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Cole PoV

" Guys" I said walking in the makeup trailer.
" wassup" Cami asked me.
I saw Cami, KJ , Charles and Casey were in the trailer.
" okay so I have an extremely cruel idea" I said.
" Cruel?" Mads said.
" yeah I mean, Lili has been pranking on me so much lately and I'm pretty sure you guys know and have had a good laugh already about it" I said.
" yeah, when she added blue food colour in your toothpaste, oh damn I cracked up hard on that one." Casey said laughing.
" haha" I said mockingly.
" okay so what's your plan" KJ asked.
" a fake break up" I said.
" NOPE" Casey yelled.
" yess" KJ yelled.
" I am doing it to come back at her." I said.
" yeah it'll be fun" Mads said.
" what the hell guys. No. I can't see Sprousehart fake breaking up. I am out" Casey said.
" your a softie Case" Cami said.
" damn right" he said, which made all of us laugh.
" I'll do it today evening and I'll FaceTime all of you" I said.
" yeah. Thank apple for the new feature" Cami said laughing.
Lili came in the makeup trailer.
" hey guys" Lili said and walked over to me.
I wrapped my hands around her shoulder, it was a reflex reaction.
" what you guys talking about" she said.
" I have no clue" Casey said.
" huh" Lili said chuckling.
" nothing important" Mads said.
" KJ and Cole on set" our Assistant Director came and announced.

Time Skip to Evening

Okay so everything is set. I am at her place, FaceTiming everyone and hid my phone.
" everyone put your phone on mute" I said and all of them showed a thumbs up.
We were on her couch and she came with a big fluffy blanket and threw it on me.
" serious mode on Cole" I said to myself.
" did you say something?" She asked.
" no" I replied.
" what do you want to watch" she asked.
" okay Lili, before we watch anything. We need to talk." I said trying so hard to be serious and not crack into fits.
" okay, what about" she said tilting her head towards me from the TV.
" I have been thinking lately" I said.
" that's never good" she said with a chuckle and I gave her a serious look.
" okay it's serious" she said.
" I think we should take a break" I said, trying so hard to be serious.
It looked as if she saw a ghost.
" please tell me you are joking" she said.
" I am serious." I said.
" did I do something wrong?" She asked.

Lili PoV

This has to be a joke. I am not losing the one thing that I love.

" did I do something wrong" I asked on the verge of tears.
" I have just not been feeling the same connection lately" he said.
My tears ready to fall.
" oh my god. What the actual hell. You just told me in the morning you loved me and yesterday also ." I said jumping up from the couch.
" I thought it'll be fine, but it keeps getting worse, so for the better, we should take a break." He said.
That's it, tears started to spill. The whole river flowing. He got up.
" oh my god I'm so sorry. It was a prank" he said.
" look, Everyone has been watching, its just a prank." He said and tears still spilling.
" I am sorry" he said wiping my tears.
" you jerk. I hate you" I said hitting on his arm hard, tears still spilling.
" ow" he said rubbing his arm.
" I am not talking to you" I said sitting back on the couch.
" and neither to you guys." I said.
" I'll call you guys later" he said and cut the phone, sitting down next to me.
" I am so sorry" he said.
" I didn't mean to make you cry" he said rubbing my back.
I didn't reply, because I am going to take a revenge.
I looked away from him.
" baby, please I promise I won't do anything like this ever again" he begged.
" I guess we should take a break" I said holding my laughter back.
" what" he said removing his hand and looking like he just saw a ghost.
" gotcha" I said and started laughing.
" oh my god" he said sounding relieved and hit me with a pillow.
I picked up a cushion and hit him back.
" I'll defeat you" I said.
He pulled me by my waist, and I fell on top of him.
He kissed me softly on my lips.
He slid his hand inside my T-shirt and rubbed circles on my back.
" I love you" He said.
" and I love you " I said and pecked his nose, his forehead, his cheek and then placing a soft kiss kiss on his lips.
I pulled away.
" but promise you are never doing anything like this ever again" I said.
" I promise" he said and pulled in for another kiss.

Thanks for reading :)
Leave some suggestions and I promise I'll make them!


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