how they met pt. 2

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Cole and I have been dating for about two months now and no one knows except Cami and KJ.

Well, Cami is my best friend and KJ is coles.

Cami only knows because all of this kind of happened because of her and KJ knows because he walked in on us while doing it.

they have been hella supportive of our relationship, all 4 of us have kind of become a group now.

Cami and KJ have also developed a pretty good friendship.

there are rumours in our college that either cole and i are dating or cami and KJ are dating.

because of how often all four of us hangout.

Cole and I have a weird situation, he is the most popular and 'wanted' guy of the school and i am nowhere even near popular.

i don't like to be a popular person too, i like to be in the company of the few friends that i have.

i do know many people, but they are not my "friends" friends.

on the other side, every single person in this college knows cole, and says hi to him in the hallway, wants to hang out with him and what not.

it kind of makes me insecure.

there are way prettier and 'skinnier' girls in our college who are ready to die for him.

so i do live on the edge, that one day he will just leave me or cheat on me or something.

we do hangout in the public eye, but he has never introduced to me his friends.

i don't  know any of his friends except KJ.

we would be hanging out, and out of nowhere, his other group of friends would come, and he'll say a bye and go away.

and of course, i can't and neither do i want to make him stay, but at least he can introduce me as his friend, if not as his girlfriend.

he has never even talked to me about going official.

i feel like, he's somewhere ashamed of me and he " settled" for me.

we are watching a movie and he's getting pizza tonight.

i always look forward to spending time with him, but not today.

it just feels different today.

little later

he was supposed to be here by 9 and it's already 10.30.

i'm kind of mad. 

and then the door knocked.

i knew who it was, but wasn't my usual self while going to open the door.

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