Chapter 49 ~ Further By Heart

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12th of March 1782

My head was rested against the soft pillow. My e/c eyes were staring and the wall which confined me.

My mind was empty except for one thing. The fact that today was my last day without George, today was my last day of freedom. I slowly sat up and pushed my messy hair away from my face. I stared down at my hands and sighed.

I had lost most of my will to live, and if it wasn't for Frederick and Matilda I would've jumped of this boat weeks ago. We were so close to England and yet I felt further away from that country than I ever had.

"Y/N." I looked at the door and saw Ben standing there. "Yes." I responded. Ben smiled and opened the door wider to reveal Frederick and Matilda. My face lit up and the two ran into my arms. "Mommy!" they both cried. I smiled with joy and hugged them back, "I missed you both so much." I grinned. Frederick let go and he stood up, "It was really boring mommy, they kept teaching us about things we already knew." Frederick complained. I laughed and ruffled his wavy hair, "That's my boy."

"Mommy do you know were we are going? The people who were with us didn't tell us." Matilda questioned. I looked down at her e/c eyes and smiled, "Were just going for a quick vacation." I lied. Matilda smiled and her and Frederick excitedly jumped. I turned my jead to Ben who was slightly smiling at me. He closed the door behind him and left us. "But where are we going mommy?" Frederick asked. I froze for a second, "Um... It's a surprise." I nervously giggled.

Frederick nodded and ran underneath the blanket. "It's really cold mommy." he smiled and stuck his head out. I laughed and hugged the two of them closer. "When we get to there though I want you two to promise me that you will listen to me okay, and of anyone tells you something don't believe it unless I tell you it's true. Okay?" I explained. Frederick amd Matilda nodded, "Okay Mommy." I smiled and held them closer. "I know it's been hard for you two, but I know you both are strong." I spoke.

Frederick giggled and played with his fingers. "When we get back home mommy, I have to go back to learning so I can be the president." I smiled down at him and sighed softly. To think that this boy with many dreams would have to be King. I didn't want my son to have that burden and yet it was decided at his birth.

"I'm sure you'll make a good President Frederick." I grinned softly. "Yeah, I can't wait to help my country!" he smiled. I laughed softly and stroked his locks of h/c hair. I looked over at Matilda who was already asleep and grinned softly.

It wasn't just me who would suffer it was Frederick and Matilda to. Eventually both of them would have to marry someone they didn't love and be like me. Frederick would have to be King and Matilda would be married of to some random Prince as a political deal. I didn't want them to have this future, that was one of the reasons I left. But now that was all they could hope for.

The two young children fell asleep next to me. They had no idea of what was really happening, and maybe that was for the best.

I sighed softly and enjoyed the last moments being with them without George. The cold waves if the Atlantic thrashed against the sides if the ship and rocked us.

I may be close to England and yet my heart was a thousand miles away.

~Ella's pov~

The table was quiet. Almost silent. The three of us sat silently, it had been almost two months since Y/N had and yet everyone was still miserable.

"Mommy, I miss Frederick." William pouted. I smiled slightly and brushed his caramel coloured hair. "I do to but he'll be fine in his new home." I smiled. William sighed and lifted his spoon. "I hope I can see him again, he's really cool." William spoke. I looked over at Samuel and smiled standing up, "I just need to do something." I smiled and walked away.

I walked down the hallway and entered my room. I grabbed a few clothes, some money and food, packing it into a suitcase. I smiled softly and stood up walking to the door. I had a quick glimpse of  William and Sam and left a piece of paper rested on the table near the door.

I looked at my son and husband and smiled. My hand grabbed the doorknob and gently turned it. I sighed and walked out the door.

Wind blew past me and I pulled my blazer closer walking on the icy pavement. The moon was brightly lit in the sky as the pale moonlight glowed. I smiled knowing that Y/N was seeing the same moon. I tied up my light brown hair, and started to make my way to the harbour.

I began walking along the seaside staring across, the dark water reflected the white light and I stared at tge mesmerising sea.

I was going to get Y/N back, even though I was scared. Scared of the ocean, scared of George and scared of being caught. But the fear of losing my cousin was much more, I felt particularly responsible for Y/N's kidnapping, and even though it wasn't my fault I was going to save her.

I walked along the pier and stared down at the decaying wood, my boots tarnished against them and scuffed. I looked up at the ship and sighed.

"Ella!" I turned around and saw Samuel running and holding William. My blue eyes widened with shock as he run towards me. He was holding and extra suitcase im his hands. "Samuel?" I questioned. Samuel's dark eyes stared into mine as he rubbed my cheek. "If you're going to rescue Y/N were doing it together." He grabbed my shoulder. "But Sam-" he cut me off and kissed me. I kissed back and smiled. We pulled away and I looked at him and William. Both if their eyes were wide with determination.

I grinned and I began walking into the ship with them. I smiled up at the moon as we arrived on the deck.

"Were coming for you Y/N."

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