"If we didn't have to attend that club in a few days I would want to mark you." I know what he means, but he still takes a moment to seductively explain himself regardless. "I would want to mark up your pretty neck with blossoming bruises caused by my mouth. I would want to prove to everyone that I have been there. Marking your body much like a map. Taking special care to point out all the important places I've been." His words kindle all sorts of visuals that I most definitely am up for exploring some other time.

"Yeah, let's not make me a walking bruise between now and then." I find myself joking. Then I gasp, because despite the fact that I know he won't mark me this time; he still latches onto my neck with exquisite attention and pressure.

He comes back to kiss my lips even more thoroughly than before. I couldn't care less if they end up swollen and bruised for hours, just as long as he keeps kissing me this way.

He pulls away, and I whimper that my silent request hasn't been answered. Not until he whips his t-shirt off and it flutters to, hell I don't even care where it fluttered to, does my whimper turn into more of a purring-like sound of appreciation. I immediately smile at the cute daisy mark on his upper chest for a moment before becoming enamored with his pretty pale skin.

I find myself trailing my fingertips all over the pretty flesh before my eyes. I start at his neck and gently trace down to either side of his shoulders and follow a path on either side downward. Once I get to his collarbone I find myself trailing over it gently. He takes in a deep breath, and I notice his pupils are blown wide. "You like it when I touch you here. Huh? I didn't realize they were erogenous zones outside of the obvious."

He chuckles darkly. "I'm pretty damn sure you are just playing coy right now."

I shrug. "What if I am?" He pauses for a second. A dark expression crossing his face before it fades completely. I'll have to ask him what that meant sometime in the near future. I can only guess he thought of something sexily sinister before he let it fade from his mind.

Since he seems to either have forgotten I asked a question or is intentionally not answering it I continue toying with his body. Once both hands meet in the center I trail them down side by side just outside of his breastbone. The thumbs trail directly down his breastbone in a mirrored manner that has him reacting similarly to how he did when I found those spots on his collarbone.

Apparently he decides he has had enough of my torturing exploration. He cuffs my wrists in either of his hands and places them at my sides. "I'll let you explore me all you want to another time."

I arch an eyebrow. "You take your shirt off and don't expect myself to trace all over your pretty skin, Bear? That hardly seems fair. It's like going to a candy store and being told you are only allowed to browse."

"Yeah, don't make me regret the decision to ditch the shirt."

He pulls slightly away, so even if I wanted to go against his request I wouldn't quite be able to reach him without leaning up. I follow his body upward slightly with that very idea in mind. To touch him again despite his request. But, then a question pops in my mind that I have to know the answer to. "If you didn't want me to touch you. Why did you take off your shirt?"

He pauses for a second. "Honestly, it was an automatic impulse at the time, and trust me when I say I most definitely want you to touch me. I just was starting to worry I might lose control." His eyes trail down my body. "However, I did just come up with an excellent reason to leave my shirt off."

"Oh?" I blink at him curiously.

His hands cup my upper thighs and I find my eyes trailing to their placement. It appears my sleep shirt has risen even more, and the lower part of my boy shorts are visible. I think I know what his excellent reason might be at this point. "Aw, is my shirt offending you now, Bear? I thought you might find it cute. But, I mean if it truly is offending you I can always take it off." I trail my own hands down my side threatening to do just that.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now