Tony's a grwat dad

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"Ahhhhhh dad there's a spider!!!!!" Tord yelled.
Tony ran in and looked at the creature from Hell. He got an idea.
He picked the spider up and smiled.
"Come on Tord. Be a man."
Tony shoved the spider in Tord's face and he shrieked like a girl before running away.
Tony laughed an followed his son with the spider. Evidently the spider was enjoying his little joy ride.
"Come on Tord it's just a spider!" Tony yelled.
"Help I'm being bullied by my own father!" Tord yelled.
Tony stopped chasing Tord and let the spider outside.
"There you go little guy. Hope you enjoyed our little adventure." Tony said waving it goodbye.
Tord peeked out from the corner.
"Is it gone?" He asked.
Tony laughed.
"Yeah it is." He answer ruffling up his sons hair.
"You didn't put it in my hair did you?" Tord said worriedly running his hands through his hair.
Tony shook his head.
"You're gonna get over your fear son. Ladies don't like when they don't have a man who kills spiders for em." Tony said.
Tord laughed and went back in his room.

Da futer

"Ahhhhhh THOMAS!" Tord yelled.
Paul and Patryck watched as their leader climb on his desk and screech for his assistant.
"What! I was on break!" Tom yelled.
"There's a spider." Tord whined.
"Oh please it can't be that bi-." Tom stopped and looked at the thing, "Holy shit that's one spider."
Tord continued to whine on top of his desk.
"All right I'll get it."
Tom picked up the spider and opened the window and placed it on the ledge.
"Go. The red leader doesn't like you." Tom said shooing the spider away.
Tom closed the window and looked as his leader climbed down from his desk.
"If I don't think that's manly then I don't know what it is." Tom said walking over and kissed Tord's cheek.
What Tord didn't know was Tom put a fake spider in Tord's uniform.
"Call me if you need anything else." Tom said walking away.
"Wait Tom can you stay to make sure there are no more?" Tord asked.
Tom sighed and nodded.
"But sir this is a private meeting."
"But spiders Paul." Tord said.
Paul rolled his eyes.
"There is no more spiders sir."
"Oh my knight in shining armor you have slanted the spiders and I bestow upon you something." Tord said flailing his arms.
Since the fake spider was on his robot arm Tord couldn't feel it so Tom pointed it out.
"Hey Tord There's something in your jacket."
Tord looked at his jacket and let out the most blood curdling scream known to man.
Tom laughed and picked the spider up.
"Tord it's just fake." Tom laughed, "I love you."
Tord screeched and frowned.
Paul and Patryck were laughing quietly at their leader and how childish he was acting.
"I hate all of you." Tord growled.

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