Chapter 21 ~ Guess Who's Back

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September 1776

"Go fish!" Ella yelled slamming her cards onto the floor. I rolled my eyes, "Ella do you actually know how to play this game?" Ella glanced sideways, "Yesss." I laughed and put my cards down.

"I wonder what Samuel is doing right now?" I questioned staring out the window. "Probably having fun." Ella miserably spoke. I looked at Ella sadly, "Hey I'm sure he'll be happy to see you when he gets back in October." I reassured Ella. Ella smiled and stood next to me, "So, have you thought of any plans yet?" I sighed and peered out the window. "No, I've tried to think of some but I keep getting these dizzy headaches." Ella looked at me with concern, "Do you feel sick, Y/N? I mean if these headaches are getting bad you should probably tell George." I looked at Ella, "It's probably the weather." I chuckled.

Ella smiled and put an arm around me, "Y/N you can be weak you know, there's no harm in getting help." Ella urged. I sighed and sat down next to Ella on her bed. "We'll find a way to escape, I promise." I held Ella's hand closely.

"Hello!" a voice boomed from outside the room. Ella and I looked at each other for a second and turned back to the voice, "What is it?" we said in unison. "Mr Samuel Seabury is arriving earlier than expected, the King is downstairs if y-"

Ella and I burst through the door and started to dash down the stairs. Ella sped quickly and was way ahead of me, "Ella slow down." I said hastily trying to regain my breath. Ella stopped and stood waiting for me, "Y/N I think you need to exercise more, the royal life is making you fat." Ella sarcastically remarked.

I took in a deep breath and ran some more catching up to her, soon we reached the bottom of the stairs. I stopped and took another deep breath, "Ella can we take a break? My head is killing me" Ella pivoted on her foot and turned to me, "Ok grandma."  I looked at her and took a few breaths. We then started walking again to the hall.

Ella grabbed the metal hoops and pulled open the door. The hall was empty except for George who was standing at the end of the hall. He waved frantically at us and gestured for us to come closer.

Ella and I sprinted to the end of the hall excitedly, "Where is Samuel?" Ella asked excitedly. George smiled, "He's coming soon, just a few minutes and he'll be here." Ella's eyes lit up with excitement, "He's earlier than I expected!" she jumped up excitedly not with a care in the world.

George giggled and turned to me hugging me, "And how's the love of my life going." I mumbled 'horrible' slightly but pretend to smile, "Wonderful dear!" I forcibly said in an enthusiastic tone.

George smiled and let go of his grip on me, and held my hand, "I can't wait to surprise Samuel! He doesn't know we're married." He said excitedly, I laughed slightly and moved an inch away from him. The three of us stood for a while waiting for Samuel.

I kept my gaze at my feet and glanced at Ella every few seconds. I held in my urge to vomit and tried to suppress my nausea.

The doors soon opened and a figure walk in, "Your Majesty, Samuel Seabury has arrived." A soldier announced. George smiled and Seabury's face could be seen. Samuel looked off, he looked tired and stressed. Ella gave me a worried looked and stared up at Samuel.

Samuel bowed in front of George and spoke in a low tone, "Your Majesty, I'm terribly sorry for arriving so late but I am back due to reasons." George smiled, "It's fine Samuel, in fact, I have a surprise for you." George grabbed my arm and put my left hand in front of Samuel showing the ring, "We're Married."

Samuel looked up at George with spite. I was shocked to see this as he always kept a cheerful face around George. "Congratulations your Majesty," he said with such venom that I used to do as well. Samuel then gave me a quick sympathetic glance. "I'm terribly sorry Your Majesty but could I please rest, the trip was very exhausting." Samuel stressfully spoke.

George smiled, "Of course." Samuel bowed once more and left the room. Ella who had a look of concern chased after him. I was also worried about Samuel too though. He didn't seem like his usual self. I worriedly stared at the floor causing my mind to race. Nausea from before hit me again but this time I felt the need to vomit. I held my mouth a quickly sped of the bathroom. "Y/N?"

~Samuel's pov~

"That idiot." I cursed to myself walking to my room. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Ella behind me. Her beautiful blue eyes were filled with concern and she was steadily following me. I turned away from her and ignored her, "Samuel please tell me what's wrong?" she asked.

I scoffed and shut my door behind me leaning my back against the wood. Ella knocked on the door but I ignored her.

"Samuel please tell me what's wrong!" she cried. I felt horrible but I didn't know what to say. "Samuel please, just talk to me. I miss you." I stayed silent. "Y/N and I need you, we need you to be okay," Ella spoke softly. I looked at my cold hands and stood up.

I pried the cold door handle and open to see Ella. "Come in." I smiled softly. Ella smiled and hugged me tightly. "Samuel please never leave me!" I patted her back softly and enjoyed her warm hug. "I miss you too. But Ella I need to tell you something." Ella looked at me worried. "What is it."

"Well remember when Y/N said that I was a revolutionist. Well at that time it wasn't true." I explained, Ella's eyes widened, "B-But you went to talk to Washington right?" she stuttered.

I rubbed my temple, "No I didn't, the reason I went there was to convince the revolutionists that they were wrong." Ella became pale, "But then that means your a loyalist."

"Not any more, in fact, that trip is the reason why I'm now an actual revolutionist," I explained. Ella smiled and hugged me tightly, "What changed your mind?" she asked innocently. "Well, when I was there a young man called Alexander interrupted my speech. I got angry at him and argued but after a while, I realised he was right. I apologised to him and he actually let me join their group to become a spy. Then soon I found out how much shit George put the colonies through and that's how I became a revolutionist." Ella's eyes lit up with pride," I knew you'd realise that! But you should tell Y/N about that." I smiled, "Don't worry I'll do that later, in fact, were going to get out of this hell." I said confidently. Ella smiled and her blue eyes locked onto mine. I pulled her face closer and kissed her passionately. I pulled away and whispered near her ear.

"I'll get you out, love. Just you wait."

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