NY Streets

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A/N: Riverdale doesn't exist.
Cole is an extremely famous actor , while Lili is about to release her first film and they are dating.

Lili PoV

Cole and I were walking the streets of New York.
We had just gone to Starbucks and I ordered a Venti Vanilla Frappe. I knew I couldn't finish it, but still I got it.
I was wearing black leggings, a white tank top and a long cardigan with it. My hair was in a bun.
Cole was wearing black jogger's, a T-shirt and a striped blue casual coat.
We both were laughing and walking.

" oh no no, you are not giving that to me, to finish it" Cole said.
" it's really good, I swear" I said trying to give him the leftovers of my drink.
" if I don't like it, then you'll be the one finishing it, not me" he said before taking the glass.
" deal" I said and he took a sip.
" I mean it's not too bad" he said.
" I know it's good" I said giggling, while he continued to drink it.
Out of no where I put my hand in his hair and started shaking it.
" what are you doing" he said laughing.
" it's fun you know" I said giggling and giving him a peck on his cheeks, I finally decided to stop and clung onto his arm.

I saw a girl coming from the front and recognised her. Emma.
A girl who was in my high school and we both didn't like each other for some reason.

" Emma." I said looking at her and making eye contact.
" Lili." She said making eye contact with me.
Out of now where she started screaming.
" OH MY GOD IS THAT THE COLE SPROUSE? OH MY GOD" she said and I was cringing hard at her.
" well I am" Cole said chuckling and looking at me.
" yeah he is and calm down for god's sake" I said.
" can I please get a photo with you" she said squeaking.
" yeah sure" he said.
And they BOTH clicked a picture and I was practically thrown out of the picture by her. She barged in between the both of us.
" looks like we both found our favourite CODY on the same day.
You also a fan Lili, I mean who is not" she said.
" actually-" I started but she cut me.
" what a coincidence I mean. We both Met our favourite celebrity together. I remember you fan girling him all the time" she said looking at me.
" so she's-" Cole started but she cut him also.
" I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHH" she said.
" He's my boyfriend Emma. Calm down." I said and she looked like she saw a ghost.
" Cole Sprouse? Your boyfriend? Who you trying to kid huh? He's literally standing here?" She said laughing and looking at him.
" actually she is" Cole said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close.
" that's so not true, I mean Fat Lili and the hottest guy on planet. Not possible." She said trying to pick a fight with me, just like old times.
" I don't give a damn if you believe it or not" I said taking his hand in mine.
" don't you dare call my girlfriend fat again" Cole said and I was pulling him.
" look up Sprousehart on the internet and you'll get your answers dear Emma and for the record he's hot and MINE" I said walking past her with Cole.

" you fan girled Cody?" He asked me smirking.
" yeah I did." I said not even dating to look at him.
" that's something new" he said.
" bla bla" I said.
" who was that" he asked changing the topic.
" that was Emma. We were together in High School and never really liked each other" I said looking at him.
" oh." He said.
" she's a crazy psycho, isn't she" he said laughing.
" you should not talk like that about your fans" I said.
" she was crazy" he said.
" trust me, I know" I said laughing.
" you weirdo" he said.
" I am your weirdo." I said giving him a peck on his lips.

Thanks for reading :). Ik this is short, but I really wanted to write something like this so yeah.


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