her smile through his eyes

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short and sweet 🥰

Lili and I were laying in bed and showing each other memes.

it was one of those days when you are just enjoying each other's presence.

a weekday was coming to an end, and you are simply really tired from working all day, and just want your bed and never move again.

well, when Lili and I weren't living together, i would kick back, watch TV, have a beer and just relax.
also get my battery for the next day.

but now, she's the first person i talk to in the morning and the last person i talk to before sleeping.

we both have someone to come home to,and not an empty bed.

" coleeeee"
" earthh to cole"

and i came out of my thoughts.

" yeah yeah" i said and ran my hands up and down her waist.

" where were you lost?" she asked.

" just got lost thinking about how much i love you" i said in a goofy way and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

" really really cheesy" she replied laughing.

" its true though " i said and shrugged my shoulders.

" well for the record i love you too, but look at this" she said and showed me another meme which she found while stalking some meme page on instagram.

her laughing at these silly memes, or her laughing basically was when i really felt alive. was really when my day took off, and i used to realise that i have actually a reason to live.

her smile was brighter than stars for me. my fatigue and exhaustion that used to get collected after a whole day off working, where it went after seeing her smile or hearing her laugh, god even won't know.

her smile used to brighten up my day and her laugh was music to my ears.

her smile was keeping me alive, and giving me a reason to live everyday.

when she used to smile, there was a sparkle in her eyes, and her eyes never looked more beautiful.

her smile.

after a gazillion more memes, she finally decided to keep her phone away.

" can i confess something?" i said. 

" yeah" she replied now looking into my eyes.

" i love your smile" i said and there it was, the priceless brighter than all the stars of the universe combined smile.

" can i confess something too?" she said.

" yeahh" i replied.

" it only exists when i'm with you"

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