Chapter 57 ~ Helping Hand

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13th of May 1782

~Ella's pov~

I breathed in taking in the cold air, the stretch of sand bordered by the almost grey waters was vast. We were in the town of Calais, France. It was a scenic little place and was full of laughter and sunshine. And yet across that vass grey mass was my cousin, Y/N. She was so close and yet I knew the hardest was yet to come.

"Ella, don't worry we'll get her back." I looked at Samuel who was starting out at the sea as well. "We just have to find this 'Marianne Alison' that Francis was talking about." He smiled. I looked at him and grabbed his hand, "Come on then, don't want to keep Y/N waiting." I laughed. Samuel smiled and William latched onto my dress. I smiled down at him and we began to walk across the street.

It was your usual day in a small seaside town. People where talking and laughing like normal. We around the town looking for this Marianne.

Marianne, as we guessed was probably a close friend of Francis. He didn't really explain who or where she was exactly, except that she would be found easily. I sighed to myself staring at the documents Francis gave us. It was all written in French and in an almost illegible handwriting. "Any luck, dear?" Samuel asked. I turned to him and folded the piece of paper up. "We probably should ask around, maybe some one knows her." I suggested. "Good idea, maybe we can go to the bar. It seems pretty busy." Samuel  pointed.

I nodded and we walked into the bar, people were chugging rum and smoking. Cheers and drunken laughs filled the air and only the dim orange candles lit up the tavern. Everyone was in their own zone as we walk towards the counter. "A pint please!" Samuel smiled at the scuffy man. The mam chuckled and muttered something in French. Samuel looked towards me for a second and turned back. "Oui?" he smiled.

The man laughed and coughed. "Jetez un oeil à ce perdant anglais tout le monde!" Samuel grinned awkwardly and everyone's head turned towards us. "Oui?" Samuel responded.

"Je ne peux même pas prétendre qu'il nous comprend. Oui oui" he mocked him. I dragged Samuel's arm and
we walked to a secluded area. "What was that?" I flailed my arms. Samuel shuddered awkwardly, "I was nervous okay." he flushed red. I smiled and folded my arms.

"Excuse me, who are you two?" My head cocked and I turned to see a woman with a hand on my shoulder. I chuckled slightly and stared pale faced at the woman. "My names Susan, this is my husband Gerald and son Eric." I pointed out. The woman's green eyes flashed slightly and she pushed her Auburn hair away. "Marianne Alison, Nice to meat you Susan."

My eyes lit up, "Wait your Marianne?" I eagerly asked. "Yes... I just said-" I cut her off and handed her the pieces of paper to her. Marianne grabbed it and began muttering in French.

I awkwardly smiled ay Samuel as she read the letter and held William closer.

Marianne looked up from her paper and smiled at us." Well Samuel and Ella, let's go."

I grinned at Marianne and we began following her. Her green eyes shone back at us and I grabbed Samuel's hand.

We were so close.

~Y/N's pov~

Sunlight shone onto my face and I open my eyes. My limbs ached as I realised that my body was bent over the desk. I lifted my head tiredly and looked at my stain filled hands. I wiped away my h/c hair and sat up properly, yhe sun from the window illuminating the plate of breakfast sat on the desk.

My stomach churned and I grabbed the cutlery near the plate. I dug into the food and smiled, it had been days since I properly ate and it was heaven. I smiled to myself in bliss and cleaned up the whole plate.

I look out the window and saw two figures running around outside. I chuckled slightly taking another mouthful. Then realisation hit me, it was Frederick and Matilda. I smiled and stared out at them, I hadn't talked to them ever since we arrived. I felt bad for ignoring them and yet I hadn't payed them a visit. I felt guilt settle in my heart as I swallowed the my mouthful.

"Y/N?" Jane's voice called out. I turned around and sat up adjusting my jacket and walking towards the door. I grabbed the metal handle and pried it open. "Morning Jane." I smiled tiredly. Jane smiled back, "Morning Y/N, odd clothing your wearing." she remarked. I grinned and sat down on the small couch in the study. "Never liked dresses. So restricting, especially if your spending most your time bent over a desk." I explained.

Jane smirked amd grabbed the empty plate and cutlery. "I guess, each to their own." she shrugged. I smiled amd leaned back. "Thanks for breakfast, haven't eaten properly for days." I chuckled. Jane turned to me, "I'm not the one who made or brought this to you." she explained. "Oh.." I awkwardly scratched my head. Jane smiled and chucked me a piece of paper. "Here, you were probably the only hungry to notice this." she laughed. I caught the fold piece and Jane winked at me closing the door.

I chuckled slightly and leaned back down unfolding the piece of paper. I gripped it and skimmed over it.

Dear Y/N,

Sorry for last night, I shouldn't have disturbed you. I'm really sorry and I understand that your still settling in. If you want to, today we could maybe have a picnic with the kids for lunch, only of you want to of course.

Anyway here is some breakfast that I made, I hope you like it. <3

Love, George

I looked up slightly and shoved the piece of paper in my pocket. I walked towards the door and sighed staring back at my desk.

Might as well talk to ny family.

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