Chapter 3 ~ Ambitious

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3rd of May 1776

~Y/N's pov~

"Excuse me!?" my mother shot up and she glared at me and my father. Ella looked away nervously and my father looked at my mother. "My daughter will do no such thing. There are very terrible men there and they might do something to Y/N." she scolded my father.

He smiled slightly and looked at me. "You heard Y/N, M/N. She wants to help. Imagine if you never visited America? Y/N wouldn't have been born." He explained.

My mother's glared deepened and she looked at me with sincerity. "Y/N, you know this is very dangerous," she spoke worriedly. I smiled and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Ma, I'm fine to trust me. I'd rather something bad happen than stay here for the rest of my life and just wait." I explained. My mother's expression faded and she hugged me. "Your really brave Y/N." She smiled. I hugged her back and looked at my father.

"So tomorrow then? I would've liked to know earlier but hey?" I chuckled. My father smiled and Ella gloomily stared at me, "How are you fine with this Y/N? I've known about this for three months and I'm still not ready." she gazed at her food.

I smiled and took a bite of the steak on my plate. Ella's face was pale and she was shaking in her seat. "You don't have to go Ella. I'm fine by myself." I explained. Ella lifted her head up and she looked at me. "I can't just leave you Y/N. What happens if there's a really cute guy, you might snatch him from me." she laughed. I grinned and my mother smiled.

"You better give me grandchildren Y/N." She spoke. I looked at her oddly and Ella laughed. "Good Luck, aunty. I'm sure no man will want to have to procreate with her," she remarked. I rolled my eyes and my mother chuckled. "Makes me wish F/N and I had another child." she teased. I rolled my eyes again and Ella smiled.

I didn't care about what they were talking about because in my mind this mission was important. I finally wouldn't be the idiot who stayed.

~A day later~

The morning was cold like usual. Ella and I were huddled around a table staring down at my dad as he explained what we were to do. He handed us documents, addresses and notebooks. Our task was to find everything we needed to helo win this war. And I was ready, staring intensely at the warm glow of the candle.

My father looked up at me and his eyes shone, "I'm proud of you both. " he grinned. I smiled back and picked up the papers, "Thanks, dad." I grinned and he chuckled. "Stay safe Y/N, and please return home single." he teased. I chuckled and he stood up placing his hand on my shoulder. "Good luck Y/N." he smiled.

I nodded and looked at Ella. "See you dad, and tell mom goodbye," I replied. He smiled and he looked at his bedroom door. "Don't worry, Y/N. She just worried you'll get hurt," he replied. I nodded and My father grinned at us. "Remember the plan girls!" he called out. I nodded and he waved at us as we walked out.

I smiled and looked at the rising sun. "It's beautiful isn't it," I spoke. Ella looked at me and held my hand. "I wish I was as brave as you Y/N." she mumbled. I laughed and squeezed her hand, "Trust me, I think I've just been waiting for too long." I replied. Ella smiled slightly and we began to walk along the muddy path.

I looked back at our small house and smiled to myself.

I was no longer a loser.

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