Chapter 51 ~ Oh Fu-

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13th of March 1782

"Were going to have a chat Y/N." George glared at me as he pulled me out of the hall. I struggled against him and pulled my arm away. George didn't budge, instead he scoffed walking up the stairs.

The castle was deathly quiet, it sent a chill up my spine as George continued to drag me through the corridors. His facial expression from earlier was gone, instead of looking angry and sad he had an vengeful looking smirk on his face. My senses shuddered, I didn't like the look of that face or his intentions. We soon moved through a few halls and climbed up a few staircases.

And I tried tugging again but his grip on my wrist was too strong, instead he continued walking. I soon recognised the hallway we were passing through, I felt nauseated and tried to struggle against George's grip. George looked back at me and smiled. He continued pulling me ans I followed, now having an idea of what was too occur.

George's smirk widened as we reached our destination. The ornate wooden door was far too familiar to me, from the ornate flower carvings to the little indents made by others. My stomach dropped as George smiled and grabbed the golden handle. I turned around and tried to run but George's grasp in my wrist hadn't loosened. He turned me around and I stared at the contents of the room. George smiled and pulled me into the room. I knew exactly where I was.

George's bedroom.

~Ella's pov~

My eyes opened and I felt Samuels arm's around me. I smiled and stared around at the stuffy cabin. Samuel's eyes opened and we both yawned. We were stuffed into a tiny cabin, hiding as we did not know if stowaways were welcome on this ship. Samuel smiled and we stood up, "I'm guessing were out at sea." he remarked and rubbed his head.

I nodded feeling the motion of the ocean below us and picked up William. "So I guess we wait then." I smiled awkwardly. Samuel nodded and sat back down, "Yep." he replied.

I chuckled and ruffled William's hair. "I hope Y/N's okay. Let's just hope her head isn't in a basket." I giggled nervously. Samuel smiled,"I wouldn't be worrying if a part Y/N is in something, more if a part of someone is in her, if you know what I mean." Samuel joked. I looked at him annoyed and scoffed at his joke.

"I'm just saying, your worried that George will kill her, is unlikely, I mean that guy loves her more than anyone should. She most likely being f-" I cut of Samuel and gestured at William. Samuel awkwardly glanced sideways, "My bad.." I rolled my eyes, "What happened to the innocent and religious Samuel I married?" I sighed. Samuel shrugged, "I wouldn't have a clue."

I chuckled and hugged Will. "Well whatever Samuel you are I'll have to spend quite a while with him, this voyage is usually two months." I explained. Samuel sighed, "Oh yeah, so about food how the hell are we going to survive on two loaves of bread and a jar of jam for two months." He questioned holding the food. "Well I thought it was just going ti be me." I argued.

"Two loaves of bread and jam? Ella this probably can't even feed William for a day." he ranted. I rolled my eyes, "We could always steal food." I suggested. Samuel furrowed his brow, "What happens if they catch us and the owners of this ship are british." he worriedly stated. "Well we'll just say we got lost, I mean who would kill a mother and her son." I joked.

"Ella remember were kind of wanted by the British government." he exclaimed. "Oh, yeah forgot about that." I awkwardly giggled and Samuel rolled his eyes.

"Hallo?" A voice called out. I froze and looked at Samuel. "Hallo who is there?" the voice came closer. "Ella don't freak out but I think the guy is German." Samuel whispered. I looked at him confused, "German, what do you mean?" I whispered back. "It means were on a British ship, because the German's are friends with the British." Samuel explained. I looked at him confused, "How do you know that?" I questioned.

Samuel moved closer, "It doesn't matter, just stay quiet." he urged me. I nodded and stayed silent.

Soon the sound of footsteps came closer. Samuel's eyes were full of fear as we looked at each other. "Excuse me but if someone is in there, Captain Phillip forbids people to be here." The voice called out. My stomach felt heavy and the footsteps stopped at the door of the crowded cabin. Samuel put his arms around me and we cowered in fear. "I want you to know Samuel that I love you." I smiled as the door unlocked. Samuel smiled back and we huddled closer.

"What the?" we looked up at the blonde man. Samuel let go of me and sighed. I looked at him confused, "Why are you so calm." I nervously whispered. "He's wearing a French army uniform, we're safe." he replied. I looked up at the man and smiled. "Désolé pour nous! J'essayais juste de trouver ma cousine en Angleterre." I spoke in French. The man looked at me confused, "Um I don't speak French." He explained. Oh. I smiled and stood up, "Well then sir sorry bout us we're just looking for my cousin." I smiled.

The guy stared at me, "Why would you take our boat?" he asked. "Well we need to get to Britain-" the man cut me off. "Britain? Sorry ma'am but I think your mistaken, this ship is headed for France." he explained.

I looked at him, "Wait what!?" I moved towards him, "What do you mean?" the man looked at me, "Well ma'am your on Captain Francis Philip's ship, he's returning some of us back to Europe." he explained. I turned to Samuel who had a look of horror on his face I looked at the man.

We may not be on a British ship but we weren't even headed to a country full of Brits.

I sighed and looked at Samuel. Only two words came out of my mouth.

"Oh fu-"

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