"Yes," mumbled Odette as she wrapped her arms around her. Mei returned the action.

"Everything will work out, I promise," said Mei as she patted Odette's back. Odette shook her head.

Odette woke up to the light pouring in through the window. She blocked her face from the stream of sunlight. She realized that Mei had forgotten to close the curtain around her bed when she left last night. She shut the curtain that was letting the sun in and flipped to the other side. She wondered if Regulus was already awake.

She just wanted to be with him for the whole day. She didn't care anymore, she just wanted him. Odette stood up from her bed and finished adding a few other things to her trunk.

By the time, she had finished getting ready, Emma was just opening her eyes.

"You're up early," she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Yeah. . .last night was rough. I had so much on my mind that I could only toss and turn," said Odette.

"So I heard," said Emma.

"Sorry," winced Odette, "Was I too loud?"

"I'm just kidding with you, Odette. I mean I did hear you, but it wasn't that bad."

Odette smiled slightly.

"Are you going down for breakfast?"

"Yes," said Odette.

"Alright, I'll see you there."

Odette nodded and turned away. She stopped by Mei's dorm to see if the girl was awake. She had a feeling Mei was not and was proven right when she heard her snores. Olivia Mae, on the other hand, was wide awake and doing her makeup. She looked up and spotted Odette. She returned to blending and just as Odette was about to leave, she said, "Good morning."

"Good morning," muttered Odette.

"Come take a seat," said Olivia Mae, "I'll wake up Mei for you if you'd like."

"Oh no!" said Odette, "It's fine. Mei's cranky if she gets woken up early anyway."

"Yes. . .I suppose you're right," said Olivia Mae. "You can sit with Aditi if you'd like. She's down at breakfast if that's where you're heading."

"I see. . .thank you."

"You sound miserable," said Olivia Mae, "What's been sucking the life out of you?"

"Life," said Odette with a shrug, "I'll see you down there, Livi."

"Yeah, of course, I'll tell Mei to hurry her arse up when she awakens from her beauty sleep."

"Thank you."

Odette left Mei's dorm and headed down to the Great Hall. She had never been up so early and wandering the halls at Hogwarts before. It was odd seeing the empty corridors. She was so used to them being filled with people.

The first thing she did when she entered the Great Hall was look over at the Slytherin table. There was no Regulus. She held back a sigh of disappointment and headed to where Aditi was sitting.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" she asked.

Aditi looked up and shook her head, "No, not at all. Go ahead."

"Thank you," said Odette.

She down and looked at her breakfast options. She wasn't feeling like eating anything available. However, she took a slice of toast and smeared jam all over it. She ate it. Then she grabbed another slice of toast with jam, except she added blueberries. She hated blueberries, yet she hoped their taste distracted her mind. No amount of blueberries eased her pain though. Their horrid taste (in her opinion, of course) did not compare to the horrid feeling in her chest.

Love, Aurélie | REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now