Chapter 58 ~ Small Talk

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13th of March 1782

~Y/N's pov~

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, and walked down the marble staircase. I was honestly still fatigued from last night. But alas, I promised myself I would actually try to talk to people today.

I pried my hands away from my eyes and smiled at one of the maids. Her eyes directed away from me and the other servants awkwardly shuffled away. I furrowed my brow and shaked it of, for some reason Jane was the only person besides George who actually talked to me. It was odd but the was probably a reason.

I walked down the last set of stairs and arrived at the Garden. I stopped for a second and soaked in the sunlight which I had been lacking in the past few days. The fresh smell of freshly cut grass filled my lungs and I looked around at the pristine and clean cut garden.

"Mommy!" a voice called out. My eyes wondered quickly and I saw Frederick and  Matilda sitting on a red blanket in the distance. I waved my hand and began walking down the wet grass.

My feet sunk into the wet turf and I smiled at the two, coupled around a basket. I fixed my jacket slightly and sat down. "How are you two?" I smiled. Frederick and Matilda smiled excitedly, "It's really cool here Mommy! It's the best holiday ever!" Frederick exclaimed. I chuckled slightly and ruffled his h/c hair. "Is that so?" I smiled. Frederick giggled and he handed me a sandwich. "Matilda and I made this for you."

I grabbed the sandwich and smiled, taking a bite out of the bread. "This is really good!" I smiled. Frederick grinned, "Yay! Mommy likes it!" he jumped up. I giggled and leaned back slightly.

"Morning love." I felt an arm wrapped around me and I looked to my right. George was smiling, his blue eyes full of joy. "Hi..." I awkwardly replied. I pried his arm of and moved slightly away. Frederick looked at George, "Hello, Mr George."

George smiled at him, "Frederick, remember I'm your Dad." George chuckled. Frederick blankly stared at him and took a bite of his sandwich. George turned back to me and I glared away. He wrapped his arm around me again and I awkwardly stayed silent. "You have to tell him Y/N." George whispered. I sighed slightly and moved towards Frederick. "Frederick dear,
I know it's hard but," I paused for a second and looked at George. He was smiling at me to speak. She took another breath, "Mr George is your father."

Frederick moved the sandwich he had away from him, "Ok then mommy." he then blinked funny trying to wink. I held in my laughter amd George sighed picking up Matilda and resting her on his lap. "Well Matilda thinks that I'm her dad, Isn't that right Tilly?" he smiled. Matilda looked at him and smiled, "Of course, because that makes me a Princess!" she voiced. George smiled proudly and stroked her light honey coloured hair.

Frederick rolled his eyes and went back to eating his sandwich. I awkwardly sat there and let George talk to Matilda about random things. I sighed and held Frederick slightly. "Mommy, is Mr George really my dad?" he whispered, his face slightly dull. I patted his h/c hair and looked into his blue eyes. I looked around at the garden and stared at the unlimited lanterns.

The night, from six years ago wondered my mind. This was the spot George proposed to me, all of the evidence I needed to tell Frederick was here and yet I didn't want to tell him. I wanted him to have a Father he could look up to, and George was no such person. I sighed and smiled, whispering. "No."

Fredrick's eyes lit up. I smiled and whispered something again. "But pretend." Frederick looked back at me, "What do you mean pretend?" he asked. My eyes directed slightly to George and Matilda, then back to Frederick. My mouth moved towards his ear, "I want you to pretend that you think he is your father. Even though he isn't." I explained. Frederick nodded and he stood up walking towards George. I smiled and he hugged George. George smiled at me with joy and excitement as he hugged Frederick back. But for me it was all pretend. The fake smile I showed was to please George and for him to trust me. It was simple, make him think he had won. Even though he hadn't.

It seemed cruel but it was just as he did to me all those years ago. But this time, I'd make sure I win.

~Samuel's pov~

Drops of cold water flashed against my face as the ocean rumbled. Marianne was sitting at the very front if the small ship and Ella was holding William a few steps away. Everything was quiet and only the occasional caw of a gull or William muttering something ever provided any noise.

I enjoyed this silence, probably because I haven't had any for a long time. In fact the past few years were the most chaotic. I stared out reflecting on myself, knowing full well that we were set course for a country where my head was wanted. I leaned against the wooden railing and stared out at the ocean. I felt an underlying guilt, and it was the fact that I was part of this mess. Maybe if I hadn't done this or that, maybe just maybe Y/N and Ella would smile.

But no, Ella was far from happy. She was full of the same guilt that plagued me, and Y/N, unless it's killing George, she's probably isn't smiling either. I made jokes and I tried to make Ella smile. But each time I know she's just pretending.

When I came with Ella on this journey I knew the dangers and the risks. But living ny life with the guilt that I had ruined people's lives was much worse.

I was Samuel Seabury, husband of Ella and Father of William. Once a loyal subject of King George but now on my way to stop his very cause.

I looked at Ella and smiled at her blue eyes. I loved her and I wanted her to be happy.I had a responsibility. As a husband and father but most importantly to redeem myself.

This time Y/N's isn't going to suffer while we smile. Instead we'll all be laughing at the man who started this.

King George x reader - An Uncommon Game - Hamilton حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن