Chapter 44 ~ Friends I have

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31st of December 1781

Another morning, another day. It was a normal morning for me. Preparing bread and whatnot and cleaning the shop. Business had been quite slow, with that our financial situation wasn't great.

But besides that life was pretty simple, I had just recently gotten over my emotional problems and now I'm happy.

Well as happy as someone like me could be. But alas it's almost the end of the year, I have been in America for two years now and I'm glad.

I grinned slightly and moved towards the front of the shop. It was New years eve so I was expecting more customers than usual. I peered out the door and looked around at the children playing in the snow and people talking. I smiled and ran back inside to finish cooking.


The shop bell rang and Charlotte and Arthur walked in. "Morning Y/N." Arthur smiled. I turned to them and grinned, "Morning, what would you guys like?" I smiled. Charlotte moved forward and placed a few coins on the counter. "Just a chocolate cake please." She smiled.

"On it Frau Clarke." I beamed. "Ah I see you've been practising your German." she laughed. "Well of course." I teased and placed the cake on the bench. "Is that all?" I smiled. Charlotte giggled, "Yes thank you." and picked up the box. "See you at the park for the fireworks, Y/N!" she smiled. I grinned softly and waved the couple goodbye.

"Mommy!" I looked behind me and saw Matilda tugging my shirt and behind her was Frederick. I looked at Matilda and saw her blonde hair tied up in little pigtails.

I smiled and put my hand on one, "This is adorable Matilda, did you do this?" I asked. Matilda smiled, her e/c eyes beaming, "No Frederick did." I looked behind her and Frederick was proudly smiling. "Thank you Frederick." I giggled. Frederick grinned and out his hand on my shoulder, "Bow down to your Queen, peasant." he demanded.

I giggled slightly and bowed down. "I'm sorry your Majesty, have I upset you." I teased. Matilda smirked and folded her arms, "Yes you have! You'll be sent the dungeons to rot!" Matilda pointed. I giggled, "Oh please no, Your Majesty please have mercy on me." I jokingly begged. Matilda smiled and hugged me, "Don't worry mommy I won't do that! I was just joking." She smiled.

I laughed and handed her a cupcake. "Thank you your Majesty here's a thank you for your kindness." I smiled. Matilda grabbed the cupcake and started eating this, "Thank you peasant." she grinned. I smiled and leaned against the counter. "Y/N!" I turned around to see Eliza. "Oh hi." I smiled.

"Just bread as usual?" I asked. Eliza smiled, "Yep." and slid a few coins on the table. "So how's the baby going?" Is smiled. Eliza grinned and rubbed her stomach slightly, "The doctors say the baby will be due soon." she explained.   I smiled and handed the bread to Eliza, "Excited to be a mother?" I grinned.

Eliza's eye lit up, "Yeah, I'm a but nervous though." she skittishly spoke. I smiled warmly, "Don't be, your a strong woman Liz you'll ve okay." I comforted her. She smiled and held the bread, "I better get going, I have to prepare for tonight." Eliza smiled. "Oh see you tonight then." I laughed. Eliza smiled and began to walk out. She stopped for a second and turned to me, "Your a good friend Y/N." she smiled.

I smiled back and she exited the store. The bells rang again and I sighed softly turning back to my children.

Maybe I wasn't a good wife but at least I was a good friend.

~Later that night~

Snow rested on the grass and people were crowded in the park. I was holding onto Matilda and Frederick as My parents lead us through the crowd. "Why are we here?" I looked behind me and a slightly irked Alfred. I smiled and ruffled his blonde hair. "New years eve fireworks, it's a tradition each year." I smiled. Alfred's blue eyes lit up, "Fireworks!? Like real fireworks? I've never seen them before." he exclaimed. I laughed and he moved forward.

"Can everyone see?" My father smiled stopping. I looked up at the sky and smiled, "Yep" Matilda pulled on my dress and I smiled at her. "Do you want mommy to hold you?" I asked. Matilda smiled and I picked her up.

"Wheee!" I turned my head and saw my father holding Frederick. I giggled and my father gave me a proud smile. My cold face smiled and I stood still staring up at the sky. The sky was dark and only a few stars could be seen. Matilda started trying to name the constellations  and pointing to the sky. She was very interested in astronomy even for a 3 year old.

I laughed and held her closer to me smiling. The sky was still and the chatter amongst the towns folk tingled my ears. I pulled my coat tighter and smiled at My parents and Alfred. I looked around at a the curious faces that were aimed for the sky. So many people I didn't know and yet I felt so loved. The winter cold didn't bother me, the warmth of the community made me happy.

Soon a bang was heard. I looked up to the sky and a luminous light was scattered across the sky. I breathed in yhe codl air and looked at the happy faced illuminated by the light. Matilda giggled and Frederick covered his ears. I smiled and looked back up. Another rocket was sent up and the sky was filled with a crimson light. I felt someone nudge my shoulder and two men aggressively brushed pass me. I looked at the two strangely but then shrugged it of.

I started at the new colours being lifted into the sky and smiled at the laughs of cheer. People huddled closer amd the noise of crackling fire filled the park. I moved closer to my parents and we all wrapped our arms around each other. I smiled and looked around seeing Eliza and her sisters. They looked at me and waved, I waved back and smiled and looked around to see Charlotte and Arthur hugging each other.

I grinned as my family hugged pulled me towards them tighter. Joy overwhelmed me and a sensation filled me.

The last firework flared and people enamoured in the sight.

If only I had realised the stares behind my back.

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