The Red Leader's Steel Heart

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Tord.  The Red Leader.  I walked down the hall to his office. I stop at the door. I was breathing heavily. I know I was his assistant and was allowed in the office, but it still made me nervous. I made sure my tie was straight and my vest wasn't wrinkled.
After I made sure everything was in order I nervously knock on the door.
"Come in." Tord said.
No turning back now. I walked into the room and Tord look up and smiled.
"You wanted to see me sir?" I questioned.
"Yes Thomas. The rebellion has gotten on my last nerve. I know Edd and Matt work there and I have no grudges against them, but they are awful. I needed something to take me off of it." He explained.
I nodded.
"What do you need sir?" I asked.
"You know how I keep saying my heart is unpeircable well something did." Tord explained.
"Sir if you like someone you should tell them not me." I said with some jealousy.
"I know Tom. Could you tell them for me?" Tord asked.
"Sure." I said smiling.
He smiled and got up.
"Come here Thomas~." He said subductivly.
I walked over to him. He pulled my tie. We were so close our noses touched. My heart rate went up. I also saw Tord lick his lips. His eye was giving me a lustful stare and I'm pretty sure his arms were on my thighs.
"Thomas I want you~." Tord smiled.
I blushed at that. He smiled more and kissed me. I kissed him back. I got my answer to were his hands went when they snakes around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and opened my mouth a bit. Evidently if you give Tord an inch he'll take a mile because next thing I know his tongue is in my mouth. I didn't complain. Making out with the Red Leader was better than being killed by him.
He pulled away and his robot arm caressed my check (not his butt ya sinners).
"We can continue this Thomas~. There's a room in the back of the office. For when I don't feel like getting up and walking all the way to my room." Tord smiled.
Tord waited patiently while I thought about it.
"I guess a l-l-little more wouldn't hurt." I mumbled.
He laughed at my stutter. I blushed harder to the point his old red hoodie would be put to shame.
"Well then come on." Tord said.
I took his hand as he lead me to the back room. He pushed me through the door not giving me time to comprehend what was happening. The only thing I saw was Tord on top of me on a bed.
He unbuttoned my vest and shirt and started to suck on my neck.

Tord's P.o.V
Thomas didn't know the thing he had just got himself into.
"T-Tord stop. Wait." Tom said.
"What was that Thomas? Was that my real name I heard?" I snickered.
"I-I'm s - sorry s- sir. I'm just a very sensitive person and a ..." Tom blushed.
"Are you a virgin Thomas?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I'll be gentle Thomas." I said smiling subductively.
I felt Thomas's heart rate quicken and his breath get heavier. I went back to his neck. He let out a few soft moans, but not what I was looking for. He moaned a little louder when I grazed a spot on his neck. I started to attack the spot. He wasn't very loud now, but I would make him scream later. When I was satisfied with my work I went to his face.
"Thomas. I have a lesson for you. Don't ever give me permission to go any further than kissing. You know you can't trust me." I whispered.
I could hear him whining, but there was a bit of him wanting me to go further.
"I don't care. You can go." He said.
"Beg for it~." I smirked.
"Please Red Leader make me scream. Make the whole base know I'm yours. Fuck me until I can't walk. Make me yours." Tom pleaded wrapping his arms around my neck.
"Is that all you want me to do Thomas?" I asked.
"You communist bastard." Tom growled.
"Okay okay." I laughed.
I kissed him again and started to play with the hem of his pants. I snickered and ripped off his pants.
"Hey. Those are my work pants." Tom growled.
"You have multiple pair don't you. If you don't then we have a problem. And if I ripped your only pair of work pants then you'll have to go around the base in your boxers and no one can see you like this, but me." I growled.
Tom blushed. His digital eyes looked away, but still focused on what I was doing.
This was going to be fun.

3rd person
Tord learned his mistake and didn't roughly pull down Tom's boxers. He still had to get back to his room. It was down the hall from Tord's, but far enough away that soldiers still wandered there. No one ever came near the Red Leaders office or room unless they were Paul, Patryck, or Tom. At this point Tord was only grinding.
"Y You a are uhh." Tom stuttered out.
"I'm what? I didn't hear that Thomas." Tord smirked.
"I hate when you play instead of doing what you plan to do." Tom stuttered.
"Awww I'm flattered that you hate me right now." Tord said.
"You still have everything on jerk." Tom growled.
"Really. I'm a jerk for making sure you actually want to go through with this and when I'm close to being done you will stop me. I'm just being sensible." Tord explained.
"Yes. Not going to lie. I wanted you to do this since the first time I saw you alive. So either you start this or I'll do it." Tom growled.
"Ha don't make me laugh Thomas. No offense, but you're way to sensitive and small to be dominant in this relationship." Tord laughed.
Tom growled and Tord rolled his eyes.
He took off his pant and boxers and looked Tom straight in the face.
"Thomas final warning. I'm going to destroy you like you asked me to if you don't speak up." Tord said.
"Yes. Be gentle though." Tom pleaded.
Tord nodded as he let Tom adjust to him. There was a small shriek of pain, but nothing to major.
"So we gonna do this for 30 minuets?" Tord asked.
"S-Shut up." Tom yelled.
"No need to yell Jehovah." The norski said, "save your voice for the real fun."
Tom moaned as Tord shift a bit. Tord smirked and shifted again. Tom moaned quietly again.
"I think that's a good sign you're ready." Tord smiled.
He started to go slowly. Tom arched his back and moaned softly.
(Well I'm going to hell. I knew that since 6th grade, but this is going to put me deeper. Here we go.)
Tom clung to the bed sheets as Tord pounded harder into him. His moans were getting pretty loud and lustful. It also wasn't helpful that Tord was also messing with his neck. Leaving a few more hickeys and bite marks.
"T-T-Tord Ahhh. Please ah. Mmmm." Tom moaned.
"I know what you want witness. Just keep making those beautiful noises and I'll think about it." Tord said.
He was a tease and Tom knew it. He didn't know why he wanted Tord to fuck him so badly. Why was he even making love with the most wanted (both wanted for criminal acts and by all the guys and girls mostly girls at the base.) male ever.
"Tom you okay?" Tord asked.
"Y-YeAhhhh." Tom answered.
Tord smirked and continued. He eventually went harder and hitting Tom's sweet spot.
After a few more thrusts Tord came and pulled out.
"Tom thanks for taking my mind off things. Next time I'll be a little rougher. Maybe doggy style over my desk? Maybe I'll turn on the intercom and let everyone in the base know you're mine." Tord said.
"Yeah maybe the girls would leave you all alone if they knew you were gay." Tom said.
"Yeah. I know at least 6 people who are interested in you." Tord explained.
Tom nodded and cuddled into Tord's chest.
"I just realized I have a meeting with Edd and Matt in. Holy moly. Fuck. Tom the meeting was an hour ago." Tord said blushing.
"Not like they heard us. You didn't set up the meeting in your office did you?." Tom asked.
"Hehe about that." Tord blushed.
"Tord! You idiot." Tom scolded.
"Yeah. I didn't know I would be loving on my assistant today." Tord argued.
There was a knock at the door.
"You two seem done with your whole affair, but me and Matt came to talk not hear you make love to someone." Edd said.
"That someone's Tom." Tord sang.
"TORD! Shut up!" Tom yelled.
"All that moaning was him and oh how I love how tight his ass is." Tord continued.
"Ha. Tom looks like you broke open Tord's steel heart. Even after what you did." Edd said.
Tord pulled his boxers and pants back on an waited for Tom.
"Tord. You ripped my pants." Tom said.
"Put them on anyway." Tord said.
They both walked out. Tom's walk was a bit shaky and he couldn't stand up straight or he would probably fall and land on his sore ass.
"You okay there Tom?" Edd laughed.
Tom growled and Tord laughed.
They all then had a very awkward conversation about their armies.

Poor Edd and Matt. They had to hear an hour of Tord frickle fraking with Tom. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Bye

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