tossed and turned in his bed as he failed to sleep. Suddenly, a strange scent filled his room. Kirishima was about to question where the scent was coming from when he just knocked out while preparing to sit up.

Kirishima woke up. The first thing that he saw was Izuku sitting next to his bed. Kirishima jumped up, "Ah, Midoriya! What are you doing here? Not that I don't want to see you or anything like that. I'm just surprised to see you here." Izuku said, "Well, I came to check on you. You've been asleep for over eight hours." Kirishima blinked twice before turning to his alarm clock. True to what Izuku said, it had been wight hours since Kirishima had fallen asleep. It was already nighttime and the other students were bound to be back in the dorms. Kirishima asked, "How did I end up sleeping so long?" Izuku explained, "Well, I saw that you weren't having the best of luck sleeping, so, during the break, I asked Midnight to come by and use her quirk on you so that you can catch up on your sleep. Guess it worked a little too well. Anyways, I came here to check to make sure that you were okay and to drop of your homework." Kirishima groaned, "Oh, come on! Mr. Aizawa is the one who tells me to go away, but he still assigns me homework." Izuku said, "Well, if you need any help, you can always text me the questions." Izuku stood up, "Well, I have to go now. I need to finish my own homework. Good night Kirishima." Kirishima smiled, "Good night and thanks again Midoriya." Izuku blushed as he closed the door behind him.

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