"I'm sorry Mitch. I didn't think about that. I should have at least whispered to you what my plan was." I said and pulled his chin up and kissed him. I pull away and he pulls me back in. I move on him and lay him on the bed. We continue kissing. He goes to my neck and goes straight to my sweet spot. He sucks on my neck while I keep myself from moaning. I give up and let myself give in. He goes back to kissing my lips. After a couple more minutes I pull away. "Mitch, I would love for this to happen right now but we should probably head home." I say. He nods and we both get up and walk downstairs hand in hand. We see Adam and Ty sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones..

"What were you guys doing?" Adam kneels on the couch and raises his eyebrows. My face goes a bit pink."Nothing to concern you Mr. Dahlberg." Mitch says.

"Just remember Mitch, that isn't your bed anymore. So next time you and Ashley want to do the frickle frackle take it to your place." WTF!?! My face is probably red as a tomato right now.

"Adam! We didn't do anything!" I say, my voice going squeaky and higher.

"Your neck says otherwise." He smiles. I pull my hair around my neck covering the hickey Mitch must have left.

"All we did was make out." I say still with a squeaky voice.

"Sure." He said sarcastically and went back to the TV.

"Well we are leaving. Tell everyone we said bye." I said. Adam waved us out and we left. I notice how dark it is and I feel hungry."Mitcheypoo" I say in a sweet voice.

"Yes poofy?"

"I am hungry. Can we get some pizza from Papa John's?"

"Why yes we can Darling" He says. i peck his lips and We head towards the pizza place and we get out and order a barbeque chicken pizza and chicken artichoke. We get back in and head home. Mitch carries the pizza in and I open the door to see Tyler lying in Kyle arms on the couch watching him play on his phone. I stop Mitch and point to them. He smiles and we walk in.

"We're home and we have dinner" Mitch says. Tyler and Kyle scramble off the couch and Tyler starts heading back upstairs. "Tyler please, come eat. It has been so long since we have been able to sit with you out of your room." I say and grab his arm. Tyler thinks about it for a minutes and nods. We all go to sit at the table and get the pizza passed out. Everyone eats in silence until Mitch pipes in.

"So what have you guys been doing all day?" I look at Tyler who is picking at his pizza.

"Watched movies, slept, same as usual, how about you guys?" Kyle replies.

"Well we went shopping for the baby and went to visit TC" I replied."Sounds cool" Kyle says. We continue to eat with a bit of awkward small talk. Tyler said nothing the entire time. By the time all of us are down I look over at Tyler and his half eaten piece. I sigh and pick up the plates. Kyle and Tyler go to Kyle's room and Mitch helps me put everything away. Once we are done I go upstairs and knock on Kyles door."Can I come in?" I ask.

"It's unlocked." I hear Kyle say. I walk in and see Tyler on the bed and Kyle is recording a video at the desk."Kyle can I talk to Tyler alone please?" I whisper so the mic doesn't pick it up. He nods and pauses the recording. He walks out the room and closes the door. I go to prop myself up next to Tyler and take his hand. I sit there silent for a bit and trace his hand."Tyler." He stares forward not acknowledging me.

Tyler's Pov>>>>>>>>>>>

"Tyler" Ashley says with a weak voice. I keep looking forward not having the energy to turn my head to look at her. "I miss you." She starts crying silently. "Please, please get better. I can't handle this anymore. I miss you and having you around. Today was the first day you came out of this room. It was nice but it also made me see how much its killing me not seeing you all the time. Say something please." I stare at her and she barriers her head in my chest as she sobs.

"I'm sorry." I say. That's all I can manage out. She looks up at me and I see sadness in her eyes.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." She says.

"I will try to beat this. I am sorry for letting it get me."

"Tyler dont say sorry, I know what it's like, trust me, and I know how hard it is to get over but I need you to try. That's all. Just try to get better. I know it will take a while. Just know everyone loves you. We are all here. " she says. I nod my head to show her I will try. She hugs me and leaves the room. I sigh as Kyle comes back in.

"You alright buddy?" he asks and sits next to me. I nod and look at him. I catch his eyes and can't let them go. We stare into each other's eyes and slowly lean in. Our lips touch and I feel like all my problems have disappeared. I start to kiss him back and that's how we stay. We pull away out of air. I look away blushing. We sit there for a moment awkwardly and he goes back to recording. I lay down on the bed and start thinking. Am I gay? What the hell did I just do? What about Shelby? Does he hate me now? And most importantly, where does this leave us? I drift off to sleep with everything on my mind.

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