after all, they are lili and cole

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day 1

Lili and Cole had a minor argument, but their ego's intertwined and none of them was ready to say sorry.

Cole went to sleep in the guest bedroom and locked the door behind him, and so did Lili.

Both were really angry at one another.

Both expecting a sorry from one another.

Well, both went to sleep with anger right on their nose.

Day 2

The whole day passed, they don't even say a sing word to each other. Nothing.

They even went to shoot in different cars.

Both made lame excuses to their friends, why they didn't come in the same car.

The day passed, and lucky for them, they didn't have any scenes to shoot together.

They both were somewhere deep down hoping that they could shoot together, and even if it was acting talking to one another.

After all they both love each other to death.

Instead, they didn't even get to shoot a single scene together.

So, maybe not so lucky.

Cole had made last minute plans with KJ, Charles and Casey.
Which, of course Lili has no clue about.
Cami also joined the group.

Cole and her had a conversation which he was dreading.
He really didn't want to talk about it and didn't want to lie either.

" cole, invite Lili too, she packed up 10 minutes ago"
" i don't know if she would want to come or not. she was having a headache last minute" he lied.

She was fine.

Lili was just outside the makeup trailer, where the whole gang was.
She heard cole's voice and changed her tracks.

They handnt seen each other's faces the whole day.

She turned around and just drove back home.

Casey messaged Lili, asking where she was.

" Sorry Case, feeling low, will go home"
" take care Lils"
" I will"

She opened cole's messages and was waiting for a message from him.
Refreshing her phone every
second, hoping.

Anything, a sorry, let's forget about it, i miss you, i love you
literally anything.

But nothing.

She reached home. 

She made dinner for herself and Cole. They hadn't said a word to each other in more than 24 hours.

It turned 11, and it had been 2 hours since they packed.

She was still sitting on the couch, waiting for him to come.

And he was in the bar, practically partying.

She opened her instagram, saw story's of Cami, Casey, KJ, Charles and even Cole's, a photo of him, which he took in the elevator.

She was maybe a little furious. But she decided to let it go.
They were already not on talking terms since yesterday after a not so major fight.

He returned home at almost 12, not at all drunk.

Lili was sitting in the living room, a movie on.
The movie was playing, but she was trying so hard to stay awake.

Once she heard the jingling of keys, she sat up straight, forced open her eyes and pretended to concentrate on the movie.

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