Experiment 13080

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Tom paced his 'room' in his human form.  It was a nice room 20 ft walls, a den, food dispenser.  Tom walked out of his den to see a new person that he had never seen before. 
He had carmel  brown hair spiked into two horns, silver eyes, and a clip board. 
He was new.
Tom smiled to himself.  He knew the perfect way to bust out and kill all these low lives that run tests on him and see how much pain he can tolerate.
"Hey.  I'm sorry but I seem to have locked myself in here.  Could you let me out please." Tom said smiling.
The man looked at his clipboard.
Thompson Thomas
Experiment 13080
Extremely dangerous don't let out at any cost.  Will trick you to let him out.  Just go along with it and then show him who's boss.
The man looked up.
"I'm new here.  It says there's a dangerous monster in here.  Is that true?" He asked.
"No.  I've been in here for two hours and I've never seen it." Tom huffed, "I think it's just a trick to fool the new guys."
The man shrugged and unlocked the door.  He stepped in and greeted Tom.
"Hi my names Tord." Tord said.
Tom assessed the Norwegian. 
"Hi I'm Tom." Tom knew what the punishment was for trying to escape, so he just smiled and backed up. 
"Why are you backing away Thomas." Tord said smiling.
"I know you can leave now."
Tom shrunk down and made himself look smaller than he actually was.
Tord pushes Tom on the ground and held him there.
"I'm your new caretaker.  You do that again to anyone I'll run your head into the ground and chop it off.  And I'll make it as slow as possible." Tord hissed.
Tom had gotten threats of being put down.  With lethal injection or something quick and painless.  But never something that would be extremely painful and long.
"I'd like that not to happen please." Tom said softly.
"Now what do you say to me?" Tord asked.
"I'm sorry." Tom hesitatingly huffed.
The scientists clapped from outside the cage.  Tom growled and went back to his den.
"Good job Tord.  That ones always been a trouble maker.  I hate to say he's did that to all of us, but he has.  The only time we catch a break from him is in August.  Other than that he's a little shit the rest of the year." Scientists M said.
"What can I say.  I just love it here so much!" Tom yelled.
"Be quiet." Scientist M yelled.
"Make me!" Tom yelled back.
"Maybe we should try and be nicer to Tom.  How long has he been here?" Tord asked.
"Ever sense he was born.  His mother was a scientist here.  She died in labor in our labs and he came out.  I always knew there was something strange about her family, but I didn't question it until I saw baby Tom.  A little adorable monster." Scientists M explained, "turns out she was a a species of monster we have never seen before.  Tom is are very first subject.  And every August he looks in a certain direction.  Like a homing thing where all his species gather to mate."
Tord nodded walking out of the cage.  He locked it back up.
He felt sorry for the monster.  He never got to meet his father.  He had no siblings or friends. 
The Scientist kept walking showing Tord all his prized monsters and experiments. 
But Tord tunes out his mentors words.  He thought of a plan.  He just wasn't going to be Tom's care taker. 

He was going to be his friend.

Pt 2.  I'm definitely doing a pt 2.  This is a cute thing.  I like fluff.  Fluffy things are the amazing things.  Tune in next time for (my name)'s cute story.

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