Chapter 53 ~ Trust Issues

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~Part four - Their Regrets~

14th of March 1782

~Samuel's pov~

Ella and I looked at each other standing right in front of the captain.

"So care to explain why you are both here." his almost violet looking eyes peered into my soul. I hesitantly spoke, "I-It's a long story." I smiled awkwardly. The captain rolled his eyes and brushed his Auburn hair out of his face. "Well mon ami, we I have plenty of time. Two months to be exact." he grinned, speaking in a noticeable French accent.

I awkwardly glared around and Ella moved towards Captain Philip. "Well sir this may sound odd, but I'm rescuing my cousin from the King of England." she explained. I looked at Ella in shock, she just told some random stranger our plan. Ella saw my face and gave me a smile. I furrowed my brow and she looked back at him. "King of England you say, who's this cousin of yours?" he asked. Ella grinned, "Y/N L/N."

The captain's eyes lit up, "Oh her, I've only heard about her through rumours. She's the King's wife isn't she, the one who ran away?" he questioned. Ella nodded and then man smirked placing his hand on his chin. "Yiu three are lucky we have extra supplies, otherwise I would have had to through you off. No hard feelings by the way." he smiled. I chuckled awkwardly and he laughed, "You two are doing something good. Although I can't take you to France, I do have a Friend there whi will happily take you to England." he smiled. "Really!?" I gawked.

He nodded and lit a cigarette, "Yep, no point in not helping you. Feel sorry for Y/N especially hearing all the rumours." he explained. I smiled sincerely, "Thanks Captain Philip." The captain looked at me, "Francis is fine not really big on the formalities." he spoke. I nodded and smiled, "Thanks then Francis." Ella smiled at him and we began to walk out. "Wait. One more thing." Ella and I turned around, "your room is downstairs to the right, you'll be staying with Leon, the guy who found you." he explained. We nodded and turned back around.

"Well things aren't exactly going to plan, but hey will still heading in the right direction." Ella smiled. I looked at her and hugged her shoulder. "Ella, do you really think we should go, I mean I know George kidnapped Y/N but may-" Ella turned and glared at me. "Samuel trust me, George isn't probably treating her like how you think. He's probably locked her up or something." Ella spoke with tears swelling in her eyes.

I grabbed her face and smiled, "Very well then, as long as you think this is good I'll trust you." I hugged her and smiled. "We'll save Y/N."

Ella hugged back and sobbed. I trusted her and I knew she wanted Y/N back as much as I did. We walked down ti the cabin through the small, dark corridor.

It was dangerous infiltrating a country of Brits when your wanted by their government. But Y/N made sacrifices for me and Ella to. I still remember that day that Ella and I left, I wish I could've taken her with us. But it doesn't matter we'll rescue her.

Sure this plan was risky but so was life.

~George's pov~

It was dark and the night was  already old. But yet I was awake cherishing the warmth of Y/N. I held her tightly, laying down on my side, this time I wasn't going to let her go.

Even though she said she loved me, I didn't trust her completely. I knew Y/N thought I was some idiot and that tricky me was easy but she always failed.

But mostly I believed everything she said was truthful. I looked at her h/c hair and nuzzled my face near her. It had been three years since I had enjoyed her company, everything was wonderful. I finally felt full after the years I spend wasting away.

I had committed so much thought to Y/N that even teh idea that Y/N missed me was a bliss thought. I know it's bad to depend on someone but with Y/N back it made me realise how much I needed her.

I hugged her even tighter, I didn't want to lose her. I wanted to completely trust her and let her sleep freely. But it had only been one day.

I wasn't risking it. Sleep could wait, I needed to make sure the person who kept me sane was next to me. I just couldn't stand losing Y/N again.

~Y/N's pov~

Everything spiralled in my mind. Even though I love George, and I was willing ti stay not everything was wonderful. I knew that my family in America was worried, not only that but my life their.

I love George but yet I felt as if he was holding me back. Literally and metaphorically. He was hugging me tightly, almost suffocating me, it was uncomfortable but I understand why. He doesn't trust me.

I wish he did but yet again this is how he lost me, the night I left him he wasn't holding on tight enough. But now he was, watching me making sure I didn't leave.

I was going to give him a second chance, I knew he was insecure about me and his paranoia that was littered in his letters bled into him.

Maybe this love for him was guilt. Guilt for leaving someone in pieces and for taking away the person they loved.

It had always scared me how much George needed me, and there was one thing my mother told me as a child.

Their is a border between love and obsession. Love is something that makes your life better, not something it feeds of. George didn't need me and yet he did. His obsession scared me and yet I loved him back.

Even after all the things he's done I trusted him. Why? I
wouldn't know. But one thing I did know was that when George's 'love' turned into obsessive, I would have to leave.

King George x reader - An Uncommon Game - Hamilton Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя