My little angel

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Tom sat on the couch. He had his blue fluffy wings wrapped around his arms while watched the movie that was on. He heard a door slam and looked up. The demon had finally awoken.
"Hey Tom." Tord yawned.
"Hello lazy ass." Tom said.
"Are Matt and Edd up yet?" Tord asked.
"Yeah. They went to the movies and then they are going out to eat and then shopping. They won't be back until maybe 8 o'clock." Tom answered.
Tord sat down on the couch with Tom and looked at the movie he was watching. Then an idea popped into his head.
Tord stretches his blood red wings over Tom and pulled him closer.
"What in the world Commie?" Tom asked.
Tord smiled and kissed Tom's forehead. Tom started to blush and Tord kept kissing his face.
"What are you doing?" Tom hissed.
"I want some love from my favorite angel~." Tord said.
"Well cut it out. I don't feel like getting affection from a demon right now." Tom scolded.
"Come on Thomas. You know I can go into peoples minds and dreams. I know what you want~. You are a bad angel." Tord said pinning Tom to the couch.
Tord kissed Tom. They both stayed with their lips locked and kissing each other passionately. Tord's tongue licked Tom's bottom lip. Tom decided to tease him and not open his mouth. Tord retaliated my moving his knee up to Tom's crotch and grind. Tom moaned a little and Tord put his tongue in Tom's mouth.
Tord slipped his hands up Tom's hoodie and took it off. Unfortunately for Tom he didn't have a shirt on underneath and Tord took the opportunity to start sucking on his neck.
"Tord can you not ah be so hard?" Tom asked.
"Why love?" Tord asked.
"Wellllll." Tom blushed.
"You're not gay?" Tord asked worried.
"No not that. I just. I'm an angel and uh. Yeah." Tom said embarrassed.
"Are you a virgin Tommy?" Tord asked.
Tom nodded.
"I can't promise anything."  Tord smiled.
Tom gulped as Tord continued biting and sucking on his neck and chest area.
Tom's phone started to ring.
"Sorry Tom can't talk right now." Tord said.
"Why?" The person said.
"Cause I'm destroying his ass." Tord lied.
"Tom what the fuck. I didn't know you were gay." The person sounded surprised.
"Tord lies. I fine." Tom said.
"Correction I will destroy his ass." Tord corrected.
"Moms going to kill you." The person laughed.
"Yeah especially since-." Tord started.
"Shut up!" Tom screamed.
"I'm coming over. To see you and your boyfriend later. Have fun little bro." The person hung up.
"So Thomas lets have some fun." The demon said.
The norski striped Tom of everything and himself too.
"Tord seriously don't." Tom pleaded.
"Tom I won't do anything until you're ready. I'll be gentle. Let's make your fantasy come true~." Tord smiled.
"Um I-I don't know." Tom said clinging to his wings.
Tord cuddled next to Tom.
"Could you do it with out you know," Tom asked.
"How would I do that?" Tord asked.
"Maybe just a little bit, like I don't know. Um I-." Tom started.
"Thomas I would never hurt you. You can tell me when to stop. If you don't want to I won't make you." Tord explained.
"Are you sure you'll be easy and stop when I tell you to?" Tom asked.
"If I don't I give you permission to smack me and do whatever you want." Tord explained.
"Okay. Go on." Tom said.
Tord positioned himself and went slowly into Tom.
"Ah." Tom said.
Tears pricked up in his voids. Tord was about to pull out when Tom stopped him.
"No.  Tord I need this."  Tom pleaded.
"Are you sure Thomas.  If I'm hurting you then I can pull out.  It's fine."  Tord explained.
"No.  Go." Tom pleaded.
"Tom. Seriously think about this before you tell me to go." Tord explained.
Tord's movement went faster and harder while Tom loved all of it.  The angels wing were limp and his arms were wrapped around Tord's neck.  Tom and Tord both loved what was happening. 
"We are never telling Edd or Matt about this Thomas." Tord huffed.
