Chapter 22 ~ Operation Screwed

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~Y/N's pov~

I quickly ran up the stairs and headed straight to the bathroom. My head felt really dizzy and my stomach felt sore but I ran all the way there.

When I got there I frantically searched while holding in my urge to vomit. I felt nauseated and the air I was breathing became thin. I quickly found a metal bucket and spewed. My body felt weak and my head felt heavy. I suddenly became really hungry, but my fatigued left me to just lay down on the bathroom floor. The floor felt cold but I curled up in a ball clenching my stomach.

"Y/N?" I heard George knock on the bathroom door. I ignored him and kept quiet. "Y/N are you in there?" He asked concerned. I still stayed silent hoping he'd go away. The door opened and George's eyes lit up with fear.

~George's pov~

I opened the door and saw Y/N on the floor curled up next to a bucket. My eyes widened with fear, "Y/N what happened to you." I rushed to her side hugging her slightly. She didn't respond and instead vomited into the bucket. Then something popped into my mind, "Y/N can you show me your stomach." Y/N looked at me with horror, "Why the hell do you want to see my stomach!?" she asked.

"Just do it Y/N." I scoffed. Y/N rolled her eyes and lifted her shirt. I looked and saw her stomach was slightly larger. I put my hand on her stomach and felt it. It wasn't fat, it was something else. "Why are you touching my stomach? If you're trying to say I'm fat you can just say to my face." I smiled at Y/N, joy overwhelmed me and I hugged her. "What the heck?" I smiled and looked at her, "Y/N you're pregnant!"

~Y/N's pov~

"Pregnant!?" I looked at George. "I'm gonna be a father!" George excitedly voiced. "I can't be pregnant, maybe I have been eating too much causing me to vomit," I argued. "Y/N how? You've hardly been eating." George questioned.

"Yeah, well it's because I've been eating during other times like I get cravings every now and then and I eat like a ton of food," I explained. "Y/N that's another symptom pregnancy! Just admit it your pregnant." George ushered me. I worryingly look down at my stomach. Could I be? "N-no I'm not! I can't be it's n-not um how it works." George rubbed his forehead, "Y/N why are you denying that you're pregnant? You should be proud."

I turned my gaze away, I didn't feel proud. I felt weak and stupid. I couldn't believe that I was carrying a child. Let alone George's. I lowered my head into my hands, tears began to slightly roll down my cheek as I began to weep. "Y/N it'll be ok." George cradled me as I sobbed. I didn't understand how he could be happy. I cried into his jacket, I couldn't stop crying. George just softly hugged me and came to comfort me. I wanted to stay strong but I couldn't.

~Later that day~

The room was very silent and was laying in bed reading George's diary, "He didn't get a pony for Christmas." I laughed to myself sarcastically. Then I was interrupted by a huge bang. "We came as soon as we heard." Ella and Samuel burst through the bedroom door. I lifted my head up from George's diary and stared blankly at them. "Omg Y/N I should've known you were pregnant!" Ella scolded herself, moving to the side of the bed. "I have so many questions! Does it feel weird." Ella put her face closer to mine. "Ella, love give her some space," Samuel asked.

Ella moved away and Samuel sat next to her, "Y/N did you do it before or after you got married." Samuel interrogated me holding a bible open. "After..." I replied. Samuel sighed in relief and closed the bible. I sat up, "So what happened before, did something happen. And that was why you were upset ." I asked. Samuel looked at me nervously and took a deep breath.

"I lied to you," Samuel spoke in a low tone. "What?" I questioned. Samuel looked over at Ella. "Remember when I told you I was actually a revolutionist well when I told you that I was lying. George wanted you to see what you knew so he told me to pretend." my eyes widened with fear. "But then why did you go to America?" Samuel looked at his hands with guilt, "I was originally there to persuade the colonies to not rebel, but after an argument with a young man and a bit of convincing I realised that what George is doing is wrong. Americans deserve to rule themselves." Samuel looked at me with remorse.

I smiled and took his hand, "It's ok, I forgive you." Samuel smiled and the three of us hugged each other. We all began to cry, maybe it was the stress of the situation or just the overwhelming joy that we were not alone. Whatever it was, our trio was back together. Even though we all had changed, Samuel was now a revolutionist, Ella was more confident and independent and I was Queen.

Somehow our fates tied us together and Royally screwed us up. We had no choice but to make it through this challenge. "We'll escape this place and win the war for sure!" Samuel declared. Ella smiled and put her hand in the middle, "To this plan and this unlikely trio." I chuckled and put my hand in the middle. We all smiled at each other threw our hands up in the air without any regard for a noise level. I felt happy and not lost, for the first time in a while I was hugging people I loved.

Joy overwhelmed us and we didn't notice the other person behind to door. We thought we were safe from the very person who caused our misfortune. But again, we underestimated King George. After all, this was his game we were playing.

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