Chapter 27 ~ The Greatest City In The world

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4th of July 1779

Waves crashed against the boat making it rock gently side to side. It had already been two months since we boarded the boat, and we were nearing the American shore.

I leaned against the sturdy wood and held Mathilda in my arms rocking her to sleep. It was hard for al of us to adjust to the boat, especially Frederick. It took me a while to get him to sleep. Every night I had to go to him and sing him to sleep. Tonight was no different, I walked over to his mattress and sat next to him. "Mommy, I miss daddy." he sniffed. I wrapped my arm around him and ruffled his hair. "It's ok mommy's here." I quietly mumbled. Frederick sobbed a bit and layed down.

I smiled and rubbed his forehead. Frederick smiled slightly and closed his eyes. It was hard for me to see Frederick so sad, but didn't want him growing up with George as a father. I wanted him to be a good person.

I let go of my son and walked to my mattress. I grabbed my book and started to read. The room was cold and we only had few blankets to keep us warm. I quickly pulled my blanket over my legs and smiled watching Frederick and Matilda sleep.

"Y/N I got some food." Charles walked in with a bag and layed it on the floor.  "Really?" I questioned. Charles smirked, "Yep!" he said smiling. He sat down and crossed his legs. "The captain gave me extra, because of the children." he smiled. I picked up some bread and split it, "So what's the news?" I asked.

"Well according to the captain we'll be there around next week," Charles explained. "That's good, I'm getting tired of being on a boat." I chuckled. Charles laughed, "So what are you planning to do when we get there." he asked. I froze for a second, "I'm not sure I might sell some of my jewellery to buy a home." I explained. "Really even that necklace?" Charles questioned. I sighed, "Well I don't know any other way to make money." Charles smiled, "Don't worry I understand."

The candles slightly flicked. "Thanks." I breathed. "We better sleep then," I mumbled. Charles nodded and moved to his mattress. I layed down on mine and buried my face into the pillow. We were so close to freedom, yet so far away. I tried to close my eyes but the image of George still haunted me. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Despite being thousands of miles away, I still felt the presence of George.

~A week later~

11th of July 1779

The smell of sea spray filled my lungs as the boat moved into the harbour. The image of New York came into view and people rushed to the edge. Many had never been here like me and some were returning. I held Matilda close and held Frederick's hand. "Mommy look!" Frederick pointed out at the city. I smiled, "See this Frederick and Matilda. It's our new home." Frederick smiled and leaned over staring at the city.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Charles admired the city. "Yeah, it's great." I smiled and stared at the view of boats and buildings. I finally was in the country I always wanted to be in, I breathed in the air and let my senses take me away.

The sounds of people walking along the boat filled my ears and the sight of freedom neared. I held Matilda tighter to me, in pure joy.

The ship slowly but surely reached the dock. The sailors and captain were yelling out commands. The ship stopped and the harbour could be seen. I looked at the crowd of people and waved. So many faces were full of joy and happiness.

The let down the plank and people started to feed out of the ship. Charles and I quickly got a spot and started to depart the boat. I looked behind me staring off in the distance and smiled with sincerity. "Goodbye," I mumbled. Then I spun around and continued to shuffle out. I kept pushing along and finally, I set foot on land. "Samuel said he'd meet us here, can you see him?" Charles asked. I nodded and searched around.

Around a hundred people were gathered near the boat many waiting for loved ones, I searched the growing crowd for Ella and Sam. Looking for any sign of them.

We quickly shuffled through the crowd and peered around. I then heard someone yelling my name, "Y/N!" I turned around and saw Ella frantically jumping.

I almost dropped Matilda and ran to Ella. Charles followed behind me as I ran into my cousin's arms. "Ella!" I yelled out. She smiled and hugged me tightly, tears began to fall out of my eyes. "I missed you soo much Y/N!" Ella sobbed. I smiled and held her tighter. She let go and she looked me in the eyes. I looked back at her and saw how much she'd matured. She was now 22 and had grown even more beautiful. Her blue eyes shone and her silky brown hair slightly curled at the ends. I smiled, "I miss you to El." she smiled and walked over to Samuel grabbing her son. "William this is Y/N my cousin." she smiled at her son. Williams blue eyes lit up and I giggled. Ella ruffled his dirty blonde hair and smiled, "That must be Matilda then." she voiced pointing at my daughter. "Yep." I smiled. Ella moved towards me and tickled Matilda. Matilda giggled and Ella smiled, "And where is Frederick?" she asked.

I smiled and Frederick walked in front of me. "Aw look at him, he has the same hair colour as you." Ella smiled. I laughed and patted Frederick's head.

"So Y/N, you happy staying with us?" Ella asked. I smiled, "Of course." and hugged her again. Samuel shook Charles's hand and we waved him goodbye.

We turned around and started walking, I smiled and my eyes wandered the city.

I truly was in the Greatest city in the world.


Fun fact: George's birthday is on the 4th of June. Meaning he spent his 33rd birthday, without his family.

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