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Tom woke up and sighed.  Today was sex ed day in health.  He did not want to do it but it was required to pass.
He got to school and saw Tord Edd and Matt all waiting for him.
"Tom are you ready for today!!??" Matt yelled.
Tom groaned and shook his head.
"Thomas stop being grumpy or I'll tell everyone about.  You know what." Tord said.
Tom had "accidentally" sent Tord a naughty video and now it was Tord's blackmail, and erection material.
Edd and Matt gave Tom and Tord a confused look.
"It's nothing.  Nothing at all." Tom said walking past Tord with a bright red blush on his face.
Tord smiled and walked after him, while Edd and Matt were left clueless on what the two were talking about.

Time skip

It was lunch time and everyone was eating lunch.
"Tord what were you talking about this morning?" Edd asked.
"Can ya keep a secret?" Tord asked.
Edd and Matt nodded.
Tom covered his face and waited for the embarrassment to be over.
"Me and Tom are going to see a related r movie." Tord said.
Tom uncovered his face and nodded.
"Lots of sex." Tom said.
Tord nodded also.
"So you guys are going to watch a porno?" Edd asked.
"Yes." Both of them said.
"Tom actually sent it to me by accident." Tord said with a smirk.
Edd and Matt were evidently satisfied with their answer and continued to eat and talk.  Tord on the other hand slowly moved his hand off of the table to Tom's thigh.  Tord always did things like this sense the video but Tom didn't expect this. Tord's hand instead of staying on Tom's thigh moved up towards his crotch.
"Agh." Tom moaned putting a hand over his mouth.
Edd and Matt looked at the two again. But shrugged when they saw it was nothing.

Health class

Tord was bored so he started to write a note to Tom. 
You want to come over 2nite?
He handed the paper over to Tom slowly so the teacher didn't see it.
Tom opened it and quickly wrote down:
What do you have in mind ;)
Tord smirked when he saw the winky face.
Maybe we could do it like in the video~
They continued passing the note back and forth until the teacher caught them.
"Tom! Tord!  What do you have?" She asked.
"Nothing!" Both yelled.
"Would you like to come read your note at the front of the class?  Or would you want me to do it?" She asked.
"What note?" Tord said shoving it in his mouth and eating it.
"Mr. Anderson.  I hope you weren't trying to seduce one of your classmates while I'm teaching about the safety of sex." She said sternly.
"I'm not."
She nodded but kept an eye on him. 
The bell rung and everyone started to get up.
"We'll be going over this the next few days.  Don't forget to bring your lunch for a field trip Friday!" She yelled as students walked out of the class.

After school

Tord loaded Tom up in his car and started to make out with him while the parking lot emptied.
Then their health teacher knocked on the window. Tord smiled as he rolled down his window.
"I hope you're not taking advantage of your parents not being home mr Anderson." She said.
"I'm not ma'am."
She nodded and watched the two males.
"Also I expect you to show up for detention Friday until you tell me what was in the note you were passing. And everyday you don't tell me."
"What! You can't do that!"
"I most certainly can and will. I'll see you tomorrow Tom."
And with that she walked away.
"Total cock block." Tord growled.
Tom laughed.
"That doesn't mean you can't take me home and get horny again~." Tom said turning the keys in the ignition and moving his hand down.
Tord smirked and put the car in reverse.

One car ride later

Tord parked out front of his house and escorted Tom inside.
"First rule Thomas?"
"There are no rules what are you talking about."
Tord chuckled.
"We are going to break every rule that we were taught today."
Tom kinda was turned on by that, but at the same time worried.
"Please still do prep." He said.
"Don't worry Tommy. I could never hurt you. Even is it's sexual."
Tom giggled and kissed Tord in thanks.
"Give me a real kiss Thomas."
Tom rolled his eyes and started to kiss Tord.  His boyfriend was so demanding sometimes.
After a quick make out session Tord led Tom to his room.
They both began to take their clothes off. Tord pushed Tom to his bed before ripping off Tom's pants and boxers.
"Tord!" Tom yelled trying to cover himself.
"It's nothing I've never seen before."
Tom still didn't do anything. Tord removed his pants but kept his boxers on.
"Rule one Thomas."
Tom thought for a second.
"Always use a condom?" Tom said unsure.
Tord smiled and grabbed his lighter.
"Tord what are you-."
He threw the condom that they got in the mini trash can and lit it on fire.
"Oh. I don't think that was-"
Tord shushed him. Tord liked fire. And cigarettes.
When the fire went out Tord turned back to Tom. Tom gulped and closed his legs, which Tord pried open.
Tord then opened his draw and pulled out his lube and squirting some on his fingers. He smirked and stuck his fingers into Tom's ass.
Tord kissed Tom's neck as he scissored his fingers.  Then adding another one. 
Tom bit his lip and threw his head back.
"Thomas I haven't done anything serious yet."
Tom just huffed and gripped Tord's back.
Tord pulled his fingers out and watched Tom pout at the loss of feeling.  Tord took his boxers off and played with Tom a bit.  Tom groaned and pulled Tord closer and wrapped his legs around his waist.
"Lube Tommy!"
"I don't care just put it in!" Tom moaned.
Tord kissed Tom's head and slowly pushed in.  Tom bit his lip and groaned.
Tord smirked and because he's a sadist he started to thrust hard causing Tom to cry out and bury his head in Tord's chest.
"F-fuck you." Tom said.
Tord smirked and kissed Tom. 
They continued for about an hour before both males became exhausted and fell asleep.
They went to school the next day and Tord made up some random thing and told his health teacher it was on the note.

Happy April fools day. Fun fact my class sophomore year gave my health teacher a heart attack. She's fine but you kinda need to know the whole story and how much of a bitch she was.

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