"Ah ag-agreed.  N-neveahhhh.  Yes." Tom moaned.
Tord's phone rang. Edd was calling him.  He quickly put his hand over Tom's mouth and answered it.
"Hey Edd!" The norski said.
"Hey do you guys want us to come home and check on you?"  Edd asked.
"No Tom and me are just lying on the couch watching 16 wishes."  Tord lied.
"Okay as long as you two are getting along I guess."  Edd said.
"Yep.  Bye Edd have fun on the rest of your date with Matt." Tord laughed.
Edd hung up and Tord looked back at Tom.
"Want me to keep going?" Tord asked.
Tom nodded.
Tord began to thrust again.  Tom moaned louder when Tord pounded harder into a spot.  Without warning Tom came on both of them and got a little on the couch.
"Thomas~.  We'll have to clean that now~.  Good thing we have a few more hours~.  I can do this all day and not cum once~."  Tord smirked.
"W-What?!" Tom stuttered.
"You heard me." Tord whispered.
Tord looked down at Tom's chest.  He decided that there wasn't enough pleasure going on so he started to suck and bite Tom again. 
"Ah Toooord! Yes!" Tom moaned.
Tom was drooling.  Tord was going even harder into Tom.
"Are you feeling okay Tom?"  Tord asked. 
"Y-Yeah I-I'm g-good." Tom moaned.
"Okay Thomas you seem tired.  I'll cum now okay." Tord said.
"Uh yeah ok ahhhhhh." Tom moaned as Tord came into him.
"I love you Thomas." Tord said.
"I love you too Tord." Tom said cuddling up next to Tord.
There was a knock at the door. 
"Hey I guess we forgot about your sibling coming over." Tord laughed.
Tord put his boxers and pants back on.  He also helped Tom with his clothes.
"Stay here.  I'll be back." Tord smiled.
Tord answered the door and invited the person inside.
"TOM! I haven't seen you in months!"  The person said.
"Don't touch me.  Everything hurts." Tom said.
"Thomas you could have stopped me." Tord laughed.
"This is your boyfriend.  He's a demon!"  They yelled.
"Jehovah you should call all your family and tell them you were taken by a demon." Tord said.
"Fuck you." Tom growled.
"Tom I fucked you." Tord smiled.
"Stop." Tom said.
"I'll just go then." Then they were gone.
After a good 10 minuets Tord spoke up:
"Round two Thomas?"
"What?!" Tom yelled.
"What to do it again Thomas?"  Tord asked.
"Go fuck yourself." Tom growled.
"I'd rather fuck you~." Tord said.
"GUYS WE'RE HOME!"  Edd yelled.
"Did we clean up?" Tord asked.
Tom's face went blank.
"I'll take that as a no." Tord smiled.
"Hey you two.  Did you get along while we were gone?"  Edd asked.
"You could say that~." Tord said.
"Why are you talking like that?"  Edd asked.
"Like what?"  Tord argued.
"Did you do anything while we were away?" Edd asked.
"We just fucked around." Tord jokes.
Tom sighed. 
"Did you make a pun?"  Edd asked.
"No.  We just watched movies and I spilled stuff on the couch."  Tord smiled.
"What?" Edd asked.
"Tom's cum." Tord smirked.
"Ah Tord stop talking." Tom said embarrassed.
"Wait Tord fucked you.  Why would you let him do that!" Edd yelled.
"He felt so good.  I couldn't tell him to stop.  Okay."  Tom blushed.
"Is that why you didn't want us to check up on you?" Edd asked.
"Yep." Tord smirked.
Edd backed away and went to his room with Matt.
"They totally hit it off." Tord said snuggling with Tom.   Then Tom's phone rang.
"Fuck."  Tom said looking at the name.
"What Tom?"  Tord asked.
"It's everyone in my family is calling.  You should never tell people that we fuck." Tom answered.
"Okay.  Next time I'll be quiet about our love life." Tord said.
Tord kissed Tom and the both cuddled on the couch.


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