in her dreams

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it was in middle of the night when cole woke up.
he woke up because of the little snoring sound coming from his side.
he got a little annoyed at first, as he was awoken from his peaceful sleep.

he turned his head to look at her sleeping with her mouth open, blanket removed and snoring.

then suddenly out of nowhere, her legs went on top of his and her hand going to smack his head.

and boom.

a smack on his head.
he was fully awake now.
looking at her, and wanting to laugh and be mad at her the same time.

he decided to shove it and close his eyes again to sleep.

and another smack on his back.

" seriously is she playing karate in her sleep or something" he mumbled.

and another kick from her on his hips in attempt to throw him of the bed.

he wasn't even annoyed now, he wanted to laugh.

" cooollleeee" she groaned in her sleep " i will defeat you" she said and another kick was coming his way, but he got off the bed before.

he was laughing way too hard.

he took the blanket and put it on her.
she had stopped snoring now, but was definitely seeing a dream about having a some kind of karate championship with him.

he took her hands and legs and put them back in their place.

he even took pillows and put them on both of her sides, such that she doesn't fall from the bed.

he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

" you've got the whole bed to yourself babe, defeat me" he said and walked out of their room, to crash on the sofa with his phone and a blanket.

he walked out laughing.

as he laid down on the sofa, he picked up his phone to see the time, and was met with a photo of Lili being super goofy.

it was a photo of her sitting in their balcony, making a super cute and goofy face, coming to hug him.

it's his favourite photo of her.

well it was 5 in the morning, they had fallen asleep at 2 in the night, after binge watching all kung fu panda movies they could find.

he fell into a deep sleep once again.

Lili woke up at 6.30 in the morning from smacking herself on the face.

as her eyes slowly opened, instead of cole sleeping next to her, she was surrounded by a thousand pillows, who were being beaten up by her.

she got out of her warm and comfy bed, to look for cole.

she checked the bathroom and then went downstairs to be met by a site of him sleeping on the couch.

she was even more confused now, they didn't fight last night, why is he sleeping on the couch?

she crouched down to come at his face level.

" cole wake up" she shook him.
" waaakeee uppppp" she shook him even more from his shoulders.

he stirred at little and felt someone shaking him awake.

he opened his eyes to be met by hers.

" woah woah woah" he said fully waking up now.

" huh? why are you sleeping on the couch"

" because you were kicking and slapping me" he replied.

" i hit you? when? in my sleep?" she said, being sarcastic.

" actually, yes. you smacked me twice and kicked me so hard that i fell off the bed"

" i did all that while i was sleeping?"

" yeah reinhart, i'm never sleeping in the same bed as you after watching a karate movie. you get dreams of being in a karate championship"

" how do you know i was dreaming of being in a karate championship?"

" because you said 'cole, i will defeat you' "

" oh my god" she said covering her face out of embarrassment.

he chuckled.

" i'm sorry, did you get hurt?" she asked rubbing her hand up and down his arm.

" i got off the bed before you were going to break my neck"

he chuckled.

" who won, by the way?" he asked

" me" she said laughing " i defeated you twice"

" oh thank god i got off the bed" cole said laughing.
she laughed too.

" i'm sorry" she mumbled.

" i'm happy you defeated me, and now at least i know, that you are shit ass strong, and i'm never going to come in a fight with you ever, you have some kick ass moves" he said and she laughed again.

" come back to bed" she said.

" i'm too sore too move, after you defeating me twice" he fake groaned.

" come on you drama queen"

" i'm serious" he said holding his back, acting to be in pain.

" well then, i guess i have no choice" Lili said and climbed on top of him.
" you'll have to bear me sleeping like this"

he wrapped his hands around her waist and said
" please don't dream anything like that again, i won't be able to escape now, and probably be actually sore in the morning"

" okay loser" she said and rested her head in his neck.

" instead have a sex dream with me, that'd be nice" cole said and she smacked him on his chest.

" shut up" she said and closed her eyes.

cole somehow managed to cover the both of them with a blanket, and rubbed circles on her back.

" sleep tight" he said and kissed the top of her head.

her warm back came in contact with his cold hands and she fell asleep again.

he pressed his lips on her head and slowly fell asleep again with her on top of him.

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