Confession booth sex

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The priest had just gotten to his church not even 10 minutes and the demon had showed up.

"Thomas I'm sooo bored~." The red demon moaned.

Tom growled.

"What do you want me to do about it." Tom growled making sure everything was clean.

"Let me fuck you~. Please." Tord said with a pouty expression.

Tom pushed the demon away from him and locked himself in the confession booth.  He was supposed to be holy and never let a demon take over, but Tord had other plans.

"Oh father forgive me for what I'm about to do." Tord hissed through the other side of the booth.

He teleported to Tom and pulled him close. He wrapped his wings around the priest and his tail around Tom's legs. He pulled Tom in for a kiss while softly pulling on Tom's shirt.  Tord ripped off Tom's shirt and started on his pants.

"Baby please!~" Tord cried.

Tom felt Tord's erection.  He felt Tord's breath up against his neck.  The demon was a mess, Tom could tell something was wrong.  Tord would never just force him into this, so Tom ran his fingers through Tord's hair, he pulled him in for a kiss and started to move his hands down. He gripped Tord's bulge causing Tord to groan and take off Tom's shirt. Tord made his way down Tom's chest and towards his pants.

Tord slowly removed Tom's pants and started to make hickeys on his thighs. He slowly made his way back up to Tom's mouth. He pecked Tom's lips.

"Tord I'm giving you my consent. I know something's wrong so I'll give myself to you."

"You have no idea babe." Tord whispered kissing Tom's neck.

Tord removed the rest of their clothes and softly trailed his finger to Tom's butt. He stuck two fingers into Tom and prepped him. He wasn't a monster. Tord pulled his fingers out of Tom and wrapped his wings around Tom, buried his head into Tom's neck and pushed himself in. Tom gripped the demons arms. Tord lapped at Tom's neck and nibbled lightly at it.

Tord started to thrust, Tom gripped Tord harder.

"Holy shit~!" Tom moaned. Tom continued to moan out for Tord.

Tord heard Tom and pounded the poor priest harder, this only prompted Tom to moan louder. Tord huffed and bit hard on Tom's shoulder. Tom yelped, but didn't really care, Tord was doing him so well he could do anything and Tom wouldn't mind.

"Tord~!" Tom screamed pulling on Tord's horns.

Tord grunted and came. Tom screamed as Tord rode out his orgasm.

Tord shook his head and smiled at Tom.

"Hi Thomas! Getting me alone in a confession booth hm?" Tord laughed.

Tom blushed and slapped Tord.

"You asshole! you shoved me in here."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, buuuuuuuut you must have found me sinful father. Also I know your a father but I can be your daddy~.'

Tom groaned and pulled his clothes back on.

"Go fuck yourself."

"Sorry I'm to busy fucking you."

Tom had opened the door and was walking out before Tord pulled him back in. Lets just say Tom had a lot of sins to atone for on Sunday morning.

I just realized when Stan says They killed Kenny in South Park they are referring to Matt and Trey. Also it's like two in the morning and I've been working on a story that I'm not going to post all day. Buuuuuuuuut I'm still gonna work on stuff.

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