Chapter 34 ~ Suit Yourself

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29th of January 1780

I sat alone in a puddle of  books reading. My despair lead me to here and I was now drowning myself with literature.

Was it for knowledge? Probably not, but even so I read and read, day and night I consumed all the literature I could.

I wasn't looking for information but yet an escape, something to distract myself from reality. It wasn't healthy but what was I to do.

I held the book in my hands and scanned the words in the page. "Your Majesty!" a voice yelled out. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the pile of books. "Come in."

The nervous courtier walked in, "Your request for a new partner was declined by everyone we asked." the courtier nervously stuttered. I sighed, "I wonder why?" I sat down on a chair and leaned my palm on my chin.

"Well there's been rumours that you beheaded the last Queen." he fraidly explained. "Beheaded that's ridiculous!?" I shot up from my seat. "I'm afraid so, that's why no one wants to marry you..."

I looked at the courtier, "It doesn't matter anyway, I kinda already knew no one would accept. I mean I was kind of hoping that you'd say that." I explained.

"But then why did you ask us to find you a new wife, your Majesty?" the courtier questioned. "Well as the King it's my duty to pass on my crown to a son, and of course I'd need a wife. But now I know no one else is keen for me, I think I what I'm to do now." I explained. The courtier looked up at me in confusion, "What do you mean, sire?"

"I'm tired of waiting and asking, I should've done this  months ago." I gritted my teeth.

"What are you going to do?" the courtier asked.

"I want to search for the Queen to be doubled, send in spies and bribe whoever. Were not stopping till we find her." I declared.

"Are you sure about this?" The courtier questioned.

"Yes, now go and tell the other higher ups." I pointed at the door. The courtier nodded and booked out the door.

"I'm sorry Y/N but it's come to this." I stared down at me hands and buried my face.

I didn't want to send people to take Y/N, I wanted her to come back willingly.

But it's been too long, Britain needs it's Queen and heir. I slowly got up from my chair.

I looked around and went to the window, I glared at the horizon and looked on, thousands of miles away Y/N was there. I stared at the sun setting as if it was Y/N herself.

"You'll be back."


Sorry for such a short chapter! But it's kind of hard to write a chapter with just one person's perspective. The reason I wrote this chapter in George's pov only is because it makes him feel more isolated from the story so yeah!

Anyway the next chapter will hopefully be longer!

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