Chapter 29 ~ All's Well To Some

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1st of August 1779

"Can you pass the crate please!" I yelled out to Ella. Ella came in holding a crate full of flour. "Where do you want it?" she asked. I pointed at the shelves and went back to sorting the bakery.

"I'm surprised you racked uo enough money for this joint, let alone all these ingredients." Ella smiled leaning against the counter. "Well I mean some of them were like actual gold. Even the diamond on the necklace was real." I explained.

"I still don't understand how you could just sell all of that jewellery. I mean you even gave away your wedding ring." Ella sighed. "Well at least I have a business now. I can finally actually work."

"I think it's weird that you chose to do a bakery. Like didn't you want to be an artist? " Ella glanced at me. "Well yeah at first, but then I realised that I actually needed something that could financially support me." I explained. "Oh yeah that is correct." Ella smiled. "Anyway I need to go it's getting, if anything is wrong don't be afraid to pop in at my house." Ella waved at me. I smiled and she walked out of the shop. I sighed to myself and continued sorting some of the bread I baked.

Ding, Ding.

The shop bells rang and a soldier walked in.

Odd, I thought the sign said closed.

He was quite short for a soldier and had dark brown hair that was tied in a small ponytail at the back. I quickly moved to the counter and greeted him, "Hello sir! What would you be needing tonight." I put an emphasis on tonight. The soldier moved forward. "Just a loaf of bread please." he smiled and placed a few coins on the counter. "Ok sir."

I smiled and went to the back to grab a loaf. "You must be new here, I haven't seen you before." The man spoke. I grabbed the loaf and went back to the counter. "Oh yeah, just recently moved here." I replied. "Oh really? What's your name then?" He asked.

"Y/N L/N." I mumbled. The man shot up, "Wait your that girl Washington was telling me about. Your King Geor-" I quickly cut off the soldier. "Shhh, and yes I am." I replied. The guy smiled, "Well Y/N my name's Alexander Hamilton. I'm George Washington's right hand man."

I smiled and handed him the loaf. "Well thank you, Mr Hamilton." Alexander grabbed the bread and waved me goodbye. The door rang as he left and I sighed.

"Mommy who was that man?" Frederick asked pulling my skirt. "Just a customer dear." I smiled. "Mommy do you think daddy will come here?" he asked. I smiled softly and held his little hand. I didn't answer his question and instead started to walk up the stairs.

"Come on, let's go and eat."

~Meanwhile in Britain~

I sat at the dinner table by myself, the room was dimly lit and only a candle near me was lit. I stirred my soup and sighed leaning my face into my palm. It was Y/N and I's 3rd anniversary today, but of course she wasn't here. I looked at the chairs around me and imagined her and our children sitting there with smiles om their faces.

I started at my left hand looking at my wedding ring and held in my tears. I slowly got up and blew out the candle turning the hall to dark. I slowly strutted out and walked up to my room. I climbed the stairs and reached the door.


I turned around before I grabbed the handle. I looked around and tired to see where the noise came from. "Hello?" I stuttered. The castle was dead silent and only the wind could be heard.

I brushed off my fear and opened up my bedroom. I mived and sat on my bed, staring at the moonlight. A small tear fell down my face, I told myself everything was going to be fine. I took of my jacket and shoes and climbed into bed. I stared at the empty side and rubbed it slightly. I couldn't hold in the tears and they began falling down my face. I grabbed my pillow hastily and hugged it tightly. I tried to muffle my sobs and gasps as I let the pain consume me.

I mumbled to myself and slowly felt my tears stop flowing. I let go of my pillow and wiped my face. Closing my eyes my head grew light headed. I tried to regain my sanity and breathed in.

"Please come back."

~Back in America~

"And they lived happily ever after, the end." I shut the book and smiled. "That was boring mama," Frederick pouted, "daddy tells stories way better than you." I sighed and put my arm around Frederick, "Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Yeah! When daddy comes to New York he'll tell me lots of stowies." Frederick smiled. I looked into his blue eyes and smiled sadly. "Daddy us really cool, he can become a soldier and meet Mr Washington like you did! And then dad can twy the yummy bwead you make." he giggled and snuggled closer to me. "Isn't that wight Matwilda." He smiled poking his sister. "Hey Frederick don't wake your sister." I scolded him. "Okay." he replied and leaned against me. "I love you mommy." he smiled.

I smiled back and hugged both of my children. "I love you too." I smiled and hummed to them.

Frederick's eyes started to close and he fell asleep. I stared out the window in sorrow. I was here for a reason, it was for me and them.

I wanted them to have a better life and I'd rather they grow uo fatherless than live with George.

I'm sorry Frederick, but daddy's not coming.


Finally introduced another character horray! Here's a list of people who have appeared in this story and there relationship with Y/N

Ella - Her favourite cousin, was cinnamon roll but is now a badass mother. 10/10 would recommend. "but like she glew up"

Samuel - Her friend, used to be innocent cinnamon roll but is now cool dad. 10/10 "da f*ck happened to my cinnamon roll"

Jane - Basically her second mother, also can and will kill anyone who ruins her otp, SamuElla. "eyes stare into your soul.

George - her husband (that she dislikes) 1/10 would not recommend. "dear Europe stop inbreeding"

Frederick - her son and cinnamon roll "stop saying daddy, it makes me uncomfortable"

Matilda - her daughter and cinnamon roll. "I have only had Matilda for a day, but if anyone touches her I will kill everyone in this room and then myself."

Benjamin - lol he's ok "bitch is a loyalist tho"

Her mum - her mum, the person who birthed her adn also the reason why our protagonist doesn't jump of buildings "should have listened to her. Mother does know best."

Her dad - her dad, had something to do with the process, looks up to her father and is the reason she is a revolutionist "you had to open your mouth.

Alexander - who goes to a bakery at like 9:00pm in the afternoon.  "sIr!"

Washington - We stan him. He is our Senpai. "Notice me!

King George x reader - An Uncommon Game - Hamilton Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang