Chapter 39 ~ Family Reunion

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17th of May 1781

"Ok! You ready for your first day of school!" I smiled. Frederick jumped up, "Yeah! I'm gonna become really smart and be the president of America!" he said. I chuckled and ruffled his wavy hair. "You can go downstairs and wait for me, I just need to get something quickly ok." I smiled holding his cheek. He smiled showing his freckles which only appeared in spring. "Ok Mommy!" he exclaimed and started walking downstairs.

I smiled and walked to my room. I grabbed my messenger bag and swung it over my shoulder, I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Mommy! Some weird people are here!" I heard Frederick's voice yell. My eyes widened in fear and I ran downstairs. The bakery door was half open, and a trio of people were standing in front.

I couldn't believe it, my parents were here. I ran up to them, "Mum, Dad!" I ran into their arms and they hugged me. I looked up at ay them, tears streaming down each other's faces. I smiled and hugged them tighter.

"I miss you Y/N, I'm so sorry." My dad sobbed. I looked at him, "It's not your fault dad." I hugged him. He smiled softly and ruffled my hair. "You've grown so much Y/N, your more beautiful than ever." he smiled. I smiled back and looked over to my mother. I hugged her, "I should've listened to you Mum, I'm really sorry." I cried. My mother grabbed my face and looked at me, she smiled and hugged me, "I love you Y/N." I smiled hugged her back.

"Mommy who are these people?" Frederick asked. I looked over at him and picked him up. "This is your grandpa and grandma." I smiled. Frederick's eyes lit up and he smiled at my parents.

My parents grinned and they picked up Frederick. "Look at our grandson, he's adorable." they smiled and tickled him. I chuckled and looked over at the boy who was with my parents. "Who's he?" I questioned. My parents smiled, "Oh that's Alfred, we've been looking after him for a while now. He's basically your brother." they grinned. I walked over to the boy and stuck out my hand, "Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." Alfred's awkwardly smiled and shook my hand, "Alfred J Francis, nice to meet you to." he smiled. "How old are you? I asked.

"Twelve turning thirteen in June." He grinned. I chuckled and pat him on the back. "Well little brother looks like you'll be staying with us then." I smiled, my parents chuckled and Alfred smiled.

"You guys can go upstairs, I just need to drop off Frederick at school, It's his first day." I explained. "Ok then dear, be careful." My mother smiled. I laughed, "I'll be fine, also my daughter is inside if she wakes up just tell her I'm out ok." I grinned holding Frederick's hand. "Yep." My father smiled.

I grinned one last time and walked out of the bakery. I finally had my whole family here. I smiled and held Frederick's hand.

There really was no reason for me to go back.

~George's pov~

I laid on my bed in boredom staring at the ceiling. I had only one thought and it was of Y/N.

In fact that's how it's been for me, her face was stuck in my mind and I always longed for her. But I knew she'd come back soon.

I felf horrible threatening her but I had no choice. She would choose me or her parents would die.

I rolled on my side and stared at were Y/N used to sleep. My hands brushed against her pillow and I closed my eyes. I imagined she was right next to me, sleeping. I smiled slightly and moved my hands. Y/N was driving me insane, even though she was an ocean away.

I wanted her to be right next to me, but she wasn't, she was across the Atlantic, probably smiling and being happy. I wish I could make her feel like that. I brushed my light hair with my fingers and smiled softly to myself.

I then heard the door creak open. I sat up and saw one of my advisors standing still. "What's wrong James?" I asked. He bowed his head, "The group we sent to retrieve the Queen's parents found there place deserted. We have reason to believe that they have fled the country." James quaked. I glared at James and he scurried out. I felt ny heart sink and I held my face in my  hands. I felt anger and frustration boil within me, Y/N has defied me for the last time.

If I couldn't threaten her to come back, now it was ul to sheer force. I would get my wife and children back.

And Y/N would pay, of course I wouldn't hurt her, but I could do so much more. My love for Y/N was now obsession. I'd spent the last few years longing for her, wanting her in my arms.

All I had to do was wait. I grabbed my crown from my bed side table and placed it on my head.

I won't stop until I find Y/N, even if I have to tear down the America for her.

~End part two~

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