Chapter 4 ~ Sight To See

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4th of May 1776

~Y/n pov~

It had been a few hours since Ella and I had left home. We were now almost in the charming town of Windsor. I looked around at the sights of buildings everywhere. Because as a girl who grew up in the country I never had seen this many buildings. Ella, on the other hand, was sleeping. She probably didn't care as she lived in New York, which was a pretty big place. But for me, I was glad to see something new, even if it meant I was on my way to a dangerous mission.

When we finally reached the palace, we were stopped by some guards. "Halt, no foreign carriages beyond this point, please step out." Hearing this I shook my cousin awake and we both disembarked the carriage. "Good evening ladies, may I ask why you are here." one of the guards asked. I smiled, "We are the new maids." the guard had a worried look, "You two must be replacing the other two." Ella and I looked at each other. Replacing? The guard saw our worried looks, "Hey as long as you two behave, I'm sure you'll be fine. Now come on, we need to introduce you to the King." Ella turned to me wide-eyed and I looked at her back. We're going to meet the physco?

Once we were in the palace we were greeted with the sight of where our taxpayer dollars were going too. It was an extravagant sight, with red carpet everywhere. The brightness of the interior was blinding. But that wasn't what I was concerned about, I was concerned about the fact that we are going to meet the King.

As the guards lead us to the throne room I noticed how pale Ella was. I wrapped my arm around her. We couldn't afford to be afraid. This man was a bully, but he was a King. And despite me hating the man we had to treat him as what he was, a King. We walked up on the last flight of stairs and stopped at a big oak door.

The guards opened the door and we were greeted to the sight of the throne room.

It was a large hall, with red carpets and highlights of gold. On the walls of the hall were soldiers standing in the gaps between the windows. And at the end of the damned hall was the King.

King George the Third.

The guards pushed us to walk forward and we did. Each step felt more sickening than the last. After we made it two thirds down the hall we were told to stop. Ella and I were now only a few feet away from the King. The guards bowed and we did the same. One of the guards spoke, "Your Majesty, these are the two new maids who will be replacing the previous two." The King rolled his eyes, The guard tapped on my shoulder to signal me to introduce myself. I bowed again not daring to look up at him, "Your Majesty, if I may humbly introduce myself, my name is Y/N L/N, and next to me is my cousin Eleanor Fr- L/N." The king looked down at me and then at my cousin. He smiled, "Wonderful to meet you both." Ella and I looked up at him in confusion, this was not the scary physco king they warned about.

He smiled again, "My last two personal maids stole from me and my subject Samuel Seabury and so they were hung. But I'm sure you two wouldn't do such a thing." Ella profusely nodded but I had to be smart and not let this man intimidate me, I nodded calmly.

"Well since you two are my personal maids, you'll both have a nice room to share." I was shocked, this man was giving us a nice room. I turned my head to the king, be careful say the right words.

"We are humbled by your generosity, your majesty." I waved my hand at Ella, and we both bowed. The King smiled again and shifted his gaze closer to me, "Thank you for your politeness, Y/N, but I will warn you that another person stays in the room I've assigned you, he is a great friend of mine. If you see him treat him well." He explained. Ella and I nodded nervously. "Well then you two better be off then, I'll need you both in the morning." he grinned.

I nodded again and felt the guards turn us around. I followed their action and looked quickly behind me at the King. He saw my gaze and waved back smiling. A chill went up my spine and I turned my face to Ella. She awkwardly smiled and I chuckled slightly as the guards led us towards our room.

We followed them through a large hall, all the way towards an oak door that was similar to the first one. One of the guards knocked on the door. In response, the sound of shoes against a marble surface rattled in my ears. The door opened to a man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, he was smiling slightly at us. The blue eyed guard smiled back at him and pointed at us. "These too will be be staying with you Mr Seabury." Mr Seabury nodded and he smiled. "Well then Benjamin, thank you. I'll take care to look after these two." he smiled. The guard, Ben smiled and he walked away with the other guard.

Mr Seabury turned to us and smiled. "Samuel Seabury, at your service. Your names?" he questioned. I bowed slightly and smiled, "Y/N L/N." I replied and nudged Ella slightly. "Ella L/N." she smiled. Samuel nodded and he gestured us inside. I nodded slightly and found a spot near the window. I sat down my suitcase and stared out the window as Samuel and Ella began to talk.

My mission had just begun.

~King George's pov~

I stared coldy at the empty space next to my bed. I sighed slightly and turned around, sitting up.

In my hand was a small book, and written in it was all my thoughts. I looked at the crossed out names and moved towards my desk.

I lit a match and directed the small flame towards the wick of the candle. It set aflame and I sat the book on the table. I picked up my quill and opened a pot of ink.

"Your Highness!" A voice called out. I sighed and responded, "Yes!" The door creaked open and Henry my courtier looked at me gravely. "What is it?" I questioned. Henry bowed and handed me the scroll. He quickly shuffled out and and turn around spreading the paper along the desk. I sighed slightly and stared down at the ink.

Another marriage proposal rejected. I sighed and buried my face in my palms, I had spent the last few years searching for a wife ever since Charlotte ran away with that guard a few years back. But now I had been rejected by the last possible candidate. There was no one else to be my Queen.

But a thought hit me, I thought back to today and smile formed on my face. I grabbed my quill and flicked to a page. The point of the quill met with the page and ink flowed, shaping into the words.


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