Author's Note ~ We're at the end

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Hello, my fellow peeps. As you may know, this story is now finished.

I'm honestly happy that I made it this far and I'm glad that I was able to end the story. See before I wrote this story I attempted to write a few other fanfictions. They were mainly Hetalia fanfics, hence the name HetaWriter.

The problem was that after writing maybe 3 or 5 chapters I'd lose my motivation or ideas. But with this story I made sure to have a list of notes.

 But with this story I made sure to have a list of notes

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*Red stuff is spoilers for the next book

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*Red stuff is spoilers for the next book

This helped me keep track of ideas and made the story more cohesive.


Anyway enough about me. I want to say thank you to everyone who has read even a chapter of this story. I feel really happy and more motivated every time someone pays attention to my story and it keeps me motivated to write.

Also the people who commented, there was a specific group of you who really brightened up my day with some comments and made me feel like people were actually reading what I wrote. I'm really thankful to these people and I wish them the best.


Anyway now that this story is over I'd like to give you all an opportunity to ask a question about how I wrote this story or a question to one of the specific characters.

For example.

If you curious about something that I wrote you can ask me about it.


If your curious about a character at a certain chapter you can ask them a question and I'll answer it as them.

I'm partly doing this to clear any confusion but also so you guys can find out more about the story.

Next Story

Another note I'd like to add, is that even though this story ended I'm planning to make a new story very soon. It's from William and Frederick's pov and it basically is what there life is like. (It'll be out very soon so keep an eye out for it, it's called 'Regrets That were once made'

Ok, now enough rambling. (I tend to do that alot)

I want to thank you all for reading this story and I hope you are all safe and well. I hope to continue this series/story and expand on some ideas I have thought about.

But for now thanks.

From the Author of this story, HetaWriter

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