Chapter 50 ~ Dead Upon Arrival

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13th of March 1782

I was sitting silently holding Frederick and Matilda close. Everything was still, and the ticking clock on the wall marched in beat.

It was 8:57am, three more minutes before we had to leave. The seconds went by and the hand of the clock ate at the marks on the glass.

8:58am, the minute hand struck close to the 9. My heart began to pound as the sounds footsteps on the deck above me loudened. I took a deep breath and looked up at the clock.

8:59am , only one more minute. I wiped my face and turned to Frederick and Matilda. "Promise me you, that you both will stay silent even if someone asks you something." I instructed them. Frederick and Matilda never nodded and the footsteps from before became louder and nearer. I clenched my fists and looked up at the clock one last time.

9:00am, the wooden door concealing me opened and the eyes of Oliver, Ben and another walked in. "Good Morning Y/N." Oliver smiled. I glanced away and Oliver chuckled moving towards me. He clasped on a set of handcuffs and smiled. "Sorry bout that, just extra precautions."

"Mommy?" Frederick's blue eyes looked at me scared, I smiled softly and stood up. "Come on, Fredrick." Frederick nodded and both he and Matilda seized the fabric on my dress and hid near it. Ben smiled sympathetically and we walked out of the cabin.

I followed the pair through the small and damp corridor. My wrists chaffed as they pulled me up through the stairs. My eyes were met with the glare of the sun and I shield my eyes. The sun heated my cold skin as we walked along the wood. I looked forward and saw a small congregation of people surrounding the ramp.

I pushed Frederick and Matilda further behind me as Oliver and Ben lead us down the plank. The smell of salty sea spary filled my nostrils as we descended further down. The crowd below gawked as we arrived on the ground. Whispers and glances were shared as Oliver ploughed through the people.

"Why is the Queen in handcuffs?"

"Is that the Prince? How about that little girl?"

"I wonder who kidnapped the Queen? "

"The King will be happy."

The whispers rang in my ear, as the stares from the curious onlookers burned through my soul. I bowed my head down and stared at the concrete. I stopped for a second and a small tear I was concealing beaded down my face. Ben turned around and looked at me, trying to empathise. I looked away and felt Oliver tug on the handcuffs.

"Almost there Your Majesty." Oliver grinned as we approached the palace. My anxiety worsened as the building which had always haunted me came into my direct sight. "Mommy look a castle!" Matilda exclaimed. I quickly shushed her as Oliver's green eyes glared.

The five of us, followed by the other guards entered the palace. It was the same extravagant red carpeted staircase that I was met with on that fate filled spring day six years ago. My eyes shifted as the portrait of George hung in the centre. Frederick's eyes widened as he noticed the painting. "Mommy look it's a picture of the King." he gawked. I scoffed slightly as he moved away from my dress. "Wow he looks better than the picture our teacher showed us." Frederick remarked.

I awkwardly glanced sideways as Oliver gave me a disapproving look. I glared back slightly and he pulled me towards the staircase. The metal from the hand cuffs prodded against my wrists and I moved. "Mommy where are we?" Frederick questioned. I smiled down at hima and put my finger to my lip. Frederick nodded in defeat and we continued up the stairs.

Oliver soon stopped as we reached a large oak door. My shoulders tingled in fear as Ben pushed the door open. The room was empty, it was a small hall like chamber witu the usual portraits scattered among it walls. We moved inside and Oliver turned around, "See you then Y/N! Well be going to get our paycheck, The King will be here soon." He smirked and grabbed Ben's arm, leaving the room. My eyes clenched as the sound of door locking pricked my ears.

"Mommy what does he mean?" Frederick tugged. I looked down at him, "Remember Frederick." I placed my finger on my lip amd Frederick pouted again. We stood still and waited, soon the familiar click of shoes on marble became clearer. The sound loudned and my heart began to pound. I stared at the other door across from me and waited. My fists clenched and my head began to become dizzy. My eyes soon wondered around the room and I looked at the mint coloured walls to soothe me.

I felt myself become distracted, which was relieving but soon the clicking soud loudned and ceased. I felt all the colour from my face drain as the door clicked. I closed my eyes as the door slowly creaked open, I stood still not daring to make a move.

"Y/N!" George's cheerful voice called out and my eyes opened to see him running towards me. I froze as I felt his arms wrap around me. "Y/N your here! You're back! He excitedly voice and hugged me tighter. My whole body was encased with fear and George pulled away looking me in the eye. His icy blue eyes were filled with joy and excitement was scattered across his whole face. I flinched backwards with fear, distancing myself from George.

"What's wrong love?" he smiled. My eyes widened and I stared down at my handcuffs. "Oh that? Here let me undo that." He smiled and pulled out a key. The metal fiddled against the lock and the handcuffs loosened falling onto the floor.

"Now you can hug me back." he giggled. I skittered backwards and nudged Frederick and Matilda backwards. "Love?" he looked at me concerned. I glared at him, "Why am I here? Why did you kidnap us?" I interrogated him. George's eyes wondered and he smiled awkwardly, "Kidnap? Really I told Oliver and Ben to invite you here. They must've not listened to me." he chuckled.

I glared at him, not believing a single word he said. "Hey! Stop annoying my Mommy you stupid King!" Frederick ran towards George and tried to hit him, "Frederick!" I scolded him. George moved backwards and smiled lifting Frederick up. "Put me down this instant you tea taxing idiot!" Frederick cried. George smirked, "Do you not recognise me." He teased. Frederick looked at him annoyed, "I do know who you are! Your the King of England, I'm going to kick your-" George shushed Frederick and held him closer. "I'm your dad." he smiled.

Frederick's eyes twitched and his brow furrowed, "Yeah right! My dad is dead, he would never be some British idiot let alone the King of them!" he cried and tried to wriggle out of George's hands.

My heart dropped and George's gaze directed towards me. He put down Frederick and moved towards me. "Guards take my children up to their rooms, I would like to have a chat with Y/N." George yelled out and two guards walked in grabbed Matilda and Frederick. "Wait-" I begged and I reached towards them.

I then felt a hand tighten on my wrist and I turned to see George holding me back. "Matilda! Frederick!" I cried out, they both tried to scream but the soldiers held their mouths. I tried to inch towards them but George had pulled me towards him. The two soldiers walked out and I felt my arm being pulled. I looked at George's face and his pale eyes full of hurt and anger.

"Were going to have a chat Y/N."

King George x reader - An Uncommon Game - Hamilton Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя