(1) care for a dance?

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The heart-shaped sunglasses perched on my nose are giving the scenery in front of me a bit of red tint through my eyes, but all that matters is that I can hear the music. The lights are dimmed inside the barren bar, the only people inside bring me and the old couple who owns it. Mary, the eighty five year old woman who helped run the place, had her hands intertwined with mine as we swayed to the music playing lightly.

"You two are the best dancers I know." Eddie mused, his eyes were only on Mary instead of me who was dancing with her. Love and pure joy was the only thing inside them.

"Ah, Eddie, your kind words are so touching." I laughed as Mary nodded in agreement, her eyes closed contently as she swayed to the music.

The door opened behind us but we continued to dance while Eddie spoke, "Ah, come in, come in! All are welcome!"

"Are you able to close up with us inside? We're quite known and don't wish to be mobbed." A deep voice kindly spoke with a bit of nervousness and I let go of Mary, turning to see who was there.

I extended my hand to them while Mary began to dance with Eddie instead, "I'm Amelia Moore, I'll close up. Can I get you all something to drink?"

The brunette with blue eyes extended his hand to me, "Louis. This is Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. Plus our bodyguard Paul."

"Nice to meet you all." I moved past them for a moment to lock the door before gesturing for them to follow, "Come with me, I'll get you all something to drink." I went behind the bar while they stood in front of it, some of them looking at me while the others looked at Mary and Eddie.

"Is beer okay?" I questioned.

Paul spoke up, "That's fine. Thank you."

I spoke again while filling their drinks, "That's Mary and Eddie, been married sixty three years. They own this place, live above it too. Had for their whole marriage and even raised a child up there."

"Were you the child?" Harry questioned.

I laughed with a shake of my head, "Oh, no. Their child, Adam, is sixty almost. I'm only nineteen." I placed all of their drinks in front of them, "Drink up, on the house. If you wish to dance, the floors right there."

"And you all should dance! You'll regret not doing it when you're older." Mary cut in as I made my way towards them.

"This is a lovely place you've got here, Mary and Eddie." Liam complimented kindly.

"Thank you, it's gorgeous, isn't it? Soon it'll be Amelia's even though she wishes to change the name." Mary smiled, running her hand through my brunette curls once.

"What will you name it?" Liam questioned.

"Canyon Moon."

"Unique, I like it." Harry commented, his drink untouched.

I took note of that and made my way towards him so Eddie and Mary could dance alone. I extended my hand to him, "If you're not going to drink, you must dance."

He put his hand in mine as I looked to the other boys, "You all must dance when you finish too. You can't come here without dancing."

Paul cut in, "I'm going to head out, I don't think they'll get mobbed here. Boys, call me when you're ready to go." He smiled at Mary, Eddie, and I, "Thanks for having us. If they cause any trouble, just make sure they call me."

"Have a good night, Paul." Eddie smiled as he unlocked the door and exited.


Harry stared down at Amelia as the heart shaped sunglasses fell down slightly, allowing her piercing blue eyes to be seen. She didn't stare up at him, more so just gazed around the room as he moved their bodies in a weird dance. Normally, most couldn't dance to music like this with barely anybody else dancing, but Amelia made it work just fine.

Her heart of gold was easily seen by the five boys, though she didn't flaunt it more so just couldn't hide it. The whole scene inside the bar when they first walked in warmed the boys hearts, seeing an old couple completely in love and what they originally thought to be their daughter enjoying herself next to them.

As cliche and cheesy as it is, Harry was truly captivated by the sight of Amelia. It wasn't love at first sight, but it was attraction at first sight for sure. None of the other boys could say she wasn't gorgeous, because she was, she wasn't the type of gorgeous you usually saw but gorgeous nonetheless.

Her face would never be on billboards or on the front of magazines, but it'd be one to remain in your face for years on. She had freckles here and there on her face, not all over but not in a general spot either. There was only one dimple on her face and it only became known when she was laughing or smiling widely. Her smile itself was a bit crooked and while her teeth weren't yellow, they weren't pristine white. Even with her 'ordinary' qualities, she stuck out like a sore thumb to Harry the second he saw her.

"I'm guessing you love to dance." Harry spoke up, breaking the silence between the two of them.

Her blue eyes met his green ones, "I guess you could say so. What about you? Don't boybands have choreographed dances?"

Harry smiled widely, "Ah, so you know us?" She nods and he lets out a tiny chuckle before speaking again, "It's nice to know you have a good taste in music. But, no, we didn't want to do the dancing."

"How dare you! I'd love to see a little choreographed dance from the One Direction." Amelia mused.

Harry laughed as the other boys joined the dance floor a little tipsily, "How is this bar so barren? It's lovely."

Amelia shrugged and moved onto a different subject, not really sure how to handle the one he wanted to speak on, "You talk slow."

"I know." He cocked an eyebrow, "Is it a bad thing?"

"S'never bad to be slow at anything."

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