"Ugh! You'll pay!" I said as it started to heal."Sorry, I'm all broke, bro." He retorted.

Suddenly Hades was sent into Gama and into a piler."Geez, you couldn't handle Gama... I'm starting to doubt you." Delta said

"Shut up!" I shouted. I looked towards Master to see he was also beaten up but not much. Zeus on the other hand...full of golden blood.

"Let this be a warning to you fools. Not even the Big Three combined can take me on. After all...I broke their sons."

"What sons?" Delta whispered."How should I know?" I hissed back.

Before I knew it Master teleported us away. We didn't end up at his castle. We were on top of a building."Master, where are we?" Delta asked."Delta, Omega. This is Amity Park. This town is the one that Omega will attack. I will let you travel in and out to Gotham and Amity Park. Plan out your own strategies. I'll be finishing the last preparations for the attack. Don't do anything foolish." Tartarus said.

We teleported again and I'm guessing we're in Gotham City. This place looks filthy. Glad I'm not the one dealing with this place."Delta, this is Gotham. Earth's most crime ridden city."

"Why these places Master? Why not New York or San Francisco?" I asked."These places have allies to the Olympians that's aiding the camps. Attack an enemy at their source of power and their weakened. Simple as that."
Tartarus said."How long do we have?" Omega asked."Four days. Make it count." Tartarus said and he disappeared.

When I took in my surroundings I saw I was back on the previous rooftop at Amity Park. I scanned the place and saw potential for death defying traps.

This is going to be fun.

I'm going to have to work at night. That way no one can be in my way and I can move freely. When it is day time, I can scan the areas from the roofs and shadows to make sure I can use certain spots to set up traps without the mortals setting them off.

Batman's POV
It was night time. Robin and Red Robin assisted me with patrolling. Jason and Dick were at home training and on a timeout.

"What are we looking for exactly? Everything is quiet." Red asked."Anything can happen. Gotham is never this quiet." Robin answered."Be on the look out for monsters. Since Tartarus is behind all these monster attacks it can happen at anytime without warning." I said.

"Or some other psycho can escape." Robin said. I glared at him and he kept quiet. Just then I saw the Bat Signal high in the sky."Let's go." I said and we started to make our way to the Gotham Police Department."

When we arrived we saw it wasn't Gordon that used the signal but rather Danny. He's body looked horrible. Not a single piece of of his skin has no scar. His would look better if it wasn't for the scar over his eye and the red eyes.

I quickly scanned the roof for any signs of someone else here but only found Commissioner Gordon. He was bloody, beaten up and tied up to a water tower that's on the roof."Well look who showed up." He said.

"Danny. This isn't you. Tartarus is using you. Remember who you are." I said and Red and Robin looked confused at me."You know this creep?" Robin said.

"You know this creep?" Percy mocked as he rest his sword over his shoulder and leaned against the frame of the signal."Listen here. Whoever you are we will defeat you." Red said."You can't fight a gid and expect to win. I'm a god. I can't be killed or beaten by mortals." He said.


"Stop calling me that! My name is not Percy or anything else like it. My name is Delta."

"Ahh, I get it. You're the weakest in the pack." Robin said."The weakest isn't me. I'm still here. The other two fell before me." He said and chuckled."Soon this world we crumble and my Master will be the ruler of it all."

"You're talking about Gama and Alpha. They were set free. If anything they were strong enough to defeat their demons."

"What demons? We are them." Danny said. I took a glance at Gordon."Don't worry. He's alive for now and if all of you know what's good for you then I suggest you stay out of my Master's and my way. Gotham will crumble."

And like that he disappeared making the Bat Signal flicker and then shut down. I went over to Gordon and untied him. He was still unconscious."Gordon! Wake up." I said and he started to show signs that he's waking up.

After a few minutes he woke up and he started to cough."Wha...what happened?" He asked."Where's the kid that attacked me?" He asked.

"It's a long story, Jim." I said and helped him to stand up."Then I think you better start to enlighten us as well." Robin said. I sighed."You need medical attention." I said."I'll be fine. Who was that kid?"

"That kid is a god. He's the son of Hades and he and three other's got banished to Tartarus and that's when things only gotten worse."

"A kid? A god?" Gordon said."That's a little hard to believe."

The next attack is going to happen soon. I can feel it. We need to start preparing and warn both camps. The sounds of someone clearing their throats could be heard and I saw my sons only glaring at me with crossed arms."At home." I said.

"Gordon. These kids are innocent. Their being controlled. It's not their own doing." I said."Again, that's hard to believe." He said. He turned around and we disappeared.

The moment we stepped in the Bat Cave where Dick and Jason were training with Alfred, Tim and Damian started to yell."Who was the boy! Tell us now! Enough of this secrecy, father!" Damian shouted taking off his mask.

I sighed."Master Bruce. It's time." Alfred said. I looked at Alfred."Fine. First, all four of you, get cleaned up and meet me in the living room in a hour." I said.

I watched as they went to the manor. Dick stopped for a moment."Am I left in the dark about a certain things as well?" He asked."Yes, and I have my reasons." He turned around and left.

Jason's POV
I arrived at my room. I looked at the messy place in front of me. Grabbing a random pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, I went to the bathroom and started to wash up.

Why does Bruce keep hiding things from us? This has gone far enough. He expects us to tell him everything but he can't do the same for us? I'm sick of it.

We're not little kids anymore and we're definitely not normal. There's no reason for him to hide this from us.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the water getting colder. I quickly washed my hair and body and got out. I dried myself up and got dressed in the clothes I picked out.

I went downstairs to see that Damian and Dick is here already. Just when Bruce and Alfred arrived Tim came in as well.

"As you know, The Greek and Roman gods are real. That boy you two saw was Danny Fenton also known as Danny Phantom. He's a Blessed Son of Hades. A couple of months ago he got captured by a government agency in Amity Park. They call themselves the Guys in White."

"What's this got to do with what you are hiding?" I hissed."My distant nephew and two of his friends saved him and they stayed here for awhile. At first we didn't know they were sons of the Greek Gods until we caught them red handed. Zeus banished the four of them to Tartarus since Danny's blood was used to exposed the mythological world to the humans."

"And a war is coming. One that has to be stopped or all life on earth will be gone."

"Which is way we're here."

Book 2 PDS: Whatever It Takes-Batman, Percy Jackson & Danny PhantomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang