My Cure

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It was a Saturday night and Lili and Cole were kind of not in the best place as of now.
Lili was on the couch reading and Cole was inside their room, editing.
" hey, so maybe do you want to go meet my friends, they have invited us over for a party?" Cole asks Lili.
" Sure, who all by the way" Lili asks closing her book.
" just Dyl, Barbara, Duan, Cienarae, and Alex" Cole says.
" okay" Lili replies standing up.
" we'll leave in 30." Cole said walking off.
Lili really had her anxiety acting up, she didn't want to tell Cole about it for some reason, mostly because they had been distant lately. She also didn't want to say no to Cole, just because she didn't want to fight again.
She was just so not in a party mood.

He smoked and she didn't like it, she used to push him away and he hated it. They both had their differences acting up.

Lili wore jeans and a red shirt with black coloured heels. She kept her hair down.
Cole was also wearing jeans but with a black shirt.

" you ready?" He asked her.
" yeah" she said and they both headed for their car.
The car journey had been normal, they were talking, laughing and listening to music.

Once they reached, Lili saw it wasn't a small party, it was a pretty dang big fat party, the one where every single body gets drunk. She hated coming to such places, she knew Cole knew it too.
" seriously" Lili said under her breath.
" you want a drink?" Cole asked Lili as if nothing was wrong.
That really fired her up.
" no" she said in a straight voice.
" you guysssss" Duan said greeting them both.
" it's been a long time Lili" she said hugging her.
" yeah" she said hugging her back.
They all met everyone and Lili was  pretty straight to everyone. She wasn't in the mood to socialise.

It had been just 30 minutes since they had entered the party and she was already bored to death. She didn't know anyone their. The people she knew were drunk and she just couldn't spot her boyfriend.
She decided to drink a virgin mojito and sat all by herself sitting on the little bar set up.

Lili PoV

That's it. I can't handle being bored more. I've hit rock bottom. I've cared enough for his feelings, he needs to think about me too.
My anxiety is crazy right now.

I finally spotted Cole, with a drink in his hands.
" hey when can we leave." I asked him and he was stinking of alcohol " are you drunk?".
" yeah I am, and so what. We literally just came and you want to leave already." a drunk Cole said.
" I am really sorry, but I'm just not feeling well" I said as polite as I could be even though I was furious.
" I literally just want to enjoy for one night, just be myself. Do you even care about me" he said and we were literally fighting at a party. " if this is who you are, then I am sorry I don't know you anymore" I said.
" you know what, do whatever you want, I am going." I said  it on his face, walking out.
" wait-" he said and I cut him.
" have all the fun you want" I said and I was gone.
I booked a cab for myself and went straight home and didn't know a shit about how to handle things.
As soon as I walked in, I had to puke. I knew this would happen eventually, such places made me sick. And I also have no clue what to expect from my boyfriend anymore.

The whole night I had been puking my lungs out. I was practically dead.
It was almost 8 in the morning and I hadn't slept a wink.
Cole wasn't even home yet.
I heard the doors open and I knew it was him. He finally came back and I was sitting on my bathroom floor, wearing the same clothes since last night, puking and looking like a mess. My eyes bloodshot.

" Lils?" I heard him yell, probably trying to find me.
He walked inside the bathroom and gasped, I squeezed my eyes shut at the sight of him. At least he was looking sober.
I pressed my eyes, tears running down my face and ready to puke again.

" oh my god, what's wrong" he said sitting down with me, holding my hair back and rubbing my back.
" it'd be just great if you go out" I said in the rudest way.
" I am sorry" he said with the most innocent face and walking out.

Seriously? He walked out. He wasn't supposed to walk out. I am done with this man.

He came back inside , with a glass of water, medicine, my towel and a change of clothes.
Ugh I love him.

" take this it'll make you feel better and as for going, that's not happening. I caused all this and I   am going to take care of you.  I shouldn't have taken you there. It was my fault. I know places like that make you sick. Dylan told me how I acted last night. I was a total jerk to you. I am sorry from my heart, I really didn't mean anything I said and I hope you know that" he said and I nodded taking the medicine.
" I am so sorry Lils for leaving you like this all by yourself, if I was here, your condition wouldn't  have gotten this worse. I am sorry. I really didn't want to hurt you" he said with tears in his eyes. I wiped his tears away with my thumb.
" it's okay" I said hugging him.
I forgive him, he realised his mistake, that's all I wanted to be honest.
" now come on get away, you'll also get sick" I said chuckling pushing him lightly.
" that's so not happening."  He said and I smiled a little, then
popped in the medicine.
" go have a shower and get changed, you'll feel better." He said handing me the towel and clothes.
He got my favourite black booty shorts and my favourite T-shirt of his. I smiled. He walked out closing the door behind him.

I got out of the shower feeling clean and so much better now. I walked out and saw he was setting up the bed for me.
" how are you feeling now" he asked looking into my eyes.
" better" I said hopping on the bed, and hoping I won't puke again.
" Rest, Okay? I'll make you soup" he said and before I could say anything he walked out.
I love him so much, it's just that I get really mad at him sometimes.
What? I am a normal girlfriend.

" come on, please drink this up" he said, helping me sit up on the bed. He was sitting besides and opposite to me with the soup bowl in his hands.
" thanks" I said with a weak smile on my face. 
He spoon fed me the soup.
" I can drink it by myself you know" I said and he caressed my thigh.
" I know, but you are tired" he replied continuing to feed me.
" where were you last night" I asked him.
" I slept over at Dylan's, and had a good scolding from him this morning. He literally woke me up by screaming at me." He said " I am sorry again".
" well at least one of you has brains and you need to stop apologising. It's honestly okay. I should understand that even you need to let yourself loose sometimes." I said caressing his cheek.
" you are honestly the best. I love you so much" He said and I pulled him in for a soft kiss.
" I love you too but I don't want to get you sick" I said laughing and pulling away. He smiled and pecked me on the lips before getting up and keeping the bowl away.
" do you need anything" Cole asked me.
" yes." I replied.
" what?" He said waking closer to me. He was standing and I was sitting on the bed.
I stretched my hands out for him to hold and pulled him.
" I want you" I said smiling. 
" well that can be provided very easily" He said chuckling and getting inside the covers with me.
He wrapped his one hand around my waist and the other in my hair, massaging me.
I had my one hand wrapped around him and the other one  on his chest.
He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
" get some sleep love, I promise you'll feel way better" he said.
" I already am, you are my cure" I said pulling myself even closer to him.

This oneshot is actually kind of based of a real incident of me and my boyfriend, except we don't live together and he had to do a lot of begging to get inside my room . 😂
Thanks for reading.
~Ishita XX

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