Chapter 16 ~ Arrangement

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18th of July 1776

~King George's pov~

"I can wash myself! I don't need maids to help me." I felt a sponge hit against my face as my angry fiancee refused to be washed by maids.

"Come on Y/N your going to have to get used to it, a Queen cannot wash herself." I lectured her. She turned away and started cleaning herself, "Well I can, so yeah. Just because we're 'engaged' doesn't mean I have to listen to your nonsense." I looked at her annoyed, "You do. And also you agreed to be my wife."

She glared at me, "Yeah well I didn't know that I had to do this." she submerged more of herself into the water only keeping her face out. "I sighed and sat down on the chair next to the bathtub.

"What seems to be the problem, Your Majesty?" Jane walked in and folded her arms. "My darling Y/N won't let any of the maids clean her," I explained flicking some of the water. Jane smiled and went to the side of the tub.

"So Y/N you must be the trouble cousin." Jane smiled. Y/N flushed red. She was so cute when she was embarrassed. "N-No." she stuttered. "I see your embarrassed, don't worry about me, I'll need your fiancé to go away though."

Jane looked at me and I got up from the chair, "Have fun then. " I walked out and shut the door behind me.

I walked to my bed and collapsed, did I mention I like sleep.

~Y/N's pov~

The door shut and George was gone. I suddenly felt a bit less awkward. "I'm Jane Williams! Nice to meet you." I smiled at Jane, "Y/N L/N it's a pleasure to meet you."

"So Y/N I'm guessing you don't like being washed by other people." I looked at her, "Yeah.." she smiled kindly, "I understand. It's funny though your cousin is fine with me washing her."

I chuckled, "She grew up in a rich family that's why." Jane chuckled and splashed some water in my face.

"That should put you in a better place." She laughed. I smiled at her and she smirked, "Well you better wash yourself and then get changed. I'll leave you to it okay." I smiled at Jane and she walked off. "Wait!" Jane turned around, "What's wrong?"

"Is Ella okay?" Jane smiled, "Yes she is." I was relieved.

Jane walked out of the bathroom and I was left alone. I quickly scrubbed myself and then rinsed myself off with the bucket of water near the tub.

I got up out of the tub and dried myself with a towel. I got changed into a white nightgown and stared at the mirror. I looked at myself in pity, my eyes were tired and my skin was paler than usual. I was a mess.

~Next morning~

I awoke as the rays of the sun hit my eyes. I slept in my new room which was just next to George's. Luckily we weren't allowed to sleep in the same bed until we got married.

I sat up and stretched my limbs. My hair was tangled and my eyes felt irritated. I rubbed my eyes and then pulled off my blanket. I swung my feet around and placed them on the cold floor. I made my way to the mirror in looked at my sorry self.

I picked up a hairbrush and started combining my h/c hair. I tiredly brushed it a few times and then tied it into a simple ponytail. (or leave it out if it's short)

I got dressed in a simple blue dress and put on matching shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror, but I didn't see me. I spun around a few times and then sat on my bed waiting to be 'freed'.

This was my life now until I got married. The wedding was planned to be on the 1st of August so I had time to contemplate my situation.

I really wanted to see Ella but George said I wasn't allowed to talk to her until the wedding. I was only allowed to talk to him and the servants.

I slowly counted the seconds until I heard the door open. "Good Morning, Ms L/N." one of the servants smiled. I smiled back and walked up to him. He closed the door behind me and I followed him to the dining area.

The walk there was long. In fact, you'd probably lose more calories walking there than gaining them from eating.

After a few minutes of aimlessly walking around, we arrived at a large door. It was oak and had several carvings on it.

The servant, Harry opened the door to reveal George sitting on the end of the long table. He was playing with chess pieces and moving them around the board. Harry nudged me and I walked over to my seat next to George.

I sat down and watched him play like a child. "See this. It's you." he picked up a queen and put it in front of my face.

He moved it around and put it next to the King. "It's us two together." I looked down at the board in gloom. "Come one cheer up! Our wedding is soon." he smiled moving a pawn. "It's not something to cheer up about." I hissed.

"But why? You're getting married, you'll get to be with me forever." he placed his hand on mine. "Putting it like that makes it seem worse."

He stared down at the chessboard, "Well you said yes to me so don't make it look like I forced you." I stared at him. "Did I have a choice?"

He put a finger to his lip, "Oh yeah I forgot about that!" he smiled. I mentally smiled, he was cute but not under the circumstances I was in. "So anyway, I was thinking about what we'd name the children. I actually brought a list." he smiled and pulled out a piece of paper.

Name ideas

Henry (probably not ideal since we don't want 6 daughters-in-law)

Charlotte (after the princess who ran away from me.)

I stared down at the list. "What children?" he smiled, "Ours!" I glared at him, "You didn't say anything about children."

"Well isn't it obvious, I do need an heir." he grinned. "Yeah, no." I pushed the paper away. "Well suit yourself, I'll name them then." he rolled his eyes. "Also who's this Charlotte girl that you wrote down," I said pointing at the name.

George's face became awkward, "Oh her, well when my grandfather died I became King. So we had to basically find someone for me to marry. After a while we found Princess Charlotte, she was kind and very sweet. Sadly she didn't like me back and so on the day that we were to wed, she ran off with one of the guards." George explained. I looked at him in shock, "That's rough buddy."

"Oh well that doesn't matter now I'm engaged to you!" he smiled. I awkwardly smiled back. "Anyway back to why I called you here," he spoke.

"Baby names?" I questioned. "No of course not, I was just curious about your life," he explained. I thought for a second, "Well I'm a 23-year-old girl married to a 30-year-old King against her will. I am banned from contact with my loved ones and my parents think I'm dead."

George looked guilty, "I meant before you came here." he looked kind of sad.

"Oh well, I was born on (birthday), 1753. I was a healthy child and grew up quite normally." I explained. He smiled, "Well your life seems quite peaceful then. It was fun wasn't it?" he asked. I could see the hurt in his eyes. For some reason, I felt sorry for him. "It was nice but it did get a bit boring. My dream was actually to move to America and become an artist." I smiled. "Oh, well that's nice.." he trailed off. "Anyway, how about you? I should at least know a bit about the man I'm marrying."

He smiled, "Didn't I already explain my life to you several other times." I remembered that and chuckled, "Oh yeah."

For the first time, I didn't feel like he was stranger, he didn't feel like a King. I felt as if he was more vulnerable.

I almost felt sorry for him. But then I remembered why I was here. I didn't want to be here, but yet I was.

All of this is just an arrangement for him to strengthen his empire by producing an heir. And ai had the misfortune of being the woman involved.

George was the reason why I was unhappy. He was the reason why my life was bad and why I couldn't smile.

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