Experiment 13080 pt2

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4 months later

Tord came into work excited.  There was another new scientist.  Tord didn't realize this and ran straight into him.
"Oh I'm sorry." Tord laughed.
"It's fine.  I'm new sorry." He laughed.
"Oh hi.  I'm Tord.  I was just on my way to visit my friend." Tord said smiling.
From down that hall you could hear "we are not friends.  We're just in a relationship that benefits me and him."
The guy giggled.
"I'm Edd." He said holding out his hand, "I think your boyfriend needs you now."
Tord shook Edd's hand.
"Do you want to meet him?" Tord asked.
Edd nodded  
Tord led the way to Tom's cage, unlocked it, and went it.
"Um.  Am I aloud in there?" Edd asked.
"As long as I'm here." Tord said.
Edd nodded and stepped in.
A purple monster stepped out of its den and walked over to them.
"Tord I'm not in the mood." Tom said yawning and lying down in front of him.
"So this is your boyfriend?" Edd asked.
That caused Tom to shoot up and growl at the green boy.
"Thomas.  Be nice." Tord growled.
"Fine." Tom whined.
"Remember what Scientists M said.  If you don't behave." Tord started.
"I'll get put down and my DNA will be used to make another specimen like myself." Tom growned.
"Why would they put you down.  That doesn't seem fair." Edd huffed.
"It does in their eyes.  I'm just the first.  If they want they can kill me.  All they need is my eggs and sperm." Tom said padding back to his den.
"What?" Tord asked confused.
"I may have not been raised by a monster but I know that I can reproduce with females as well as males." Tom growled. 
He hated when he had to explain that. 
Tord tried to hold back a laugh but couldn't. 
"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  You're saying.  That you can get pregnant." Tord laughed.
"Yes." Tom said through his teeth.
"So.  Someone or something could come in here.  Fuck you and then you'd be pregnant.  That makes no sense." Edd said.
"All I know is if the scientist found out about this my life would be over in August." Tom said turning his head away.
"Oh August is your breeding season.  That's why Dr. M said that you're calmer in August." Tord said.
Tom nodded.
He turned into a human and stared at the ceiling.
"I promise I'll keep your secret Tom." Tord said.
"Thanks.  I'll consider you as a friend." Tom said with a smile.
He turned to face Tord.
"I'll keep it too.  Oh I have to go.  Bye Tord.  Nice meeting you Tom." Edd said waving and snickering.
"They'll be a great couple."
Both males faces were a few feet apart. 
Tom had never kissed anyone before, so this would be new. 
They both closed the gap between their mouths for a sweet and loving kiss. 
Dr. M looked at the two from the cage door.
Tord pulled away and noticed the the doctor had his phone out.
"MATT!" Tord yelled.
"Hey.  I knew you would change that monster for the better." The ginger said smiling, "also I heard your entire conversation.  How do you like my new assistant?" Matt asks.
Dr. M = Matt
"Aren't you to old to have an assistant?" Tom asked.
"I'm Doctor Matt.  Scientist M is my father.  Is it really that hard to mix us up?" Matt asked.
"To me you look the same." Tom said huffing.
They did both have the same orange hair and features. The same color eyes and skin. It almost looked like scientists M cloned himself, but Matt had a mother with a C section scar and explained every detail about Matt's birth.
There was no making that up.
"I know it might look like I was cloned but I wasn't. I just got a lot of my genes from my dad." Matt said motioning to his pants.
Tom sighed and Tord gave Matt a petty clap.
"I like Edd though." Tom said.
"Wow. You actually like someone besides me?" Tord asked.
"Be quiet." Tom growled.
"I put up with Edd and Matt. You take care of me. You're different." Tom said.
"Yeah. I wish I could take you outside. Have you ever seen the outside?" Tord asked.
Tom shook his head.
"WHAT!? Matt. We have to let him out. I promise he'll behave." Tord pleaded.
"I don't know. I'll go ask my dad, but it's probably going to be no." Matt said softly.
"Could you try? Please." Tord asked.
Matt sighed and nodded walking away.
"Do you know anything about the outside?" Tord asked.
Tom thought for a moment.
"Well before the scientist killed my mother. She tried to sneak me out. She told me whatever you do if we get caught always go outside. Don't kill the scientist or hurt anyone. Just get outside." Tom explained.
"So the scientist lied to me?" Tord asked.
Tom nodded.
Tom could sense the next question.
"Because would you have trusted them if they told you they killed a helpless babies mother and took him away. I was in normal form not a monster. I turned into my monster form to try and escape." Tom said.
Before Tord responded Matt came back with a collar and leash.
"Okay my dad said we can take him out. But. He said Tom had to be on a leash." Matt said handing Tord the collar and leash.
Tord smirked.
He had a kink for collars and leashes.
He put the collar on Tom. It had his name on tags on the buckle. Tord then put the leash on and led Tom out of his cage.
"I haven't been out of this cage in 23 years." Tom said.
He looked around. Tord pulled on Tom's leash and dragged him to the door.
All three of them went outside and Tord looked at Tom.
"Oh my grandma in a nursing home." Tom gasped.
Tom began to roll around in the grass and drag Tord everywhere like an untrained puppy.
"I can pee on trees!" Tom yells in excitement.
"No. Nononono.  We do not do that." Tord blushed.
"We have now learned that Tom is just a misunderstood dog." Matt said laughing.
Then people rode up in a vehicle.
A window rolled down.
"Is this the monster institute?" The driver asked.
Tord nodded.
"Okay. We are here to pick up a Mr Thompson." She growled.
"Why?" Tord asked.
"His father is very important in the monster world and wants him back. Now are you going to hand him over?" She asked harshly.
"No!" Tom yelled.
"Why not. August is in three months and he needs to be my mate." The drive was getting pretty frustrated.
"Thomas. What do you think?" Tord asked looking at the monster on the other end of the leash.
"I'm sorry ma'am but the monster you're looking for has already been bred. Sorry about the inconvenience." Tom said innocently.
The women growled are drove off.
"Thomas. You could have gone with her." Tord said.
"I know. But I like it here. Also. I love you." Tom said to Tord.
Tord blushed.
Matt started to back up back into the building.
There were security cameras on the outside of the building so he could just get the footage from the the recording room.
"I-I love you too." Tord said blushing.
Tom blushed too.
They both looked at each other and smiled. Tord then kissed Tom softly.
"You're a goofball." Tom said grabbing Tord's hand.
They both walked back inside and Tom went back in his cage without hesitation.
"See you later." Tord said.
"Bye. Oh. Will you um. Be my-." Tom mumbled.
"Yes Tom." Tord said without Tom needing to explain any further.
"Cool." Tom said.
"Cool." Tord said.
Tord then remember the collar and leash. He took them off and put them on the ground.
Tord waved goodbye. Closed the door and locked it.
"I have a boyfriend." Tom said blushing.
He turned back into a monster and blushed.
"I have a boyfriend!" Tom yelled.
The scientist around the building heard the shout. Tord heard it too and blushed hard.
Edd and Matt started to giggle and whisper to each other.
"So. You and the monster." Edd said slyly.
"Shut it." Tord said.
He was glad he was going home for the day.

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