Chapter 18 ~ Can I Say I'm Satisfied?

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1st of August 1776

The room was filled with silence. Both Ella and I were awkwardly staring at each other's feet. "So.... How are you." Ella spoke.

I looked up at her, "Just getting married to a man who I don't love. Ya know the usual." I smiled. Ella laughed slightly and directed her gaze back to my feet. "That dress looks nice." I complemented her dress. She smiled awkwardly with sincerity in her pale eyes.

"Y/N stop pretending everything is fine." she half yelled. I looked at her shocked, "What do you mean?" Ella's lip quivered, "You've been acting happy all morning! But I know your sad Y/N, why are you hiding your feelings?"

I looked down a my feet, I didn't respond. I didn't even know why I was pretending I was fine, because Ella is right. I'm not happy.

I tear rolled down my face.


I light knock on wood startled me. "Come in." I responded. The door handled clicked and the wooden door opened. Jane walked forward smiling in her beautiful dress. "Am I fabulous or not?" she charmingly announced. Ella and I giggled. "Ahh now Y/N let's get you to the hall!" she grabbed my arm. I stood up and let her drag me with Ella trailing behind.

She walked in a hurry, "Don't want to be late to your own wedding now do we?" she smirked. I laughed, "I guess you must be walking me down the aisle then."

Jane smiled, "Correct! Today I'm your father!" I laughed at her remark as we continued to walk down the halls. "You know Y/N this may seem odd for me to say but one day I promise, you'll be happy." Jane whispered. I looked at her, "What do you mean?" she smiled, "Time will tell."

We stopped at large wooden door. "You ready Y/N." Jane asked. I nodded and the doors open revealing a long aisle with a crowd of people on each side. I gripped onto Jane and we took our first step down. We kept walking down, I kept my gaze at my feet trying not to look at the nobles staring at me.

We kept on walking until we reached the altar. I then felt Jane let go of me and moved away. I kept my gaze to the ground and moved forward. I turned around and then faced George. I saw him wearing a red suit with trims of gold. I looked up at him and saw him smiling happily. He moved his pale hands and gripped both of mine.

The priest than began to speak he turned to George first, "King George William Frederick III, Do you take Y/N, L/N as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" George smiled, "I do."

The priest then turned to me, "Y/N L/N, Do you take King George William Frederick III as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

My gaze shifted and with hesitation I replied, "I do." George smiled and he grabbed my left hand. He put the ring on me and smiled. I did the same thing with his ring and put it on his hand. The priest than spoke, "I now bless this marriage, I hope that this couple will love each other for eternity as King and Queen of England."

The crowd abruptly applauded us. We turned to face the front, with George holding my arm tightly. We then began to walk down.

It was offical, I was now the wife of King George.

~Later on~

Cheerful music was being played and the sounds of voices echoed the hall. People were drinking, eating and dancing all awhile celebrating.

I didn't want to join in on the festivities since I wasn't in the mood. So I just sat at my spot observing the hall.

Next to me was George who was cheerfully talking to people, he looked as if he was an excited child. He also kept drinking wine which kind of concerned me.

"Isn't this great Y/N! Now where married, everything is wonderful!" George remarked. I nodded slightly and directed my gaze away from him. "Come on Y/N don't be so sad!" He smiled picking me up. "To the dance floor!" I looked at him and he dragged yme. I looked and saw a few empty wine bottles next to his seat. He was definitely drunk.

He spun me around holding me tightly by the hand. He smiled and cheerful waltzed around with a grin on his face.

I felt kind of nauseous but I couldn't just push him. So I let him continue. People cheered and merry singing filled the atmosphere. People were smiling and laughing, and yet little did they know that I was having a horrible time. I wanted this day to end, no I wanted my life to end. I swallowed my pain in my chest and held in my tears. I tried to smile but could only slightly grin and stare at the ground.

Ella did send me looks of sympathy at times. Her blue eyes looked devoid of hope, it was sad to me as she was always a cheerful girl.

She couldn't do anything for me, and I couldn't either. We were both helpless and could only wallow in sadness. My sideway glances soom caught the attention of George who was humming to himself. "What's wrong Y/N?" He asked half giggling. I looked back at him in shock, "Nothing.. I'm just tired." I explained tiredly. George's expression changed and twirled me around. "Well then we better stop this party now. It is getting late." He drunkily announced pulling me to the front.

"Excuse me everybody!" George shouted out. People's heads turned and they all stared at the front. "The night has been well and full of festivities but as the night is now old I feel as if we must all retire to sleep." He declared. Everyone started chatting and exiting out of the hall. People were gossiping while waiting in line to be let out. "His Majesty must be excited for tonight." One girl mumbled to her partner. "Yes indeed, even more than we were." the man remarked. The girl giggled, "I hope they have fun~" she then glanced at me mouthing 'Good luck'.

I was confused and smiled awkwardly. What the heck were they talking about?

I shook of the thought and turned back to say goodbye to the guests. One by one the nobles left to only leave a few servants, Ella and George. I sighed and then felt George start dragging me again.

I followed him like usual, "Are you excited Y/N~" He asked teasingly. I looked at him, "For what?" He smiled and laughed, "You should know~" I thought for a second, and it hit me.

Now I knew why that couple was giggling. I quickly turned to George who was slightly blushing.

"Oh shit."

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