Chapter Nine

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SUMMER BREAK DIDN'T REALLY FEEL LIKE A BREAK to Odette. It was spent doing a lot of other things rather than taking a break. The whole break felt very rushed to her as she still remembered waking up in Margot's bed like it was yesterday, but it wasn't and she was now standing in front of Platform 9 3/4.

She had just watched Xia run through it, but she remained a bit frightened at the idea of running through a brick wall, even with the Xun family telling her it would be fine.

"Let's run through it together," said Mei, holding out her hand.

"Why couldn't we just go to Hogsmeade and go to Hogwarts like that?" said Odette.

"And miss the Hogwarts train?" said Mei, "No way."

Odette sighed and took Mei's hand, "Alright."

Mei picked up her pace and Odette shut her eyes close just as she saw them run closer to the wall.

"You can open them now," said Mei. Odette opened one eye and no longer saw the brick wall in front of her. Instead, she saw a scarlet red train before them.

"Wow. . ." breathed out Odette in awe.

"I know right?!" said Mei, "This is why we don't miss the train — and because it's easier than going to Hogsmeade."

Liu ran through the wall after them.

"You two take care. Enjoy your first and final year at Hogwarts, Odette. Stay out of trouble, Mei. I don't need another letter telling me you got in a fight with a Slytherin or student because of something stupid they said."

"Yes, mum," said Mei.

"Now where did Xia go?" said Liu. Mei dragged Odette away from her mother and towards the train.

"Shouldn't you wait for your friends?" said Odette.

"They'll find me," said Mei.

Mei led Odette towards an empty compartment and sat beside her.

"So, I think you'll go with the first years," said Mei.

"Where do the first years go?" said Odette.

"They go on the boat ride to the castle and then get led through the great hall to get sorted."

"I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb," said Odette.

"Of course you will," said Mei, "The firsties are so small and cute — not that you aren't either of those things, although you're not very small —"

"I get your point."

Mei cleared her throat, "Right."

The compartment door opened. Two other girls stood at the doorway, both whom Odette recognized from the photographs in Mei's room.

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