Chapter 14 ~ Do I Have A Choice?

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"Y/N, will you marry me?"

The words rung in my head, I looked up at George. What was I to say?

"I-I thought you were g-going t-" He got up and placed a finger on my lips, "Oh that. I already know." His icy blue eyes glared at me.

He knew? "B-But why would you w-want me to marry you? I'm a rebel." He grabbed my hands and pulled me close to his chest. "Because I love you."

I felt my heart sink, did he really? I didn't want him, I didn't want any of this. I wanted to just walk off and go home.

But I couldn't, I wish I could say no to him. But how?

My senses felt lost and my head began racing. My stomach felt as if it was about to explode. I clenched my heart and tried to hide to pain.

The regret built up in me and my vision blurred. I felt my limbs lose control and my mind start to spin.

Did I have a choice?

2nd of July 1776

I felt a soft fabric in my face, I lifted my head to see a white pillow. I sprung the rest of my body up to see the room I was in. A ray of sunlight stung my eye as I quickly adjusted to the rest of the room.

The room was large and had a few paintings on the ornate walls. With one window to my left which showed the morning sun. I didn't know where I was but I had an idea of why I was here.

I recalled the events of last night as if it was one big nightmare. But it wasn't, it was true. I felt my head spin in pain and regret as I tried to get a grip of reality.

My eye then caught something shiny, I looked down at my left hand to see and ring. The ring was sure pretty but I knew what it was.

It couldn't be true, but yet it was. I, Y/N L/N was engaged to the King of England.

I quickly got out of the bed I was in and rushed to the door.

I fiddled with the doorknob and tried to open it. But sadly it was locked. I tried several times to pick the lock with several objects, but yet I couldn't. I then looked to the window.

I rushed over to it and started prying it open. Like the door, it was locked and it wouldn't budge. I then decided to go for the next route. I quickly scanned the room for any object.

On the desk was a letter opener, I hesitantly picked it up and waited beside the door.

Sadly today due to personal reasons someone will have to die.

And if not die well at least severely injured.

~King George's pov~

Last night didn't go exactly as planned. But I'm lucky that I got the chance to propose to Y/N.

She didn't answer me last night, but it's not like she has a choice. It's cruel I know but I'm sure she'll love me soon.

I walked through the halls back to my room where Y/N was sleeping.

I got the key from my pocket and unlocked the door, "Morning Y/N~" I opened the door only to quickly duck.

Y/N was holding a letter opener in her hand. I quickly grabbed her arm and stared into her e/c eyes. She looked scared, I could see her pupils become smaller.

"That's not very nice of you love~" I whispered into her ear. She flinched back and I grabbed her waist.

"So I see you've had a good sleep darling." Y/N looked down at the floor like she normally did when she was shy.

I picked up her chin and brought her face closer to mine, "So have you decided to say yes yet." She furrowed her brow and looked away from me.

I'll get her to answer soon enough. I let go of her and closed the door, "Love you!"

I heard the door click and I started to walk away, Y/N had no choice in our marriage because it didn't matter if she said no. She's just shy and too scared. I'm sure she loves me.

I mean I love her, so surely she does too.

~Y/N's pov~

The door closed in my face and I heard the chilling voice of my fiancé. I hated calling him that but sadly that was what he was.

I fell to the ground and hugged my knees tight. I couldn't cry now, I had to be strong.

I had to be strong for Ella. I had to be strong for my parents. I wanted someone to comfort me, but there was no one.

I was by myself. It was my fault. I should have listened to my mother, I should have listened to Ella.

But now when I want to listen all I hear is silence. The silence that says your alone. The silence which I've always longed for now being my dread.

I was too ambitious, and I paid the price. I am in no place to cry, instead, I will fight on. I'll escape and make it back safely.

I'll play this king's game. Uncommon it is. But I will play. I see now that the world wants to test me. And I say ok.

All the choices I've made in my life have lead me here. There was no turning back now.

It was my choice, and I could change what happens next.

So did I have a choice? Yes.

I got up from my sobbing state and grabbed the key I stole from George.

I opened it up and began to search for my 'love'. I walked around the palace for a while until I saw his study door was shut.

I heard him humming to himself quietly. I gently unlocked the door.

"Who is it?" he mumbled. I stayed silent and walked towards him. He turned around with a shocked look, "Y/N what are you doing here?" I pulled the key from out of my pocket and chucked it to him. He got up from his chair and looked me in the eye.

"Why are you here?" he questioned again. I looked at him taking a deep breath while fiddling with my ring. "Yes." George looked down at me in confusion, "Love, what do you mean by 'yes'?" I grabbed his left hand and stared at his ring, I felt a slight hesitation but the words eventually came out.

"I will marry you."

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