Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Awful," said Odette, "Isn't Hua going to travel anyway?"

"Well, yeah, but it's been put on hold. All Quidditch tournaments have been banned after death eaters infiltrated the last one."

"Oh! Emery's birthday just passed," said Mei.

"Hey, Mei, I think I'm going to go freshen up in the bathroom," said Odette,

"Go ahead, I'll wait here," said Mei.

Odette climbed off the bed and left the dorm. Much to her dismay, the lavatory was occupied by two girls. One was adjusting her makeup in the mirror while the other one was using the loo. Odette entered a stall and waited until both girls left. Once she made sure the bathroom was empty, Odette exited.

"Is this where we're going to have privacy now? The loo?" said Cassia as she sat on the sink.

"It'll do for now," said Odette, "Did you take the memories away from my siblings, Cassia?"

"Not really, no."

"And why didn't you?"

"Because by the time, I arrived they were gone and when I found Archie, it was already too late. It's not like I purposely chose you."

"So, I was just unfortunate enough to —"

The door opened and Odette spun around to pretend as if she was washing her hands.

"Oh, Odette," said Olivia Mae as she entered with Aditi.

"Hey," said Odette as she shut off the faucet.

"It's been a while, hadn't it?" said Aditi, "How have you been?"

"It has," said Odette as she dried off her hands, "I've been a lot better as of recently. How have you been doing?"

"I've been well," said Aditi, "Got any plans for when we leave?"

"Yes," said Odette, "You?"

"Not really, it must be nice to know what you're going to do with your life."

"You should join me," said Olivia Mae as she nudged Aditi with her shoulder, "We'll open a coffee shop in a small town and know the regulars by name. We'll live on the floor above the coffee shop and wake up early every morning to begin our long day."

"Sounds dreamy," laughed Aditi.

Odette cracked a smile, "I'll see you two around."

"Yes, have a goodnight," said Olivia Mae.

Odette climbed up to her dorm where Mei was waiting for her.

"Done?" said Mei.

Odette got comfortable in the bed and leaned against Mei. She nodded.

"Say, what are you going to do after Hogwarts?" asked Odette.

"Me? Well, I'd probably get a job in the ministry. I'll hate it, but I'll keep working to save up. Once I have enough money, I'll buy a small house just out of town. I'll find a nice guy to settle down with. We might have a child, only one, or we might not have any at all. Perhaps, we'll adopt a dog and baby it. I'll be independent of my mum."

Love, Aurélie | REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now